Ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, ...




Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil
interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers
uncovered. According to informed Washington insiders, there is
increasing evidence of financial links between key "christian Right"
GOP notables and an international ring of Russian
- Ukrainian - Israeli mobsters.

December 11, 2005 -- SPECIAL REPORT. Additional ties between southern
Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil interests, and Russian-Israeli
mobsters and weapons smugglers uncovered. According to informed
Washington insiders, there is increasing evidence of financial links
between key "Christian Right" GOP notables and an international ring
of Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli mobsters tied to notorious Russian
weapons smuggler Viktor Vasilevich (aka Anatoliyevich) Bout.

Bout, whose U.S. assets were frozen by the Treasury Department,
continues to provide various contractor services in Iraq and is
considered by Condoleezza Rice to be out-of-bounds for U.S. law
enforcement authorities. When she was National Security Adviser, Rice
pre-empted an attempt by Sharjah, United Arab Emirates authorities to
arrest Bout. To U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies, Rice
was very clear when it comes to Bout: "Look, but don't touch" was her
direct order to the CIA and FBI. It appears that Bout has gone from
arms smuggler for Al Qaeda and the Taliban to arms runner for the Bush
administration. Bout's British Gulf International Airline, registered
in Sao Tome and Principe and Kyrgyzstan and based in Sharjah, is a
regular visitor to Baghdad International and airports in the north of
Iraq. Bout also made a financial windfall from contracts let to his
airline companies by the former Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority
led by L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer. Bout also benefited from contracts let
to his Dubai-based Falcon Express Cargo by Kellogg, Brown & Root, a
subsidiary of Halliburton.

Bout's British Gulf International contracted to U.S. occupation forces
in Iraq. Bout once provided arms to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Federal prosecutors are already examining links between indicted GOP
lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Italian Mafia hit men who have been charged
with murdering Florida businessman Gus Boulis, former Christian
Coalition director and Georgia Republican Lt. Governor candidate Ralph
Reed, and indicted Texas GOP Representative Tom DeLay. Abramoff
associate Adam Kidan has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in their
investigation of Abramoff, especially deals involving the shake down
of various Indian tribes in shady casino deals.

There is also now interest in the activities of Richard T. Hines, the
head of the powerful Republican lobbying firm RTH Consulting, Inc.
Hines, a South Carolina native and a protege of the late GOP dirty
trickmeister Lee Atwater, was one of the architects of the dirty
tricks campaign by Bush against John McCain in the 2000 South Carolina
primary. A confederate of Abramoff in the 1980s Reagan
administration's covert support network for the Nicaraguan contras,
Angolan UNITA guerrillas, and Afghan mujaheddin, Hines is active in
various Confederacy resurgence organizations, many of which have clear
racist agendas. However, that has not prevented Hines from becoming
the lobbyist for Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh, a military officer who
overthrew Gambia's democratically-elected President Sir Dawda K.
Jawara in a 1994 military coup supported by the United States Navy.

Hines inherited the lobbying contract for Gambia from the eclectic
Washington lobbyist Edward von Kloberg III, an individual who
represented Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Liberia's Samuel K. Doe,
Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, Congolese leader Laurent Kabila, the
exiled King Kigeli V of Rwanda, and Saddam Hussein. Last May, von
Kloberg took a swan dive off of a castle in Rome, allegedly committing
suicide after a spat with a gay partner.

The connections between Hines and Gambia are important since the small
narrow West African country is also a major base of operations for
notorious Russian international arms smuggler Viktor Bout. The Gambia
is the headquarters for one of many of Bout's front companies --
companies that are used to smuggle everything from weapons to diamonds
and mercenaries to international relief supplies. In fact, Bout was
the character on whom fictional arms smuggler Yuri Orlov, played by
Nicolas Cage in the movie Lord of War, was largely based.
Bout's connections with the Christian Right do not end with Gambia.
Bout was Liberian dictator Charles Taylor's primary arms and diamond
smuggler. Bout and his associates were given Liberian diplomatic
passports and, with Taylor's blessing and protection, they registered
a number of their front companies in Monrovia, the Liberian capital.
Taylor, who is now in exile in Nigeria, was a business partner with
Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson. Robertson's organization
mentored both Ralph Reed and Richard Hines. According to British and
Israeli intelligence sources, Taylor also enabled Al Qaeda to launder
blood diamonds for cash through Liberia. Liberia and neighboring
Sierra Leone were where Israeli mobsters engaged in business with
Israeli gangsters who operated under the full protection of the
Israeli Likud government.

