To the Citizens of New Hampshire

  • Thread starter Citizen Jimserac
  • Start date

Citizen Jimserac

YOU have an historic opportunity to stop
another rich man's son, slick and well financed,
the "businessman", from making the United
States of America - President, be the next
hot item on his "resume".

"Mitt" was stopped dead in his tracks in Iowa
by an 11 year old girl who asked him,
'what is the first thing that you would do as president'?

"Mitt" stated that the first thing he would do is assemble
a team.


This is NOT the boardroom
of a big company we're talking about here, its the UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA. But bean counter brain "Mitt"
does not seem to know the difference. What is he,
another neo-Con?

By now we have all seen the weakening, self defeating and economy
busting results of the neo-con delusion that the United States of
America can be run like a business, like a large corporation - even to
the point of endangering our defense and sovereignty by making "deals"
with foreign enemies... er, I mean "trading partners".

Mitt talks up a good deal about "change" in Washington but when it
comes to REAL change, like completely changing our tax system, "Mitt"
is not one of the proponents.

We don't think for a second that New Hampshire-ites are as stupid
as "Mitt"'s campaign managers seem to think.

And, "Mitt" is completely in agreement with Hilary, that we MUST keep
insurance companies and health care "providers" (sic) in order
to have a viable privatized health care system -> a fallacious
delusion in the light of nearly 50 million people who currently have
NO coverage at all
and complelety overlooking recent spectacles such as of a young woman
who died of Liver cancer while Cigna was making up its mind and then
flip flopping to "allow" her to have a transplant. We MUST end this
kind of disgrace and that means

That doing this entails dramatic reforms
and initiatives far beyond the bean counting
mentality of a "Mitt" Romney is yet another
reason to NOT vote for him.

"MITT" is just a streamlined version of George Bush Jr. with elements
of Nixon and even a dash of Clinton thrown in.

Choose wisely New Hampshire-ites and let us confirm
the decision of Iowa voters that our votes and our elections
cannot be bought and paid for by slick well greased with money
campaign "machines" and Roveian attack ads.

Last two elections, we got a PRETEND President.

This time around, let's get the real McCoy, and THAT
is NOT "Mitt".

Citizen Jimserac