'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put forth to get US to attack Ira

  • Thread starter NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com
  • Start date


'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
forth to get US to attack Iraq):

Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST Jul. 10, 2007
Predicting that sanctions will ultimately fail to stop Teheran's
nuclear program, Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of
Military Intelligence's Research Division, told The Jerusalem Post on
Monday that time to launch an effective military strike against Iran's
nuclear installations was running out.
According to Kuperwasser, who stepped down from his post last year,
Iran is "very close" to the point that it will cross the technological
threshold and have the capability to enrich uranium at an industrial
level. Once they master the technology, the Iranians will have the
ability to manufacture a nuclear device within two to three years, he
"The program's vulnerability to a military operation is diminishing as
time passes," Kuperwasser said, "and they are very close to the point
that they will be able to enrich uranium at an industrial level."
Report: Iranian general providing top intel. to US
In an article entitled "Halting Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program:
Iranian Vulnerabilities and Western Policy Options" published this
week by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs - run by former
Israeli ambassador to the UN Dr. Dore Gold - Kuperwasser spells out
what he believes is the only course of action that will stop Iran's
race to nuclear power.
Thanks to technological sophistication, advances in producing raw
materials as well as intermediate products and the improvement in
protection of the program's components, the Western world is beginning
to find it difficult to plan an effective strike against Iran's
nuclear facilities, he said.
On Monday, The Washington Post revealed new satellite photos of Iran's
enrichment facility at Natanz which showed the digging of a tunnel
that analysts said could be used to hide and protect key nuclear
Iran, Kuperwasser said, was working on two parallel tracks - one at
Natanz to enrich uranium and the plutogenic track being worked on at
the Arak heavy water facility.
As long as Russia was not aligned with the United States, Kuperwasser
said sanctions would not work on their own to stop Iran.
"For significant sanctions to be effective the world needs to at the
same time threaten the use of military force," he said. "Iran needs to
be made to understand that if the sanctions won't work, the world is
prepared to use military force to stop the nuclear program."
He said Iran was preparing for the possibility of war, but that deep
down the Islamic leadership did not believe that either the United
States or Israel were in a position of strength that would enable them
to launch such a complicated military operation. Iran, he said, was
purchasing Russian air defense systems and was fortifying its nuclear
facilities and moving key elements to underground bunkers in
preparation for the possibility that its assessments were wrong and it
would in the end be attacked.
"The Iranians are working around the clock on improving military
capabilities and they are also moving centrifuges to underground
facilities," he said.
Kuperwasser said that a real threat of military action - backed up by
credible threats by world leaders as well as the deployment of a large
military force to the region - could have the right effect in
deterring Iranian leaders from continuing with their nuclear program.
A credible military threat combined with economic leverage had a
chance at preventing the need for a future clash with a nuclear Iran
and perhaps could also make it unnecessary to deal today with an Iran
that is close to nuclearization, he said.


The following was posted by Cat Moy who co-wrote the book about Cindy


Monday, July 09, 2007

Posted By:
Catherine Moy
Permalink "Peace Mom" leads Freedom Fighters in War on Pelosi

Cindy Sheehan's announcement that she will challenge House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi if she doesn't introduce articles of impeachment against
President Bush raises a serious question: Who is Cindy's base?

We know the Universe chose her to ignite the anti-war movement - or so
she told us - but most of the universe can't vote for Sheehan. Well, I
may be wrong about that. She would be running in the Bay Area, where
aliens have free rein to healthcare, in-state tuition, welfare and
voting booths.

Aside from aliens, Sheehan would draw from a wide range of people:
felons, drug addicts, and anybody with more body piercings than
Frankenstein's wife. The one group she may not have in the bag is the
anti-war group. I know this sounds outrageous, but the "Peace Mom' has
some trouble with the folks who put her on the map.

She has done a heck of a job alienating Moveon.org, the radical-left
machine that helped pay for anti-Bush campaign commercials in 2004
starring a weeping Sheehan. When Sheehan "retired" some six weeks ago,
she reamed Moveon like she was a well-seasoned proctologist. I suppose
they won't be throwing in for her campaign.

