Thread Subsrciptions


New member
I was wondering is there anyway to not have automatic updates on threads we recently posted on? I just realized I hadn't checked that and it had subscribed me to 13 threads. took me a minute to delete all the e-mails that this site sent me.


Active Members
Go to your User CP (top of the screen, second from the left) and click on it. Then, on the left side, down towards the bottom of the menu is a button that says 'List Subscriptions'. There is a button below it that says 'Edit Folders'. Click it.

Now, this page will tell you how to add and delete subscriptions to threads. I hope this helps you out. :)

*btw: If your problem is that you are being subscribed to threads without your knowledge, I would PM a mod or something. I would help you but I'm not sure how to fix that. Sorry!



New member
^ Thanks clogz for the info, but my problem is that whenever you post in a thread, it subscribes you to that one. And if you post in mulitple ones, and forget to check your subsriptions, then the e-mails can really pile up.


Active Members
Okay I got it. Go to the User CP, and click on 'Edit Options'.

Now in the second box on that page, if you read closely, you will come across a part that says "Default Subscription Mode". You can read the text and fix the problem there by setting it to 'Do not subscribe'.

This should do it.

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