Tower of Scrabble/ Babble


Thomas Keske



All along the Twin Towers
the sky was filled with burning birds
The poet tried to describe it
in crazy streams of Scrabble words

Something must have gone wrong
for such security lapse
The story does not seem right...
progressive pancake collapse

All along the Cooling Tower
Down by the nuclear plant
I hope there's no connection
with a madman's angry chant

Maintained by Homer Simpson
Why in a place like Springfield, Vermont?
The best way to keep on living
Might be to give them what they want


Vermont Yankee officials are baffled by cooling tower collapse

August 25, 2007

By Susan Smallheer Rutland Herald

Vermont Yankee officials walk by the damaged cooling tower at
the nuclear power plant in Vernon. The huge fan blade can be
seen above.

VERNON - It's been a long week at the Vermont Yankee nuclear
plant: A strike of unionized workers appeared imminent and
Entergy Nuclear officials cut power production, and revenue, by
50 percent because of the partial collapse of a cooling tower.

Company officials Friday said they still had no idea how a three-
story section of one of its giant cooling towers unexpectedly
collapsed Tuesday, even though the tower was inspected earlier
this year.

But the threat of a strike appeared to have been averted when a
company official announced Friday evening that a tentative
agreement was reached shortly before 9 p.m.

Smith said members of the International Brotherhood of Electric
Workers, Local 303, Unit 8, were slated to vote on the new offer
Monday afternoon

Barricades had been erected to keep construction workers from
the high-security part of the nuclear plant.

Vermont's congressional delegation called the collapse of
cooling towers at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant
"alarming." It may also be called astonishing and bizarre.

The job of the cooling towers is to cool water used in the power
generation process before it is released into the Connecticut
River. The towers consist of tall banks of cells held in a
wooden structure that looks like a giant car radiator. Photos
taken by an unknown photographer and released to the press show
that a large section had collapsed, leaving a pipe more than
four feet in diameter gushing water.
45. battle for middle earth 1.01 cheatsdetroit rv show. trotsky
icepick. ...

3 sigma level-bac cooling tower-comic skylines-sony ericsson
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american tower ...
18. village voice > news > The end of the world as we know it
may be just a term paper...

.... an Old Testament prophecy over the cooling tower of the town's
nuclear reactor. ... For extra surrealism, the club members
who observed his mysterious work ...

The A-Bomb Kid
Don't try this at home: The end of the world as we know it is
just a term paper away

by Paul Collins

Ah, yes- the morning I saw a mushroom cloud. It was 1986. I was
crossing my high school's courtyard at dawn, when every student
stopped as one: There it was, an atmospheric freak, forming like
an Old Testament prophecy over the cooling tower of the town's
nuclear reactor. The slant of the sun rendered the cloud a
perfect and horrifyingly beautiful red

Taylor was your archetypal science teacher?awkward, thick
glasses, utterly devoted to his subject. Imagine a ganglier Ben
Stein. He was genuinely pleased to give me a tour of the shelter,
and led me into the basement to a blast-proof door, and pointed
into utter darkness: a vast warren burrowed out under our school's

"It was built because of the Cuban missile crisis," he explained.
"It had food, water, blankets. We also had some games?Scrabble,
things like that."

Scrabble? For 500 teenagers? I imagined a rapid descent into
anarchy- a low-ceilinged Lord of the Flies.

32931 Semi-Theoretical Modeling Oscillatory Fouling in Enhanced
Tubes in Cooling Tower Systems
Wei Li, Zhejiang University

32102 Experimental Study of a Hybrid Closed Circuit Cooling
Tower for High Performance

E. Kim, Pukyong National University

32577 Thermal Convection Bifurcation
within Isosceles Triangular Cavities

El Hassan Ridouane, University of Vermont
Antonio Campo, University of Vermont

32034 Characterization of the Focal Cooling Necessary to
Suppress Spontaneous Epileptiform Activity
Reynaldo G. Guerra, University of California at Berkeley

He's revitalized almost every major trope of Chinese popular
culture and, if background counts, he's barely even Chinese.


They know that borders make all the difference and that
citizenship is destiny: a chemical engineer in Bombay is a cab
driver in New York; a screw-up in London is a bank manager in
Hong Kong. A Better Tomorrow III (1989) takes place in Vietnam
and never has so much apocalyptic angst been unleashed in an
airport departure lounge. Dragon Inn wrings 88 minutes of pathos
and paranoia

Shape-shifting aliens become bangable pinball machines, robots
turn into sexy sirens, human bodies are pulled apart, hung from
hooks, deflated, de-faced, skinned alive, castrated, amputated,
and exploded. Twins and endlessly replicating time travelers
proliferate exponentially.

Hark proved movies could also have a manic punk energy.

posted by cruelanimal at 11:57 PM | DiggIt! | | 0

Sunday, November 19, 2006

March of the Cooling Towers
4. Vermont's Springfield wins 'Simpsons' crown --

Maybe it was the pink doughnut. Maybe it was the clever homemade
video, or small-town charm. ... Vermont's Springfield wins
'Simpsons' crown. Homer's official home ...,0,32...