Then there are her old homeboys, such as James Morris. Morris is the
fellow whom Sheehan accused of writing an "anti-Semitic" email to Ted
Koppel in her name. Here is the controversial text:

Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he
was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel.
My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid?
No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this
world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con
PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11
because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy ... not for the
real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-
eastern foreign policy.

Many attacked Sheehan as anti-Semitic, but she swore she had nothing
to do with the email. Sweetness & Light nailed Sheehan for going
wobbly on her anti-Zionist credentials. But Morris warned Sheehan in a
letter, which he shared with me, that she may not have the right stuff
for his liking:


In running against Nancy Pelosi I can assume that you wouldn't dare
resist the pro-Israel influence coming from AIPAC though (see the
first page and the last twenty pages or so via
http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=53 ). Look how
you caved so cowardly when the Zionist pressure came your way when you
did what you did to me nationally on the Fox News Channel as well (see
as I hope you pre-order a copy of the soon to be released Mearsheimer/
Walt book by searching under 'Mearsheimer' at www.amazon.com, and you
might want to buy a copy of James Petras' book on the power/influence
of the pro-Israel lobby via www.amazon.com as well - see
http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=75239 for his
latest article as Christopher Hedges' 'A Declaration of Independence
from Israel' article can be found via http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=75227
as it is a must read as well):

If Sheehan weren't a lapsed Catholic, she might want to go in for a
little penance - or better yet, an exorcism.

I am well aware that many leftoids consider Sheehan their imam, a
leader and teacher of all things pure. Melanie Morgan and I wrote in
"American Mourning" about the cultish behavior of some who traveled in
2005 to see Sheehan in Crawford, Texas. One guy fasted and cleared his
mind of all thoughts but Sheehan. This mind-clearing exercise was, of
course, not very difficult given the wide-open spaces inside his

Cindy blogged today that she is already getting a lot of support,
which is believable given the numbers of folks who believe Sept. 11
was an inside job and that our great U.S. military has lost in Iraq.

The feedback I have been receiving since then has been about three to
one positive and supportive. Some people have offered to quit their
jobs to move to California's 8th to help my possible campaign. People
are lining up to donate and help and I am again very grateful and
touched beyond belief by the generosity and energy of my fellow

Still, Sheehan faces other hurdles in her bid to oust Gen. Pelosi. No.
1: residency. When Sheehan retired as the face of the peace movement
mere weeks ago, she said she was going "home" to spend time with her
family. Her ex-husband and son live in Vacaville, but Cowtown isn't
the place from which to launch a San Francisco campaign. Sheehan's
daughters live in Dixon, where she now calls home. Dixon isn't much
friendlier to dictator-coddling types, but I understand Sheehan keeps
a low profile there.

The residency thing could be tricky. But I have an idea: Ed Jew. He is
the San Francisco supervisor who is under investigation for living
outside of the district that he's supposed to represent. The only
problem Sheehan may have with him is his last name. Still, his pad
would be a great safe house for Sheehan as she wages jihad on Pelosi.
The Peace Mom may even want to hire Jew as a consultant for residency

The left-wingers of the left coast may face some interesting moral
decisions if Sheehan takes on Pelosi. Consider the Catholic vote.
Traditional Catholics, like me, would shy away from either candidate
like a vampire from garlic. But we're talking San Francisco. Sheehan's
Catholic credentials include being fired as a youth minister because
she was teaching untraditional issues to her charges and she had a
penchant for calling the pastor and some bishops "liars." Both Sheehan
and Pelosi are pro-abortion rights candidates, so that should set well
with leftist so-called Catholics.

I think it is fair to say that the Catholic vote is up for grabs.

Both women have done a fine job attacking President Bush. This is a
top concern of voters in the 8th Congressional District of California,
which takes in most of San Francisco. This is the city where "leaders"
tried to force the Blue Angels from performing flyovers, the ROTC are
considered Mephistopheles' children, and military men and women must
avoid wearing their uniforms in case they are mistaken as members of
the Village People.

