Top official subpoenaed over VA hospital deaths


Yahoo! News

By David Lawder WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki rejected calls for his resignation as a congressional committee voted to subpoena him on Thursday over charges his department caused deadly delays for veterans' healthcare at some of its hospitals. The American Legion veterans group and two Republican U.S. senators have called for Shinseki to step down following reports on whistleblowers' claims that up to 40 veterans died while waiting for appointments or specialist care at the VA hospital in Phoenix. The House Veterans Affairs Committee in a voice vote approved the subpoena ordering Shinseki and other top VA officials to produce all emails and written correspondence sent between April 9 and May 8 related to the disappearance or destruction of a secret patient wait list at the Phoenix hospital. "The last few weeks have been a model of VA stonewalling, which precipitated the need for a subpoena," said the committee's chairman, Republican Representative Jeff Miller.

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