This is kinda weird


New member
Okay this really doesn't concern anything...I was looking thru the forum and I decided to go to the way back and I noticed the date on the posts back there said 1969!! Were computers even invented back then?? LoL, sorry to bother you people but I just think that is weird....


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Active Members
Its just a glitch. When hackers attacked the LPF last year, the forums had to be significantly repaired. We lost alot of post content, and dates was one of them. The dates you see from 1969 are just lost dates. We don't know when the posts were made.


New member
Also, when we upgraded to LPF 3.0, we went from phpBB to vBulletin. The databases of posts and members was 100% compatible, so some things got messed up. Try looking at threads at the last 2 pages of general talk.
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