Before Likud began purging Mossad of experienced intelligence officers
with ties to the Israeli Labor Party, the Israeli Al Qaeda diamond
financial connection in West Africa was being pointed out by those
officers as suicidal for Israeli interests. However, Taylor and Bout
had powerful interests in the United States: a combination of the
Christian Right and pro-Likud organizations like the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), both of which ignored and continue
to ignore Israeli organized crime connections to Al Qaeda and
Robertson and Taylor were business partners in a Cayman Islands front
company called Freedom Gold, Ltd. In fact, Freedom Gold bas
headquartered at Robertson's CBN offices in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Robertson's African interests also crossed paths with Bout's in
another country -- the former Zaire. Robertson's African Development
Company used the cover of Robertson's tax-exempt "Operation Blessing"
to ferry conflict diamonds out of civil war-ravaged Zaire (now Congo).

A rare photo of Viktor Bout, aka Butt, Bont, Butte, Boutov, and Vitali
Sergitov, born January 13, 1967 and January 13, 1970. Passports:
various Liberian diplomatic, two Russian, one Ukrainian.

A UN Security Council report dated November 30, 2005, lists Bout's
Gambia New Millennium Air Company as having its address at the
residence of Hines' client Jammeh: State House, Banjul, Gambia. The UN
report states, "The Director of this firm is Baba Jobe, who is already
listed on the Liberia Sanctions Committee's assets freeze list.
According to a commercial aviation database, the firm acted as a cover
for Victor Bout's operations. Its one aircraft, a Russian-made
passenger jet, was acquired from Centrafrican Airlines."

It is noteworthy that Hines's client, President Jammeh, just took
possession of the Russian-made VIP presidential passenger jet, an
Ilyushin IL-62 (C5-GNM) [Gambia] (formerly CCCP-86511 [USSR], RA-86511
[Russia], 3D-RTI [Swaziland], TL-ACL [Central African Republic]). And
also of interest is the owner of the presidential aircraft: it is none
other than Gambia New Millennium Air, the Bout-owned company listed on
the UN Security Council freeze list and which is headquartered at
Jammeh's State House in Banjul, the Gambian capital. In fact, the
plane had been previously registered to Bout front companies in
Swaziland and the Central African Republic.

The Gambia: Joins Gabon and Swaziland as another African playground
for the GOP Mafia

Bout, who flew arms and passengers from Dubai and other locations to
Taliban-controlled Afghanistan prior to 9-11, is now providing air
services in post-Taliban Afghanistan as well as U.S.-occupied Iraq.
Bout's transactions with the Taliban were handled by Vial, Inc., a
firm based in Delaware. One of Bout's closest associates is the
Russian-Israeli Odessa-born crime boss Leonid Minin, an Israeli
national who, according to the UN Security Council, travels on forged
German passports as well as legal Israeli, Russian, Greek, and
Bolivian passports under at least ten aliases.
It is also noteworthy that many of Bout's operations are based in
Eastern European countries that have been mentioned in association
with the rendition and transporting of CIA prisoners. Bout's numerous
Russian-built cargo and passenger planes have been seen at the same
airports used by CIA flights. For example, Bright Aviation, a
suspected Bout front, is based at Sofia Airport in Bulgaria. Bulgaria
is believed to be one of the countries used by the CIA to house secret
prisoners. Another Bout front, Moldtransavia SRL, is based in
Chisinau, Moldova, another suspected stopover point for CIA flights.

One Chisinau, Moldova-based Bout front company, Aerocom, which also
does business as Air Mero, is contracted to fly for Kellogg, Brown &
Root in Iraq and elsewhere. Aerocom has also been cited in UN and DEA
reports for being involved in drug smuggling in Belize. Some law
enforcement officials in the United States and Europe believe that the
covert flights being operated by CIA contractors and Bout's companies
in support of secret prisoner movement are also involved in smuggling
drugs. After being subjected to news reports, Aerocom quickly changed
its name last year.

More ties that bind Bush cartel to Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli Mafia:
Bush with Yahya Jammeh, dictator of the Gambia, the client of both GOP
lobbyist and neo-Confederate Richard Hines and international arms
smuggler Viktor Bout.

