Thousands Protest Roe V. Wade Decision


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Thousands Protest Roe V. Wade Decision

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Thousands of abortion opponents marched from the National Mall
to the Supreme Court on Tuesday in their annual remembrance of the court's
Roe v. Wade decision.

A smaller crowd of several dozen abortion-rights supporters held their own
rally later, marking the 35th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court
ruling that established the nationwide right to abortion.

Supreme Court police reported no problems or arrests.

Sisters Erin Gordon, 31, and Molly Flaherty, 21, recalled going to the
annual march known as the "March for Life" with their parents when they were
growing up on New York's Long Island.

Gordon, who now lives in Richmond, Va., said she enjoyed the feeling of
unity at the march.

"You really see that the abortion laws in the United States really don't
reflect the heart of America," she said.

More than a half-dozen lawmakers spoke at a two-hour rally on the Mall
before the march.

As abortion-rights demonstrators gathered in the evening, another group of
abortion opponents listened to statements from women who said they have come
to regret their abortions.

In addition to more typical "Defend life" and "Stop abortion" signs, some in
the crowd held banners in support of Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a long-shot
candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.

Paul, a libertarian with an anti-war bent, addressed the rally and spoke of
his credentials as an obstetrician who has delivered 4,000 babies.

"The debate over when life begins should not be a debate. Let me assure you:
All life begins at conception," he said.

President Bush voiced support for those attending the event and hosted about
200 of the demonstrators in the White House's East Room for coffee and

In remarks later broadcast in audio to other demonstrators, Bush said
biology confirms that from the start, each unborn child is a separate
individual with his or her own genetic code.

"Babies can now survive outside the mother's womb at younger and younger
ages," he said. "And the fingers and toes and beating hearts that we can see
on an unborn child's ultrasound come with something that we cannot see: a

Meanwhile, in Missouri, a federal appeals panel ruled that the state must
provide transportation to clinics for inmates who want to have an abortion.

And in Michigan, the Republican-controlled state Senate voted to ban a
late-term procedure opponents call partial-birth abortion. The bill mirrors
a federal prohibition against the procedure that the U.S. Supreme Court
upheld last year.

Abortion-rights supporters say the legislation is a waste of time since
federal law already bans the procedure.

It is unclear how the bill will fare in the Democratic-led House.