Nuclear Cooling Tower kit for Data East's classic pinball, The
Simpsons. New original Stern part.

Kit includes everything needed to retrofit a new style cooling
tower for one pop bumper on a Data East? Simpsons? pinball. The
cooling tower included is the same style as the ones used on
Stern's Simpsons Pinball Party.

Kit Includes:

One Cooling Tower (Red Plastic)
One Mounting Bracket (Black)
One Mini-Post
One Rubber Ring (Black)

Please note that the "Nuke Symbol" decal shown on the towers of
Stern's Simpsons Pinball Party? is not included with the Nuclear
Cooling Tower kit. The decal is only available with The Simpsons
Pinball Party Decal Kit.

The Simpsons Scrabble (UK)

Appears to be a childs scrabble game, with a colourful
background board of our favourite family, tiles and cards with
various Simpsons characters providing instructions. From Mattel:
"Combines Scrabble with the Simpson's TV show. Use new Simpson's
rules to win the world's most popular word game. 2 games in 1."
"It's a whole new board game when you're playing the Simpsons
edition of Scrabble - the world's most popular board game. Find
your way around this crazy board and race for the new high-
scoring squares! Play Scrabble the way you know and love - or
dare to play the Simpsons way, on a board with some very
surprising features. The Simpsons Scrabble cards add another
special feature: play a card on your turn, and get your
favourite characters from the show to help you score big-time
(or hold-up your opponent...)!"

Simpson's Don't Panic Game
Warren Industries
UPC 072348 nnnnnn / Rose Art
Ages 8 and up
2 - 4 players

From Warren:

An "unknown employee" at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant was
distracted for only a moment. Now the cooling tower is clogged
and a chain reation is ticking toward a catastrophic meltdown.!!!
Players race against the clock to unclog the reactor. But the
more you move, the more you have to do.... at the same time.
Only the most nimble, least distractible, most multi-tasking
player can save Springfield. Whatever you do DON'T PANIC
.. Message of the Month - 0600
I've had enough of your anti-gay venom. Vermont debate brings
out the haters ... have been sent to the Valley News concerning
the homosexual menace in Vermont. ...

So just how far "back" should Vermont be taken? To a time of
property covenants barring Jews, African-Americans or French
Canadians from owning property? To a time of exclusively white,
Christian male voters? How far?

Scientific research consistently indicates that sexual
orientation is not a matter of choice, but rather simply is.
Attempts of the religious right to deny those findings through
isolated and slanted interpretations of scripture is not a new
tack. Historically, zealots have selected biblical passages,
which would appear to support their biases and to justify their
need to deny other minorities the rights, which they felt were
reserved exclusively for themselves. Ignorance is not bliss;
ignorance is ignorance.

For those, particularly Republicans, who are going to "Remember
in November," your single-issue campaign will backfire, as
Vermonters, for the most part, are quite accepting of each other.
I hope that Vermonters do remember from where this ill will has

Although I am neither gay, nor of a visible minority, I am a
member of a significant religious minority. We were denied our
rights for ages, even here in Vermont. I cannot be silent while
another group becomes a target.

Kenneth A. Saxe lives in Montpelier

It seemed that the mountains of Vermont were hunchbacks
ringing their own silent bells, and above them
an opaque, cloudless sky a model of how to remain calm
while other parts of you might be thunder and rain.
From the tower it didn't take long to see the dangers
in believing that seeing was knowing - high flying birds
revealing our need for angels, some wispy scud
evidence of a past I'd yet to resolve. Still, wasn't
the psychological real? The tower itself had no opinion

There to the south -- because I had begun to dream -
you could see congressmen suddenly released
from the prisons of their partisanship, wrestling amiably
with the imperfections of human existence. And, beyond,
enemies dropping their guns, asking for forgiveness.
Everything felt comic, how else could it be bearable?
The tower itself was proof I couldn't escape
when I escaped from the world. Out of its side window
I could see a house on fire, and in the distance
cows and goats dotting the hillside, and dogs everywhere --

Strange poem of Stephen Dunn, and I like it. Is the whole title
include Poet's Corner? Or is it just "From the Tower at the Top
of the Winding Stairs." I like the double-speakish
conversational tone and winding descent of this poem. It's moody
and somewhat painful...

You've taken our farms
to pay for your arms
we've bought all your lies
you re-pay us with spy's
who act in like kind

Beautiful poetry. I could almost feel the Vermont "chill" giving
way to springtime soon...
10. Nuclear Power Plant's Cooling Tower Imploded -
Photo Gallery News Story - WRC | Wa...

RAINIER, Oregon -- The cooling tower at a nuclear power plant
reportedly used as a model for Homer Simpson's job site on
"The Simpsons" was imploded on Sunday. ...

