Tizz fell off the deep end


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
I think Tizz needs a week in the idiot box. She is freaking out because of the people in N.O. are suffering. She has flown over the Coo-Coo's nest now....read some of her post if you dont believe me and i usually AGREE with her. But on this....SHE IS BEING IDIOTIC!
Do what you want with me. It is not as if I care or it matters. I know who I am and and I know what I am passionate about. If I wasn't I would not have pledged myself to a lifetime of effort to Blossom International. There are things in life that I feel are worth getting angry, frustrated, bewildered and mournful over. If that makes me an idiot than so be it. I would rather be an idiot any day as opposed to a heartless **** more interested in blaming people for their misfortune than doing something to help others. Different set of morals I suppose.

Go ahead Phreak box me if I deserve it.
Don't tell me about it, I'm just doing a job, you need to be voted in first, don't ask me for anything for or against this.I have my own opinion, but then, this ain't my argument. So I took the neutral vote.
LIke I said, I really don't care either way. I mean really, it's the idiot box. If I truly thought I was that much of an idiot I would pull a chairman moa and get myself thrown in, but in this case I could care less as I know where my passion, beliefs and morals lie.
I doubt anyone would idiot box you for having alot of sympathy for the victims. None of the people who DID NOT show sypmathy or show very little never got boxed. So why should you?