Bush won only 14 percent of the vote in the 8th district during the
last election. When Sheehan calls the president a "*******," and the
"world's No. 1 terrorist," the district cheers her on. Pelosi works
hard at demeaning the presidency, but Sheehan has the edge here.

Because San Francisco is generally anti-military, both candidates have
instant credibility. Sheehan says now she wants instant pullout from
Iraq, but she admitted during a rally last year in San Francisco that
the white-flag-of-surrender option would take time. No "troops out
now." Sheehan will score points with the hate-America crowd because
she is actually on record (and photographs) loving on Venezuelan
dictator Hugo Chavez.

Important safety tip to Pelosi's camp: Chavez loves Sheehan and will
likely share the billions he has stolen from his countrymen to pad her
war chest. (I know this is illegal, but rules don't apply to the Peace

Sheehan may have the upper hand when it comes to getting the "out
there" vote. This includes non-traditional Democrats. Sheehan has
already written off mainstream Democrats, if there is such a thing.
This is a brilliant political move with Congress' ratings lower than
an ant's sewer system. More of her blog:

I was a life-long Democrat only because the choices were limited. The
Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started
every war in the 20th Century except the other Bush debacle. The
Federal Reserve, permanent federal (and unconstitutional) income
taxes, Japanese Concentration Camps and, not one, but two atom bombs
dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan were brought to us via the
Democrats. Don't tell me the Democrats are our "Saviors" because I am
not buying it especially after they bought and purchased more caskets
and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more
of George's abysmal occupation and they are allowing a melt down of
our representative Republic by allowing the evils of the executive
branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity.

Last but not least, Sheehan must come up with a name for her party.
May I suggest Freedom Fighters? Sheehan actually coined this name for
the people who killed her hero son, Casey Sheehan. Terrorists shot
Casey on April 4, 2004, in a Baghdad slum where he was on a rescue
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:32:52 -0700, NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com

