Tired of SD talking about herself


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
K i see that SD is going to do something like sit back and "gander" at us while we talk amongst ourselves.
Well we will see how long that last.

I just want to find out who is REALLY tired of hearing that everything is about HER!
Kryptonite Man said:
You think YOU'RE tired of her? Wait'll you get a load of ME!! :mad: :mad:

Thats ok KM i dont want a "LOAD" of anyone...keep that **** to yourself. Lets not start war...thats just PATHETIC
Kryptonite Man said:
lol Point taken. But what I meant to say was I'm about as tired of SD as you are. :D

Ohh... I'm not tired of Silver Dragon. As much as I dislike the dumb canuck, she has every right to speak out, have her voice heard. Whether its on this site or another, she's bound to make folk hate her.
Ya but the least we coud do is straighten her out a little (for the sake of the next poor saps left to deal with her)