Thousands across Middle East protest Gaza attack



BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -- Thousands protesting Israel's ground offensive on Gaza converged Sunday in Beirut and Istanbul as the leaders of the only two Mideast Arab nations to sign peace treaties with Israel demanded an end to the attack....


Read the full story.



New member
I too want to protest the fact that Hamas attacked Israeli citizens from inside Gaza.

Let's join the protest.





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New member
It's about time they figured this out...

UN Unveils Guidelines For Proportional War Between Israel and Hamas

Faced with undeniable inequities between Hamas and Israel in their current conflict, the United Nations today unveiled new protocols for proportionate war between the bitter enemies.

“Anyone who is intellectually honest can see that this is not a fair fight,” said UN spokesman Torsten Nordica. “Israel is a well-armed nation state with a track record of unprompted belligerence and a terrifying arsenal of civilian-slaughtering weaponry. Hamas is an inspired group of plucky little freedom fighters desperately trying to eke out a living under the yoke of Zionist tyranny. So, as an impartial international organization, the UN is committed to the maintenance of a level playing field. We call it the ‘International Fairness Doctrine.’”


The IFD allows for the following proportional responses:

1-50 Israeli casualties: Israel may turn off the water in Gaza for up to 10 minutes, or issue a sternly worded reprimand. (Sternness to be judged by a UN-approved committee of unbiased observers from various Middle Eastern countries.)

51-100 Israeli casualties: Israel can blockade hummus shipments into Gaza for one whole day, or issue a written rebuke to Hamas that may contain one vague reference to some type of military action.

101-500 Israeli casualties: Israel may scramble PBS for a period not to exceed two days, but must provide alternative programming from CNN. However, the flow of hummus must not be interrupted.

501-1,000 Israeli casualties: Israel may formally censure Hamas, limiting themselves to one use of the phrase “terrorist-like,” or they may protest the ensuing Hamas celebrations by declaring a “National Day Of Zionist Disappointment.”

Israeli deaths caused by suicide bombings are not cause for retaliation of any sort.

Israel has railed hard against the doctrine, calling it “an unmitigated disgrace” and “tantamount to legalized murder of Jews.” Israeli officials were particularly galled by what they termed the “utter disproportionality” of the approved retaliation, particularly in the case of suicide bombings.

Torsten tried to explain the UN’s thinking behind the suicide bombing rule.

“First of all, I don’t think ‘disproportionality’ is a real word. Second, the person who self-detonated has already paid the ultimate price. He…or she of course–don’t want to be sexist here–is dead. Blown to smithereens. What do the Israelis want? To reanimate that person so that they can be re-killed? I mean, how blood-thirsty can you get?”
UN Unveils Guidelines For Proportional War Between Israel and Hamas The Nose On Your Face
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New member
The Israelis learned from their failures in the last campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon. They know now toi go full scale against Hamas. Palestine elected Hamas. I feel little empathy for there citizens.


New member
So... if the UN decides to give some poor religious group our territory we currently occupy after a world war and they erect walls and sandwich us in a West Bank or Gaza strip with tanks and soldiers for 60 years .. I'll be expecting all you to eat it without a word.. or a rocket.. and if ya do fight back and they bomb the living **** out of you.. Tough sh t.. You deserve it.

Ya know.. is an individual willingly strapping a bomb on to fight the "enemy" and knowingly sacrifice their life for what they hope can be a better future for their children any worse than manipulating and enticing poor kids with money and college to attend humiliating training to brainwash them and strip their individual identity so they can go kill and be killed to maintain someone elses perceived power and control? I think not.. Sounds a bit more respectable than hiding behind a remote control, actually.. If you like to kill people, that is..

Real men don't hide behind remote controls and kill from a distance ~ wez



Bunch of fukking hypocrites.. on both sides.



New member
So... if the UN decides to give some poor religious group our territory we currently occupy after a world war and they erect walls and sandwich us in a West Bank or Gaza strip with tanks and soldiers for 60 years .. I'll be expecting all you to eat it without a word.. or a rocket.. and if ya do fight back and they bomb the living **** out of you.. Tough sh t.. You deserve it.

That's not exactly an acurate account of how it happened.

[ame=]YouTube - The History of the Middle East...[/ame]



New member
We'd save a lot of money if we just gave the Jews a few thousand acres in the middle of Montana.

A better idea would be to give 'em a three mile strip just north of the southern border. Cure our immigration and ME problems with one single action.

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