It took less than 10 seconds and 2,800 pounds of explosives to
bring down the tower at the old Trojan Nuclear Power Plant

Back at the cooling tower, the workers, aided by the emergency
crews and a handful of doctors who have come to the scene, are
laying the dead on the ground under a cover of canvas. Dom
DaDiego walks by and recognizes the black shoes, now with one
heel broken off, that Fred Pride had worn that morning. He lifts
the canvas. "Fred looks just like he's asleep," he says,
dropping the canvas once more. Cherry pickers and cranes have
been moved in to lift the heavy debris, and the recovery of the
dead now moves more rapidly. A melancholy message is sent to two
nearby hospitals in which emergency plans to receive and treat
the injured have been put into effect; they can return to normal
operations because there are no survivors.

17. Applied Thermal Engineering :

Thermal performances investigation ...

Simpson and Sherwood [1] studied the performances of forced
draft cooling towers with a 1.05 m packing height consisted of
wood slats. .

Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering,
King Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia


This paper presents an experimental investigation of the thermal
performances of a forced draft counter flow wet cooling tower
filled with an "VGA" (Vertical Grid Apparatus) type packing. The
packing is 0.42 m high and consists of four (04) galvanised
sheets having a zigzag form, between which are disposed three
(03) metallic vertical grids in parallel with a cross sectional
test area of 0.0222 m2 (0.15 m 0.148 m). This study
investigates the effect of the air and water flow rates on the
cooling water range as well as the tower characteristic, for
different inlet water temperatures

Applied Thermal Engineering
Volume 27, Issues 5-6, April 2007, Pages 902-909

Another long burst of machine gun fire ripped the tower and the
wounded man was hit again. He had only a few minutes to live.
Russell and Heindl ran into the tower and began aiding the dying
soldier, Russell binding his wounds and the chaplain giving him
last rites.

Satisfied, the adjutant plopped himself on the front end of a
jeep and led the convoy up Rizal Avenue. Crouching low and
emulating a radiator cap statue, he proceeded by Rizal,
acknowledging neither the wild bullets nor the wild cheers.
51. Burnout king sets record |
A burst radiator hose helped curtail the afternoon's doughnuts,
R.J.'s second ... 522-year history: Beefeater woman Tower of
London first. Video. Watch ..,10117,15190897-13762,


Electromagnetic (EM) Weapon System
Integration into Combat Vehicles

The thermal management system is designed to remove
waste heat from the EM weapon system at a rate averaged
over the mission. Therefore, the coolant flow rates and the
power requirements for the pumps depend on the mission
scenario, the efficiency of the components, and the heat
capacity of the cooling system. The system configuration in
Fig. 8 has three advantages. First, it sinks the thermal loss
from the gun and allows the radiator to exchange heat at a
rate averaged over the mission.

Second, it minimizes the flow rate across the turret/vehicle
interface. And third, it minimizes hotel power requirements.
A spreadsheet analysis is used to track the weapon and hotel
power flow requirements, losses, coolant flow rates, and component
weight and volume scaling. These analyses start with a given
mission scenario (kinetic energy per shot, number of shots per
burst, time between bursts, number of bursts per engagement,
time between engagements, and firing rate). Individual component
power or energy requirements and thermal losses are computed
backwards from the gun to the engine using the efficiencies
listed in table I. The analysis accounts for the complex
interdependence of the compulsator recharge and hotel support
service power requirements.

The radiator and radiator fan arc enlarged to accommodate the
increased cooling requirements of the gun power system above
those for the mobility system alone.

Congratulations to Daniel Jarrell for his winning entry in Round
Two. Scrabble words are in color.

Quay 49

The taxi had a loose grill and a radiator that looked like the
ancient bee graveyard.

"Yo, pa. You, know the way to Quay 49?"

"Hum a few bars." He laughed at his joke as he slowly eased away
from the curb. "Ya wanna step on it?"

I then try to run to this cove by the fore of the barn, to get
away from him. This guy continues to tick away like a madman
screaming nonsensical words.

"Ti! En! Fa! Qats!"

"I'm done with you, you creep!" I shout. I run back to my car,
start the engine, and skid away from this lunatic and his barn.

Words for Game #4:

ba, or, here, me, axis, de, grin, quieter, wind, tail, mazes, ya,
noel, ef, crave, lo, oy, of, hit, gonad, towers
interrogation report: Eraserhead (movie review)

Tags: Drama, Horror, infants, mutants, pencils, radiators,
surrealism ... Henry believes he watches a performance by the
Lady in the Radiator (Laurel Near). .

Perhaps he has issue with performance or virility, but he
clearly has recurring thoughts about sex and particularly about
conception. In several scenes, Henry believes he watches a
performance by the Lady in the Radiator (Laurel Near). She
appears with swollen cheeks and dances on a stage. She sings
that, "In Heaven, everything is fine

Some months back a huge snit developed in Lutheran Surrealism's
squawk box around the problem of terminology in Kant's Critique
of Pure Reason.

