Tips and tricks



If you are racing off an MX gate start as far back as they will allow so if you creep anticipating the start you have a little room....

dont blip the throttle while waiting for the gate to drop pin it and go....



New member
I was reading about trying to keep your elbows up for more control. I tried to be more conscious of it last time out and it seemed to help. Gives you better control over the bars.

TP Racing

Active Members
This is very important! By doing this I can't believe the amount of control you get compared to having them by your side! ^^^

Another thing, when you are going into a corner really make sure to get down into the pocket on your Quad. If you don't you will likely tip over, and tire out a lot faster because of the work you are trying to do to not tip over.

And when you get out of the gate make sure to get all your weight to the back wheels, helps with traction so your not spinning quite as much.

It is also key that you can clear the jumps, because if you are not able to get over all the jumps and have to kinda roll over them 9 times outa 10 your going to be getting past, and getting past=no first place!


TP Racing

Active Members
Also when going into a corner, I fond it a lot easier to lean forward a bit allowing your back wheels to slide around the corner a little easier.

TP Racing

Active Members
A lot of stuff on corners here lol! When going into a corner be thinking about how your going to be coming out of it!


Active Members
Some stuff I remember from my MX days.


- smooth and steady is better than out of control

- pace your race, you can go from first to last in a lap without crashing - Ive done it

- don't outride your ability - this is when you crash

- Look ahead at whats coming, not at your front wheels and what they are already hitting, much easier to choose your lines.

- don't use un-necessary energy trying to look cool

- winning a race is all in cornering, and I disagree with either being hard on the throttle or hard on the brake. think of physics and how energy and motion work - they don't like abrupt changes.


TP Racing

Active Members
And stay calm! When you get all tensed up arm pump comes on way fast! along with your whole body just getting tired uber fast.

TP Racing

Active Members
Found another thing that helps, Always look in and out of where your going like through corners. I found that if you think about crashing and then not looking at where you need to go you will crash lol


New member
not so much a racing tip but when climbing challenging hills you have to know you are going to make it to the top, if you think you will crash you probably will.

another thing i do is roost up the start of the hill then coast back before attempting the hill to get a feel of how the quad will react to the hill.

pick a line that you like, dont just pin the throttle and go then try to figure it out.

knowing how to feather the clutch is very important... for hills and corners...

having the right tires and tire pressure is very important along with gearing. for the hills i like a lightweight predictable tire like the OHTSU MR501.

if you know you arent going to make it to the top lean forward, stall the motor and grab the front brake while diving over the right front tire. while still holding the front brake with one hand grab the bumper with the other and wrap your legs around the right front tire.

always have spotters on challenging hills


TP Racing

Active Members
not so much a racing tip but when climbing challenging hills you have to know you are going to make it to the top, if you think you will crash you probably will. another thing i do is roost up the start of the hill then coast back before attempting the hill to get a feel of how the quad will react to the hill.

pick a line that you like, dont just pin the throttle and go then try to figure it out.

knowing how to feather the clutch is very important... for hills and corners...

having the right tires and tire pressure is very important along with gearing. for the hills i like a lightweight predictable tire like the OHTSU MR501.

if you know you arent going to make it to the top lean forward, stall the motor and grab the front brake while diving over the right front tire. while still holding the front brake with one hand grab the bumper with the other and wrap your legs around the right front tire.

always have spotters on challenging hills
Thanks for the tips man!

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