this is driving me crazy


New member
how do i change that text under my username? the one that currently reads "LP Freak?" i went round and round and round inside my profile like a headless chicken. lmao, could i find it? nope. please somebody tell me where it is cos id like to change it. thanks.


New member
Ok,I will explain it once again*sighs*:

1)Go where it says User CP

2)Choose the Edit Profile Option

3)Once u have clicked on that option,u have to go where it says:"Optional Information - All information will be viewable by other forum members",and under that tittle there´s another thing that says :

Custom User

TitleThis is the title that appears beneath your name on your posts. Check the 'Reset' box if you wish to use the the default title for your usergroup and post count.

And that´s the place u can change the name below your username



New member
it isn't there. im not being awkward, that option is just not there. *confused* i searched my entire user cp and i cant find it.


New member
I did what you said, but really, it isn't there... I made a screenshot, so you can all check, if I'm not blind or something.


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New member
i having the same prob as all of u guys it soooooo annoy i want a lil title cuz i want to feel speical, lol


Active Members
You get on my good side. I hand select the green members. Asking wont get you in, I decide strictly on Quality of post, and length of time user has been a registered member.


New member
ooooooooooooooook. lol, thass what i thought but ya know, never hurts to be safe

Edit: i shouldn't have registered as a new username then eh. lol, my old one is vertigo. but i got into a whole diff genre of names so i changed mine lol



New member
okay, thanks for clearing that up. is this a new system? its just, i noted that a while ago i had a title - now i don't - and i've never been a green member.
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