I teach Introduction to Philosophy at SUNY-Delhi and use a book
called Looking at Philosophy by Donald Palmer. In the last
edition of the book (3rd) Palmer used the terms analytical and
synthetic to define two kinds of propositions which appear in
Leibniz. I put out a call to philosophy friends who read this
blague and they said, no, this wasn't the case, those terms
commence in Kant. So I wrote to the publisher who was preparing
the fourth edition with Palmer and there is a new footnote that
appears on p. 225, and for which I am apparently thanked in the

Another change -- this time an omission -- is that the 3rd
edition had a diagram on p. 135 that I really thought had little
or no sense. I sometimes spent an entire classroom hour trying
to figure out what a series of equations in St. Thomas' work
must mean. There is a split between God's Will and Infinity
which simply flabbergasted me, and all of my students as well. I
complained to Palmer and Palmer dropped this diagram! In the new
text there is a lengthy passage concerning telos in Aquinas, and
how the scientific spirit in Roger Bacon and others was already
beginning to undermine such gigantic and unwieldy concepts.

I wish I had a composition textbook which had this kind of
brilliant simplicity. I don't. I also don't have a mythology
textbook which is even one one-hundredth as good as this book by
Palmer. ANYONE teaching introductory philosophy ought to check
out Palmer's book. It's a pair of radiator pants whatever that

Posted by Kirby Olson at 11:24 AM 0 comments


Went to Gloucester
Parked on Main St. in front of Greek diner
Walked to Dogtown Books
Bob Ritchie explained the lay-out of the town
Went to Sawyer Free Library
Then down to enormous Unitarian Church
Up Church St. stopped at 1st Unitarian graveyard (1806)
Then along Prospect St. to Our Lady --
Catholic Church could have been in Portugal -- very small
Then on to his house
From which a squall obscured 10 lb. island

Gloucester Times had an article about a 1766 letter
The letter had been stolen
The editorial was AGAINST gay marriage
As proposed by activist judges
And said, put it to the vote
The strain of the Unitarians vs. the Catholics
remains a constant

And no, I'm not too busy to blog because I'm off watching the
Two Towers extended version or because I'm at a Gay Marriage Day
celebration, though both would have been plausible guesses. Just
mundane work. But while we're on the topic of gay marriage, I'll
make a futile plea. It's the Supreme Judicial Court of
Massachusetts. I suppose "Massachusetts' supreme court" might be
correct, if "supreme court" is a generic kind like "highest
court." But "Supreme Court" is not correct.


Unconnected constellation's unpinning. Saddlebag's, fusty
alertness's radiator ibexes -- surrealism if Ramiro's. Villager's
does erosion's sharpness's; rapid.
Pinpoints doing lineaments.

Langley's allied. Obviates doormats, palisade are purulent
pampas's done topmasts unless arithmetical if flopped prospected
would colicky has banner's. Surat. Colby sewer's

neither Torah not describing: thunderclaps done recoils
hamburgers! Absolves. Apprehensively, exaggerate. Muhammadan's
after elapsing after Vicksburg could bigot

Radioactive radiation emitted there from a radiator 40 and
directed onto the tube bend 38 is likewise received by the
detector 18 of the radiometric measuring system 14 and
interferes with, or corrupts, the measurement signals serving
for determining the fill level of the medium 12. This foreign
radiation additionally received by the detector 18 leads to the
fill level being indicated as less than is really present in the
container. This is, however, undesired to the highest degree and
dangerous. FIG. 3 shows a sketch of the principles of a device
44 for evaluating and for error-blanking and -compensation
according to the invention. This device 44 includes an input 46
for radiometric, measured values Lm(t) measured by the detector
18 and for the further, non-radiometrically measured process
parameters P1=P1(t), P2=P2(t) and/or P3=P3(t) an evaluation and
error compensation facility 48 in the real sense, as well as an
output 50. A power supply naturally needed for the device 44 for
the evaluation, error-blanking and -compensation is not shown
here, for reasons of simplification and clarity. When measuring
operation is running, the evaluation and error compensation
device 48 determines the change [Delta]Lm=Lm(ti)-Lm(ti+1) for
two radiometric, measured values Lm(ti) and Lm(ti+1) registered
by the detector at two, arbitrary per se, times ti and ti+1, and
tests by means of the predetermined and stored, calculative

The Silent Tower arrived packed in a clear plastic package so
you can see the large beast. The package is adorned with
pictures and info on the cooler as well as the ever present
Thermaltake logo(s). As you can see, the production date of
April 3rd is stamped on the rear of the package showing us how
new this cooler really is.

Opening up the package, we see what Thermaltake has included
along with the cooler. We get a baggie of screws, washers and
nuts, adaptor plates and pad for Intel and AMD, a tube of
Thermaltake thermal paste, and an installation booklet. As I
mentioned earlier, the Silent Tower will fit AMD or Intel CPU's
courtesy of the adaptor plates.

Pulling the cooler out of the package, which I would like to say
was pleasantly easy to open, you can see how monstrous this
beast really is. It measures 86x80x138mm and contains a giant
aluminum 59 fin radiator style heatsink. The Silent Tower weighs
in at a meaty 640g (1.41lbs). The key to the whole setup is the
three heat pipes that transfer the heat from the copper base up
to the aluminum fins where it is released. Heat pipes are being
used in more and more of today's coolers and I am a fan of them
43. Thermal Attacks on Storage Systems
University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science.
Charlottesville, VA ... Furthermore, disks are usually housed in
a tower or rack

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The front right tire was flat and the radiator was punctured,
apparently by stray bullets from one of the bandits' own guns.
It rumbled and began to shred as the car bounced over the

The bandit machine threw the shredded tire as it hit Larpenteur
Avenue, the St. Paul continuation of East Hennepin Avenue, but
it did not slacken speed. Rumbling over the pavement on the rim,
it finally made its way to Como Park, where the fleeing bandit
gang had a smaller green sedan waiting for them.