>'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
>forth to get US to attack Iraq):
>Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST Jul. 10, 2007
>Predicting that sanctions will ultimately fail to stop Teheran's
>nuclear program, Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of
>Military Intelligence's Research Division, told The Jerusalem Post on
>Monday that time to launch an effective military strike against Iran's
>nuclear installations was running out.
>According to Kuperwasser, who stepped down from his post last year,
>Iran is "very close" to the point that it will cross the technological
>threshold and have the capability to enrich uranium at an industrial
>level. Once they master the technology, the Iranians will have the
>ability to manufacture a nuclear device within two to three years, he
>"The program's vulnerability to a military operation is diminishing as
>time passes," Kuperwasser said, "and they are very close to the point
>that they will be able to enrich uranium at an industrial level."
>Report: Iranian general providing top intel. to US
>In an article entitled "Halting Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program:
>Iranian Vulnerabilities and Western Policy Options" published this
>week by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs - run by former
>Israeli ambassador to the UN Dr. Dore Gold - Kuperwasser spells out
>what he believes is the only course of action that will stop Iran's
>race to nuclear power.
>Thanks to technological sophistication, advances in producing raw
>materials as well as intermediate products and the improvement in
>protection of the program's components, the Western world is beginning
>to find it difficult to plan an effective strike against Iran's
>nuclear facilities, he said.
>On Monday, The Washington Post revealed new satellite photos of Iran's
>enrichment facility at Natanz which showed the digging of a tunnel
>that analysts said could be used to hide and protect key nuclear
>Iran, Kuperwasser said, was working on two parallel tracks - one at
>Natanz to enrich uranium and the plutogenic track being worked on at
>the Arak heavy water facility.
>As long as Russia was not aligned with the United States, Kuperwasser
>said sanctions would not work on their own to stop Iran.
>"For significant sanctions to be effective the world needs to at the
>same time threaten the use of military force," he said. "Iran needs to
>be made to understand that if the sanctions won't work, the world is
>prepared to use military force to stop the nuclear program."
>He said Iran was preparing for the possibility of war, but that deep
>down the Islamic leadership did not believe that either the United
>States or Israel were in a position of strength that would enable them
>to launch such a complicated military operation. Iran, he said, was
>purchasing Russian air defense systems and was fortifying its nuclear
>facilities and moving key elements to underground bunkers in
>preparation for the possibility that its assessments were wrong and it
>would in the end be attacked.
>"The Iranians are working around the clock on improving military
>capabilities and they are also moving centrifuges to underground
>facilities," he said.
>Kuperwasser said that a real threat of military action - backed up by
>credible threats by world leaders as well as the deployment of a large
>military force to the region - could have the right effect in
>deterring Iranian leaders from continuing with their nuclear program.
>A credible military threat combined with economic leverage had a
>chance at preventing the need for a future clash with a nuclear Iran
>and perhaps could also make it unnecessary to deal today with an Iran
>that is close to nuclearization, he said.
>The following was posted by Cat Moy who co-wrote the book about Cindy
>Monday, July 09, 2007
>Posted By:
>Catherine Moy
>Permalink "Peace Mom" leads Freedom Fighters in War on Pelosi
>Cindy Sheehan's announcement that she will challenge House Speaker
>Nancy Pelosi if she doesn't introduce articles of impeachment against
>President Bush raises a serious question: Who is Cindy's base?
>We know the Universe chose her to ignite the anti-war movement - or so
>she told us - but most of the universe can't vote for Sheehan. Well, I
>may be wrong about that. She would be running in the Bay Area, where
>aliens have free rein to healthcare, in-state tuition, welfare and
>voting booths.
>Aside from aliens, Sheehan would draw from a wide range of people:
>felons, drug addicts, and anybody with more body piercings than
>Frankenstein's wife. The one group she may not have in the bag is the
>anti-war group. I know this sounds outrageous, but the "Peace Mom' has
>some trouble with the folks who put her on the map.
>She has done a heck of a job alienating Moveon.org, the radical-left
>machine that helped pay for anti-Bush campaign commercials in 2004
>starring a weeping Sheehan. When Sheehan "retired" some six weeks ago,
>she reamed Moveon like she was a well-seasoned proctologist. I suppose
>they won't be throwing in for her campaign.
>Then there are her old homeboys, such as James Morris. Morris is the
>fellow whom Sheehan accused of writing an "anti-Semitic" email to Ted
>Koppel in her name. Here is the controversial text:
>Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he
>was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel.
>My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid?
>No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this
>world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con
>PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11
>because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy ... not for the
>real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-
>eastern foreign policy.
>Many attacked Sheehan as anti-Semitic, but she swore she had nothing
>to do with the email. Sweetness & Light nailed Sheehan for going
>wobbly on her anti-Zionist credentials. But Morris warned Sheehan in a
>letter, which he shared with me, that she may not have the right stuff
>for his liking:
>In running against Nancy Pelosi I can assume that you wouldn't dare
>resist the pro-Israel influence coming from AIPAC though (see the