Bright's Antonov AN-12 planes were also sighted in Western European
airports frequented by CIA aircraft suspected of transporting
prisoners. One of the most interesting connections was the presence of
Bright Aviation's AN-12V (LZ-BRP) on October 5, 2004 at Helsinki's
Vantaa Airport. Just two days before, U.S. private military contractor
Blackwater's CASA C212-CC Aviocar (N960BW) also landed at Vantaa.

Bright's LZ-BRP was also spotted at Budapest Ferihegy on October 26,
April 30, and March 30, 2005; Marseilles on October 27, 2005; Toulouse
in April 2005; Vigo, Spain on October 16, 2005; Amsterdam Schipol on
September 17, 2005; Zurich on June 3, 2005; Plovdiv, Bulgaria on June
11, 2005; Lyons on January 24, 2005; Madrid on January 27, 2005 and
July 16, 2004; Recife, Brazil on November 20, 2004, Zagreb, Croatia on
September 9, 2004; Tenerife (Canary Islands) on June 13, 2004; Ostend,
Belgium on June 2, 2004; and Geneva on May 11 and 12, 2004 (first
visit for this aircraft to Geneva). Another Bright AN-12 (LZ-BRC) was
spotted in Glasgow Prestwick on October 14, 2004; Tenerife (Canary
Islands), where AN-12 visits are extremely rare; Maastricht/Aachen on
December 22, 2003; Lisbon on June 7, 2004; Ostend on September 6,
2002; Stockholm Arlanda on November 5, 2002; Helsinki Vantaa (with the
name Heli Air painted on its fuselage) on October 18, 2005; Budapest
Ferihagy on November 19, 2005 (as Heli Air); and St. John's,
Newfoundland on November 15, 2005 (as Heli Air). Bright's LZ-BRV AN12
was seen at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion on May 25, 2005; Zurich, May 24, 2005;
and Palma de Mallorca on February 18, 2005.

Bout's Air Bas and Irbis Air Russian-made transport aircraft were
spotted throughout 2004 at Bilad airbase in northern Iraq. Bilad is
the airfield near Camp Anaconda, one of the first detention camps set
up by U.S. forces and the site of the first reported cases of U.S.
prisoner torture. A Belgrade-based airline, Kosmas Air, also linked to
Bout, is reportedly transporting weapons from Serbia to both Iraq and

Bright Aviation AN-12 at Zurich airport in May 2005. Bout's aircraft
crossed paths at numerous airports with CIA prisoner flights.

The firm and documented connections between Bout (the smuggler for Al
Qaeda and the Taliban) and Christian fundamentalists and Russian-
Israeli mob interests provide yet more proof that the forces behind
9-11 and other terrorist attacks represented far more than a bunch of
cave dwelling Islamist insurgents in the mountains of Afghanistan and
Pakistan. As 9-11 co-chair Thomas Kean recently said, if there was a
wider conspiracy behind 9-11 it would be a "monstrous" act. Other than
Wahhabi mosques and madrassas around the world, the monsters behind
9-11 and other attacks can also be found in mega-churches in the
South, oil company board rooms in Houston, airfields in the emirates
of the Persian Gulf, Hasidic-run "blood diamond" centers in Europe and
New York, GOP lobbying firms on K Street, and dank and dark arms
warehouses in Ukraine and Moldova.
911review.org wrote:
> http://911review.org/brad.com/911contractors/CIA_contractors_isreali.html
> Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil
> interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers
> uncovered. According to informed Washington insiders, there is
> increasing evidence of financial links between key "christian Right"
> GOP notables and an international ring of Russian
> - Ukrainian - Israeli mobsters.
> http://milfuegos.blogspot.com/2005/12/additional-ties-between-southern.html

So, you consider a blog to be credible?
On Sun, 17 Feb 2008 22:23:31 -0600, David Hartung
<dhartung@none.net> wrote:

>911review.org wrote:
>> http://911review.org/brad.com/911contractors/CIA_contractors_isreali.html
>> Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil
>> interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers
>> uncovered. According to informed Washington insiders, there is
>> increasing evidence of financial links between key "christian Right"
>> GOP notables and an international ring of Russian
>> - Ukrainian - Israeli mobsters.
>> http://milfuegos.blogspot.com/2005/12/additional-ties-between-southern.html

>So, you consider a blog to be credible?

Why not

YOU consider Faux Snooze (an ENTERTAINMENT channel),
the Moonie Times (Korean Cult leaders rag), a host of
Scaife funded propaganda mills (funder of smears), and
parrot crap coming out of a dozen or so republican
propaganda sites----as "credible"