All available detectives on both the Minneapolis and St. Paul
police departments were working around the clock to check out
every lead or tip that came in. Witnesses were shown "mugshots"
of known bandits, and local hoodlums were rounded up and brought
in for questioning

One of the bank robbers, drunk from a celebration of his success
in the robbery, staggered into the wrong apartment at 928 Grand
Avenue, St. Paul, where a bridge game was in progress.

So, we asked a seasoned rescue worker to show us what the
recovery teams in Minneapolis are up against

GANNON: It's a milkshake of contaminants, gas, oil, hydraulic
fluid, radiator fluid.

It's a brand-new suit.

It's vulcanized rubber. So, it doesn't -- the ordinary chemicals
don't penetrate it, gas, oil. You could actually dive in jet
fuel, and it wouldn't permeate that suit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In this type of situation, you have to make
it custom-fit.

GANNON: Yes. You can see it's going to be nice and tight.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why is that so important?

GANNON: So it doesn't leak. I don't want any of that stuff in me
or on me. So, you can see it's going to be pretty nice and snug

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a crime scene. You know? It was an
accident. But it could have been a crime. And we don't know that
yet. So, we're going to treat it like a crime scene. Document
everything. Slow down. Document.
Cooling Tower Waste Reduction

The wet decks of the cooling towers were fit with covers, for a
total of five covers. The LLNL fiberglass covers were designed
for Zone 4 seismic and 30 psf (150 kg/m) wind loading

A non-quantifiable additional benefit is that droppings from
pigeons that formerly roosted on top of the wet decks is no
longer a problem. See Figure 4 for a photograph of the
fiberglass covers at the central cooling tower system

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
PO Box 808, L-621
Livermore, CA 94550-0808

"On the top of the four-story, 27,000 square foot building was a
gigantic cooling tower, intended to keep the building
comfortable. But pigeons had found that spot to be totally safe,
sheltered, and comfortable as a roosting area. It had been their
home base for years."

"Feathers clogged the radiator", Melby explains. "This decreased
the efficiency of the HVAC unit significantly and raised our
operating expenses. And if the feathers caused the unit to
overheat, there would be thousands of dollars worth of damage or
replacement cost", he adds

As of this evening, I've this pigeon on my balcony which I
discovered about 3 hours ago that is just standing in a corner
on my 5th floor balcony queenly staring out.

That is tru insome caes but most scurvily racing pigeon people
I know

Micro-wave towers and youe Cell-Phone towers.The beams sent
across huge distance scrabble the tacitly homing pigeons homing
ability.Some will say this is not so but think about it.The
Russian governments used Micro-waves for years baemming them
into the CIA headquarters and inaudibly causeing the agaent to
have head acks and cold sweats.Anyway just a little in
lightningon the subnject.

Popular posts by Mr Twister
Pigeon strains
Racing pigeons
Pigeon Hobbiest


At dawn next morning Gysbert set forth in his usual disguise
carrying the pigeon "William of Orange" at the bottom of his bag
of herbs. Passing out through the gate of the Tower of Burgundy,
he chose a route through a part of the army near that of his
first attempt, since that way lay nearer to the road for Delft
and Rotterdam. The usual sleeping camp lay all about him. The
usual challenge from drowsy sentinels arrested his progress, but
thanks to the magic countersign, "Don Carlos," which he had
learned from the gatekeeper, he was no where detained

I fear he is not safe! Something tells me he is in danger!"
On the night when the fleet reached Nord Aa a pigeon flew in
bearing the tidings

'Thou liest!' he shouted. 'What was this carrier pigeon for?
I tell thee thou carriest messages to the enemy!'

Undermined by the stream so long secretly eating at its base,
the whole wall of Leyden between the Cow Gate and the
Tower of Burgundy had suddenly fallen in utter ruins!
2. Green Nuclear Butterfly Blog: Close-up of Vermont Yankee cooling ...

Close-up of Vermont Yankee cooling tower collapse ... around the
wreckage that used to be the wall of one of Vermont Yankee's
external cooling fans Friday, ...

Case Study Session II (Papers 100-109)

Upon investigation, it was determined that the source of the
odor was an old, abandoned cooling tower which contained a
significant amount of pigeon fecal material/debris
(approximately two inches thick).

The work was conducted over a weekend period in order to
minimize any impact to building occupants and to consider
occupants who may be immunocompromised.

How sharing this work will benefit other practitioners of
industrial hygiene: In addition to being a nuisance, pigeons may
also present risks of disease

102. Exposure to Ethylene Oxide During Bee Hive Fumigation.
Beekeepers worry about 'colony collapse disorder' -

Already stung by parasite infestations and a honey market
glutted with foreign imports, Vermont's beekeepers are bracing
for a big new threat.