>first page and the last twenty pages or so via
>http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=53 ). Look how
>you caved so cowardly when the Zionist pressure came your way when you
>did what you did to me nationally on the Fox News Channel as well (see
>as I hope you pre-order a copy of the soon to be released Mearsheimer/
>Walt book by searching under 'Mearsheimer' at www.amazon.com, and you
>might want to buy a copy of James Petras' book on the power/influence
>of the pro-Israel lobby via www.amazon.com as well - see
>http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=75239 for his
>latest article as Christopher Hedges' 'A Declaration of Independence
>from Israel' article can be found via http://www.warwithoutend.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=75227
>as it is a must read as well):
>If Sheehan weren't a lapsed Catholic, she might want to go in for a
>little penance - or better yet, an exorcism.
>I am well aware that many leftoids consider Sheehan their imam, a
>leader and teacher of all things pure. Melanie Morgan and I wrote in
>"American Mourning" about the cultish behavior of some who traveled in
>2005 to see Sheehan in Crawford, Texas. One guy fasted and cleared his
>mind of all thoughts but Sheehan. This mind-clearing exercise was, of
>course, not very difficult given the wide-open spaces inside his
>Cindy blogged today that she is already getting a lot of support,
>which is believable given the numbers of folks who believe Sept. 11
>was an inside job and that our great U.S. military has lost in Iraq.
>The feedback I have been receiving since then has been about three to
>one positive and supportive. Some people have offered to quit their
>jobs to move to California's 8th to help my possible campaign. People
>are lining up to donate and help and I am again very grateful and
>touched beyond belief by the generosity and energy of my fellow
>Still, Sheehan faces other hurdles in her bid to oust Gen. Pelosi. No.
>1: residency. When Sheehan retired as the face of the peace movement
>mere weeks ago, she said she was going "home" to spend time with her
>family. Her ex-husband and son live in Vacaville, but Cowtown isn't
>the place from which to launch a San Francisco campaign. Sheehan's
>daughters live in Dixon, where she now calls home. Dixon isn't much
>friendlier to dictator-coddling types, but I understand Sheehan keeps
>a low profile there.
>The residency thing could be tricky. But I have an idea: Ed Jew. He is
>the San Francisco supervisor who is under investigation for living
>outside of the district that he's supposed to represent. The only
>problem Sheehan may have with him is his last name. Still, his pad
>would be a great safe house for Sheehan as she wages jihad on Pelosi.
>The Peace Mom may even want to hire Jew as a consultant for residency
>The left-wingers of the left coast may face some interesting moral
>decisions if Sheehan takes on Pelosi. Consider the Catholic vote.
>Traditional Catholics, like me, would shy away from either candidate
>like a vampire from garlic. But we're talking San Francisco. Sheehan's
>Catholic credentials include being fired as a youth minister because
>she was teaching untraditional issues to her charges and she had a
>penchant for calling the pastor and some bishops "liars." Both Sheehan
>and Pelosi are pro-abortion rights candidates, so that should set well
>with leftist so-called Catholics.
>I think it is fair to say that the Catholic vote is up for grabs.
>Both women have done a fine job attacking President Bush. This is a
>top concern of voters in the 8th Congressional District of California,
>which takes in most of San Francisco. This is the city where "leaders"
>tried to force the Blue Angels from performing flyovers, the ROTC are
>considered Mephistopheles' children, and military men and women must
>avoid wearing their uniforms in case they are mistaken as members of
>the Village People.
>Bush won only 14 percent of the vote in the 8th district during the
>last election. When Sheehan calls the president a "*******," and the
>"world's No. 1 terrorist," the district cheers her on. Pelosi works
>hard at demeaning the presidency, but Sheehan has the edge here.
>Because San Francisco is generally anti-military, both candidates have
>instant credibility. Sheehan says now she wants instant pullout from
>Iraq, but she admitted during a rally last year in San Francisco that
>the white-flag-of-surrender option would take time. No "troops out
>now." Sheehan will score points with the hate-America crowd because
>she is actually on record (and photographs) loving on Venezuelan
>dictator Hugo Chavez.
>Important safety tip to Pelosi's camp: Chavez loves Sheehan and will
>likely share the billions he has stolen from his countrymen to pad her
>war chest. (I know this is illegal, but rules don't apply to the Peace
>Sheehan may have the upper hand when it comes to getting the "out
>there" vote. This includes non-traditional Democrats. Sheehan has
>already written off mainstream Democrats, if there is such a thing.
>This is a brilliant political move with Congress' ratings lower than
>an ant's sewer system. More of her blog:
>I was a life-long Democrat only because the choices were limited. The
>Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started
>every war in the 20th Century except the other Bush debacle. The
>Federal Reserve, permanent federal (and unconstitutional) income
>taxes, Japanese Concentration Camps and, not one, but two atom bombs
>dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan were brought to us via the
>Democrats. Don't tell me the Democrats are our "Saviors" because I am
>not buying it especially after they bought and purchased more caskets
>and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more
>of George's abysmal occupation and they are allowing a melt down of
>our representative Republic by allowing the evils of the executive
>branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity.
>Last but not least, Sheehan must come up with a name for her party.
>May I suggest Freedom Fighters? Sheehan actually coined this name for
>the people who killed her hero son, Casey Sheehan. Terrorists shot
>Casey on April 4, 2004, in a Baghdad slum where he was on a rescue

