mimus wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 14:22:49 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> mimus wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:59:03 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 06:33:19 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:17:50 -0500, david hillstrom wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:12:58 -0500, mimus <tinmimus99@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 05:57:01 -0500, mimus wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just gorgeous, just
>>>>>>>>>> unreal.
>>>>>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.
>>>>>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .
>>>>>>>>> And _now_ we have . . . .
>>>>>>>>> 15 F with a 10 mph NNW wind, gusting to 20-25.
>>>>>>>>> I'm thinking of suing Canada.
>>>>>>>> haw haw haw ha.......
>>>>>>> Great, now the goddam Frost Giants are starting their ****.
>>>>>>> (My porch thermometer, which is exposed to wind, just dropped below
>>>>>>> zero F.)
>>>>>> Wind is irrelevant to a thermometer's functionality.
>>>>> Um, it's my understanding that they're subject to wind-chill, same as
>>>>> the rest of us, which is why weather-thermometers are shielded from
>>>>> wind, not to mention sun and precip.
>>>>> I'm quite sure the actual temp isn't below zero, but my thermometer is
>>>>> claiming otherwise, due to this FRIGGIN' WIND.
>>>>> The weather-man was claiming this is an "Artic Blast", which sez (a)
>>>>> he can't speel "Arctic" and (b) he needs to look his air-masses back
>>>>> up; I hardly think this is the actual Polar air-mass thundering by,
>>>>> just the circumpolar, which is more than bad enough, TYVM.
>>>> Nope. Wind chill only applys to live things. Your thermometer can't
>>>> perspire and have it evaporated at a higher rate because the wind is
>>>> blowing like you can. Still or hundred mile per hour winds, they read
>>>> the same.
>>>> I'm pretty sure I'm right here and if I am, it'll be the first time
>>>> I've won an intellectual argument with you. If this is true, I'll
>>>> NEVER let you forget I kicked your mental azz, buster!
>>>> Whhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............
>>> If the machinery is warmer than the ambient temperature-- for example,
>>> if the ambient temperature is dropping-- wind chill most definitely
>>> takes place, accelerating equilibration.
>> Accelerating to the point of equilibration, yes. But, no wind chill.
>>> And in this case, the thermometer is undoubtedly normally warmed a bit
>>> too by radiation from the house, which heat gets rapidly sucked away by
>>> the rapidly-refrigerating wind.
>> Still agin't wind chill. Just temperature difference battling it out.
>>> HA.
>> And a hi-ho-hearty, "HA", to you too, Sir!
>>> But still doesn't explain why the predicted low was about ten degrees
>>> higher than what the thermometer is reading.
>> Keyword: "Predicted".
>>> I'm beginning to think I need a new one; this one's become discouraged.
>> At least get it a companion. Perhaps it's lonely and wants a mate or at
>> least a friend to keep it company.
>>> And, in fact, I was weaseling above; you're right about wind-chill not
>>> actually dropping temperature below ambient, which was my misconception.
>> Yes! The wonderful admission of defeat.
> I think I was thinking Bernoulli effect would help out.
> After all, if the pressure drops, so does the temperature.
> And I suspect it would help out, with a windspeed of about 1,000,000 mph
> or something.
When you find a million mile per hour wind, let me know, please. Or at
least make a video. That's got to be great fun to watch.
>>> Everybody deserves one win. Even against me. This one was yours.
>> Yes! I win! AGA... ONCE!!!
>> Go me!
>> Yay!
> It may be 5 F out but at least the sun is shining.
Optimism. That's the spirit. It could be overcast with a million mile per
hour wind.
Tim Weaver
I know you believe you understand what you think I said,
but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not
what I meant.