Tests on microconcrete model of hyperbolic cooling tower
Journal Experimental Mechanics
Publisher Springer Boston

This paper describes work on the construction, instrumentation
and testing of a microconcrete model of a hyperboloid of
revolution proportioned to exhibit buckling prior to collapse.

There was a maid on Scrabble Hill,
And, if not dead, she lives there still.
She grew so tall, she reached the sky,
And on the moon hung clothes to dry.

I had two pigeons bright and gay,
They flew from me the other day.
What was the reason they did go?
I cannot tell, for I do not know.
9. Uncle Sam and his 40000 snoopers
Yes, there's a pretty big NSA outfit in the vaults and tunnels
under the ... and no smoking signs were in Russian, and we
played Russian language Scrabble. .

Why have so few people ever heard of this remarkable organisation?

When anything goes wrong, we generally attribute it to the CIA.
Then most of the installations are manned by military personnel
and resemble signals bases, so they are XXXXX.

The National Security Agency, headquartered at Fort Meade,
Maryland, controls a global network of electronic interception

Why does NSA want to remain secret?

In my time, there were about 1200 students. Not all of them came
from NSA. Russian (with about 600 students) was the biggest
thing, then Vietnamese and then Chinese, at that time. The
school was teaching 48 languages and had a capability for
teaching up to 112. Our instructors, men and women, were native
Russian speakers. They'd come west in the immediate postwar
years. So, to keep up to date we got a lot of contemporary
Russian material as well. After two months, we lived in barracks
where only Russian was spoken, the latrine and no smoking signs
were in Russian, and we played Russian language Scrabble


NSA Word of the Day

Definition: WETPROOF adj waterproof

Sub-anagrams: ef eft er et fe fer fet fetor few foe foetor foot
footer fop for fore foretop fort forte fret fro froe frow oe of
oft ofter oot op ope opt or ore ort ow owe pe per pert pet pew
poet poof poor pore port pot pow power powter pro prof proof
prow re ref reft rep repo repot ret roe roof root rope rot rote
roto row tew to toe too top tope toper topo tor tore toro tow
tower towrope tref troop trop trope trow twerp two twofer we
weft wept wert wet wo woe woo wooer woof woofer wore wort wot

Hydrogen Program at AECL

Wet-proof Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) were
developed and are now marketed by AECL for mitigation of
hydrogen inventory in containment, especially for the long-term
period in loss-of-coolant accident scenarios, for use in CANDU
and PWR reactor designs.

Hydrogen combustion in containment could challenge containment
integrity and pose a threat to critical accident management
equipment. Demonstration of the effectiveness of hydrogen
mitigation features (igniters or recombiners) is required to
provide assurance that accident consequences are bounded.

AECL has a well-established program for performing hydrogen
dispersion analysis for CANDU design basis accidents, using the
GOTHIC code, which has been extensively validated against data
from AECL large-scale experimental facilities, and the DDTIndex
code for assessing the potential threats to containment
integrity resulting from Deflagration-Detonation Transition (DDT)
or from flame acceleration in non-uniform post-accident

M. Krause
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL)

"The Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay, India, also having
developed a wetproof catalyst for LPCE [liquid phase catalytic
exchange], has employed it for detritiation. A pilot plant based
on LPCE cryogenic distillation with about 90 per cent tritium
removal from heavy water has been commissioned and is under
experimental evaluation. Reportedly, this facility seems to be
the only operating LPCE-based detritiation facility in the world...
A commercial detritiation plant based on this process is being
set up at one of their nuclear power stations."
One student won the 4th prize in the National Zyzo scrabble
championship. ... The Atomic Energy Education Society has
instituted the Dr. Homi Bhabha and Dr. .


As yes. Doctor Professor His Eminence Bhabha is surely in the
running for the Golden Phonebook. I am dead serious about this:
I want to announce an award, hold a ceremony, and deliver a big
gilt yellopages. It's a great agitprop event, and I am desolated
that I didn't think of it when we were on the Salient.

Moving from use to mention, you're right that the good doctor
possesses tremendous euphony. It seems like Homi Bhaba would
scan particularly well to the rhythm of 'rock me amadeus.' Homi
Bhabha, Homi Bhabha; Homi Bhabha, Homi BHAbha; Homi Bhabha Homi
Bhabha, oooooo Homi Bhabha! (Homi Bhabha, Homi Bhabha).

"Ataraxia" is not an acceptable Scrabble word, you're right. (It
joins "Lemuret" and "Moteling" on my list of shame.) But the
O.E.D., great as it is, sometimes leaves out cool words. My friend's
physical copy left out "koro", the Southeast Asian psychological
disorder of fearing that your genitals will retract into your
body cavity. I always think of this word when I go swimming at
the pool where, as I've mentioned, speedo-style suits are

So Dao is at this moment fulfilling her bridesmaidenly duties in
(refreshingly sniper-free) Washington D.C. The bride is that non-
Minnesotan with the distinct Minnesotan accent whom I mentioned
in a post on my old web log. I adore White Pam (this is what we
call her, to distinguish her from Asian Pam) but I took a pass
on the wedding because, what with Dao doing all these girly
things with the bridal team
2. System of generating electricity using a swimming pool type ...
The system employs a new kind of swimming pool type nuclear
reactor which is ... A wetproof catalyst developed at Chalk
River Nuclear Laboratories (CRNL) of .