The U.S still has time to attack Iran, although I think the summer of
2008 is the cut off point - too close to the election after that.
On Jul 10, 12:08 pm, EFill4Zaggin <EFill4Zag...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:32:52 -0700, NOMOREWAR_FORISR...@yahoo.com
> wrote:
> >'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
> >forth to get US to attack Iraq):

> >http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1183980036210&pagename=JPo...
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:16:50 -0700, ffranco@mailandnews.com wrote:

>On Jul 10, 12:08 pm, EFill4Zaggin <EFill4Zag...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:32:52 -0700, NOMOREWAR_FORISR...@yahoo.com
>> wrote:
>> >'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
>> >forth to get US to attack Iraq):

>> >http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1183980036210&pagename=JPo...
>> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
<NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> 'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
> forth to get US to attack Iraq):

Death to Iran!

Bomb Iran NOW!
Patriot Games wrote:
> <NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1184088772.733953.218940@a26g2000pre.googlegroups.com...
>> 'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
>> forth to get US to attack Iraq):

> Death to Iran!
> Bomb Iran NOW!

And your strategy for the global war that ensues following this attack
is what?
On Jul 11, 2:35 pm, "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@The_Beach.com>
> <NOMOREWAR_FORISR...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1184088772.733953.218940@a26g2000pre.googlegroups.com...
> > 'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
> > forth to get US to attack Iraq):

> Death to Iran!
> Bomb Iran NOW!

JERUSALEM - Iran estimates Israel will strike Tehran's nuclear
facilities ... and blame US Forces.hoping to avoid Iranian
retaliation. Steve Rosen of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) asked the DOD to put American assets in place for an
air strike against Iran..

Also, it becomes apparent that the US is building up its naval forces
in the Persian Gulf region.preparing for an attack on Iran. Pentagon
officials confirm such a buildup Most analysts believe war is
inevitable as long as Bush remains committed to providing and
protecting Israel's oil supplies from Iraq and their other economic
interests in the Middle East.The United States has asked Israel to
check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries
in Haifa. This is currently very high, as Israel imports oil from
Russia. The pipeline would bring the badly needed Iraqi oil directly
from Iraq to the Mediterranean and the Jewish refineries in Haifa.

The U.S. Defense Department sent a telegram to the Israeli Foreign
Ministry on the possibility of pumping oil from U.S.-occupied Iraq to
Israel as soon as possible. Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil
from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are constantly being discussed
between Washington, Tel Aviv, and the new American hand selected Iraqi

Israeli Nuclear Strike On Iran
Turned Back By USAF

A recent strike by nuclear-armed Israeli Air Force fighter-bombers
bound for targets in Iran was turned back after being intercepted by
U.S. fighters over Iraq.

Israeli nuclear strikes are not unprecedented. Soon after Desert
Storm, U.S. Navy pilots told this reporter in Kuwait how in late 1990
Israel made good on its pledge to respond in kind to WMD attacks by
launching nuclear-armed aircraft against Baghdad following a lethal
assault on Tel Aviv by Scud missiles tipped with chemical warheads.
That air strike was called off when the Americans refused to provide
the vital IFF codes needed to fly through U.S.-controlled airspace.

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:36:13 -0700, James McGill
<jmcgill@email.arizona.edu> wrote:

>Patriot Games wrote:
>> <NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1184088772.733953.218940@a26g2000pre.googlegroups.com...
>>> 'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
>>> forth to get US to attack Iraq):

>> Death to Iran!
>> Bomb Iran NOW!