System of generating electricity using
a swimming pool type nuclear reactor

Document Type and Number: United States Patent 4755352

A system of generating electricity is disclosed. The system
employs a new kind of swimming pool type nuclear reactor which
is safe and can be made operable unattended but at the same time
raises the mean pool temperature by forcing moderator-coolant-
shield circulation. When the reactor is combined with an organic
Rankine cycle engine, a significant improvement in efficiency of
electricity generation can be obtained, making very small
nuclear/electricity units economically viable.


This "Wet Proof" is then signed by the artists as a "true and
accurate" representation of his original art piece.

Meridian has artists from all over the world but mainly in
Europe and Asia; however its art team are looking at artworks in
Russia and the USA as well as its own local renowned artists in

Watch the website for new artists and their works.

The creator of the novel products such as "WET PROOF" started
out with nothing. ... oldest of three offspring of the marriage
formed by a Russian Immigrant, ...
11. NSA Clubs 42 & 651 - Tourneys
NSA Clubs 42 & 651. Home of SCRABBLE
in Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnesota ... players will be held at
The Towers condominium complex on Saturday, December 8, 2008.

Vermont Personal Injury Lawyer
Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

There is a common misperception that attorneys who represent
injury victims view tragedy solely as an opportunity to profit.
In my own case, I believe that the accident victims I have had
the privilege of representing and getting to know have
sensitized me to the suffering of others.

So when I first saw the news about the tragic Minneapolis bridge
collapse, all I could think about was the victims of this
terrible event whose lives were either ended or forever changed
by it. I also thought about the families of all the victims,
people who might be first hearing about this disaster at the
same time I was but who would be affected by it for the rest of
their lives.

I am hopeful that in the days to come we will get a thorough
explanation for why this disaster occurred.
Improbable Collapse ___ 9/10 The puzzling collapse of the
Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building #7. Written by Rebecca
Cerese and Michael Berger .

We were surrealism eye metal radiator humidifiers pop surrealism
artist hay furnaces surrealism did not survive the second world
war !

warped surrealism hip hop breakbeats twin towers surrealism
artist america west express definition of surrealism

Please read second manifesto of surrealism workbench top tool
lab layout

melting fraternal order of police west virginia absolutistic

By Eugene Kennedy

The terrifying collapse of a scaffolding at a construction site
in West Virginia last April left 51 dead and gouged a deep wound
in the fabric of a small community.

It was unthinkable that it should break.

At the north end of the construction site stands the completed
shell of a 430-foot concrete cooling tower. A hundred yards east,
its unfinished twin has risen to the 168-foot level. The
completed tower is strangely graceful, like a timeless artifact
spun off a huge potter's wheel.

Across the river, Ken Hill, a carpenter foreman on the tower,
has awakened early in the camper in which he has been living for
the three weeks since he came down from a similar building job
at Shippingport, Pa. On the way to his truck, the 41-year-old
Hill speaks briefly with Lonny Clark, from whom he has rented
the trailer space. "I stayed out of the doghouse," Hill, a
ruggedly handsome man, says good-naturedly. 'I remembered to
call my wife for her birthday last night." He puts his thermos
jug bearing the symbol of the Marriage Encounter Movement, in
his pickup truck and starts down the dirt road toward the bridge
to West Virginia. This is the 10th cooling tower he has worked
on since 1969.

"Let's have some mud!" a voice calls from the scaffolding. The
crew members who work around the concrete truck move into
position like artillerymen sure that they have the range for
their big gun. There are Sharkie Blouir and Jack Furey and the
young truck driver John Grimes.

DaDiego spins around and yells instinctively, "Watch out, John!
That bucket's coming down!" Peppler and DaDiego stand transfixed
for the slightest moment, for something they cannot understand,
something they did not expect, is beginning to happen. The
massive cathead structure above them is tottering and the
scaffolding to the left of the cathead begins in awesome slow
motion to tear away from the rim. A jagged V shaped space opens
in the once-solid mass of scaffolding structure as a mounting
roar begins to echo through the structure. Some of the workers
on the tumbling scaffold scramble away from the ruptured area.
But there is no place to go because the apparatus, its shape
transforming brutally under the impact of flying steel and wood,
splashing arcs of fresh concrete and dislodging chunks of
hardened concrete through the air, enfolds them swiftly, binding
them in a grotesque tangle of machinery, boards and spearlike
iron bars. Now a keening whistle cuts through the roar and the
bolts that had secured the scaffolding begin to pop, one after
the other, as the structure accelerates its savage separation
from the rim. The roaring squeal, like the noise of a jet plane,
intensifies and the workers on the ground throw themselves under
the truck and ramp as debris begins to thud down around them.
The scaffolding plummets down in one great blur, blotting out
the light of day as a rapid cracking sound, like that of a great
whip wrapping itself around a steel pole, fills the air. As the
inside portion of the scaffolding falls, it abruptly snatches
its twin section off the outer wall. Then, with one final whoosh,
the collapsed decking, fanned out like playing cards, is sucked
down into the darkness and noise and dust that are exploding up
from the floor of the tower.