>And your strategy for the global war that ensues following this attack
>is what?

Probably nuclear war.
"Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@The_Beach.com> wrote in message
> <NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:1184088772.733953.218940@a26g2000pre.googlegroups.com...
>> 'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
>> forth to get US to attack Iraq):

> Death to Iran!
> Bomb Iran NOW!

The Jews are using the same successful tactics for the planned invasio of
Iran that they used for the invasion of Iraq. Already the radio preachers
are telling their flocks that they have information given to them by Israeli
soldiers and agents that all the weapon Hussein had are now in Syria and
Iran. These simple-minded charlatons claim to have inside contacts within
the zionist organization and therefore they are getting G_D's truths. It
is starting. Soon the President will claim to have satellite photos showing
the convoys exiting Iraq. He will give the lot to his female token and she
will give the sequel of General Powell's foolmaking presentation to the
world. The Jews have been after Iran ever since their puppet, the Shah,
was deposed. " ... 10. The United States was anxious to have other
countries supply
assistance to Iraq. For example, in 1984, the Israelis concluded that
Iran was more dangerous than Iraq to Israel's existence due to the growing
Iranian influence and presence in Lebanon. The Israelis approached the
United States in a meeting in Jerusalem that I attended with Donald
Rumsfeld. Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir asked Rumsfeld if the
United States would deliver a secret offer of Israeli assistance to Iraq.
The United States agreed. I travelled wtih Rumsfeld to Baghdad and was
present at the meeting in which Rumsfeld told Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq
Aziz about Israel's offer of assistance. Aziz refused even to accept the
Israelis' letter to Hussein offering assistance, because Aziz told us that
he would be executed on the spot by Hussein if he did so. ..." from "teicher
Jewish terrorists: " ... 10. The United States was anxious to have other
countries supply
assistance to Iraq. For example, in 1984, the Israelis concluded that
Iran was more dangerous than Iraq to Israel's existence due to the growing
Iranian influence and presence in Lebanon. The Israelis approached the
United States in a meeting in Jerusalem that I attended with Donald
Rumsfeld. Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir asked Rumsfeld if the
United States would deliver a secret offer of Israeli assistance to Iraq.
The United States agreed. I travelled wtih Rumsfeld to Baghdad and was
present at the meeting in which Rumsfeld told Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq
Aziz about Israel's offer of assistance. Aziz refused even to accept the
Israelis' letter to Hussein offering assistance, because Aziz told us that"
"stand for israel" encourages Christian churches, leadership and
individuals to support Israel and the Jewish people through prayer and
advocacy." from ifcj.org about helping Jews remove Arabs in Palestine.

Example of Jewish terror against Christians:

" ... Ever since Benjamin Netanyahu -- Israel's prime minister from 1996 to
1999 -- cultivated ties with U.S. Evangelicals and other Christians during
his tenure, Israeli governments have sought to strengthen relations with the
sector of the Christian world which, for religious reasons, tends to take a
pro-Israeli view of the Arab-Jewish conflict. On Mr. Robertson's website, he
says that God gave this land "to the descendants of Israel," not to
"so-called Palestinians." Older churches, such as Orthodox and Catholic
denominations, have more local Palestinian followers and tend to support
that side of the conflict. ...". A Theme Park for Holyland? Ilene R.
Prusher, csmonitor.com

he would be executed on the spot by Hussein if he did so. ..." from "teicher
Major infiltration of zionists in the Jesus-jumpers and Bible thumpers,
"James McGill" <jmcgill@email.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> <NOMOREWAR_FORISRAEL@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:1184088772.733953.218940@a26g2000pre.googlegroups.com...
>>> 'Time running out for Iran strike' (similar to the pressure Israel put
>>> forth to get US to attack Iraq):

>> Death to Iran!
>> Bomb Iran NOW!

> And your strategy for the global war that ensues following this attack is
> what?

There won't be a global war after we bomb Iran.