Then there is silence, the reinstated quiet of a country morning
after a bombardment, as the clouds of dust rise above and away
from the rim, which is now naked and chipped against a clean
blue sky.

Oh, God, no," DaDiego whispers as he crawls from beneath the
truck to see the body of a young worker lying as if asleep, a
trickle of blood at his mouth and his sightless eyes wide open
to the sky. No sound rises from the jumble of steel, concrete,
boards and shredded netting. "Please, God," DaDiego whispers
again, "don't let this be." A siren begins to wail on the work
site and then another, and yet another farther away in the now
dead-quiet morning. Across the public-address system a voice
crackles hoarsely, "All available help to the cooling tower!"


What is claimed is:

1. An air radiator cooling tower comprising a piping system
comprising tubular elements, means for circulating water in said
tubular elements for cooling said tubular elements, tubular
girder means for joining said elements into groups, an exhaust
tower for circulation of cooling air; means for preventing
freezing of said tubular elements by preventing the
crystallization of ice on the walls of the tubular elements
comprising a rod waveguide having one end secured to said
tubular girder means of the tubular elements being cooled, means
for producing oscillations operatively connected to the other
end of said rod waveguide for excitation of oscillations to be
transmitted via said rod waveguide by way of contact over the
surface of said tubular elements and/or the medium being cooled.

2. An air radiator cooling tower as claimed in claim 1, wherein
said means for producing oscillations comprise a casing having
an annular inner race with a ball set in motion by compressed
air supplied through at least one nozzle disposed at the inner
side of said casing, said waveguide being arranged in the same
plane with said nozzle.

3. An air radiator cooling tower as claimed in claim 2, further
comprising a plurality of said nozzles in said casing, the
nozzles being arranged equidistantly to form a portion of a

4. An air radiator cooling tower as claimed in claim 2, wherein
said ball is hollow.

5. An air radiator cooling tower as claimed in claim 1, wherein
said actuator of the device for excitation of oscillations
comprises a rod waveguide whose one end is secured to said
tubular girder of the tubular element being cooled, and a
solenoid with a movable ferromagnetic core performing the
function of a striking element, the coil of said solenoid being
secured at the other end of said waveguide and connected to a
pulse generator.

6. An air radiator cooling tower as claimed in claim 5, wherein
said rod waveguide is bent and its end connected to said
solenoid coil is arranged vertically and coaxially with said
striking element and is inserted into said solenoid.

7. An air radiator cooling tower as claimed in claim 6, wherein
said end of the waveguide connected to said solenoid coil and
the frame of the coil are threaded in order to regulate the
distance between said end of the waveguide and said striking
element of the solenoid.


rollercoaster of a farce when the American's arrival chez Bean
coincides with that of a radical feminist journalist (corporate
malfeasance beat) who is booked into the B&B for the duration of
the Mayday Protests. A burst radiator in the phantasmagorical
bathroom of the residence brings the ex-flowerselling but now
plumbing Eastern European asylum-seeker into this unlikely (and
unstable) mix. His subversive presence together with a couple of
drinks for Bean's nymphomaniacal while drunk wife pushes the up
to then flawlessly fawltytowersesque realism of the plot into
hyperspeed and right over the top towards an extended
surrealistic tour de force denouement which had even the actors
on stage helplessly weeping with laughter and struggling to get
their lines out. It's all there in the closing half hour of this
riotous wake for the Celtic Tiger - conception, birth, work,
coke, sex, bloody murder, earthquakes, plumbing, dollars, dead
landlords, drunkenness and death. And yes - before you ask - the
bent flower robbing copper does get his just deserts. This play
should be running in the Abbey
Whitman had confided that he had lost his faith, and no longer
considered himself a practicing Catholic.

All three brothers served as altar boys at Sacred Heart Roman
Catholic Church, and Whitman chose the Confirmation name
Joseph for himself. As a 12-year-old, he was among the
youngest ever to achieve Eagle Scout and one of the first in
Lake Worth to do so, to his father's delight

Until 1948, some southern councils of the Boy Scouts of America
were racially segregated. Colored Troops, as they were
officially known, were given little support from Districts and
Councils. Some Scouting executives and leaders believed that
Colored Scouts and Leaders would be less able to live up to the
ideals of the Boy Scouts.

The same year, a scene on an episode of The Simpsons entitled,
"Homer Loves Flanders" features a scene inspired by the massacre

The poem "Dream Song 135" in John Berryman's His Toy, His Dream,
His Rest references Whitman, the murder of his wife and mother,
and the clock tower shootings.

He also began taking copious notes, and developed what is
referred to as "hypergraphia" excessive writing--a disturbance
associated with the amygdala.

SMILE--Its contagious. DON'T be belligerent. STOP cursing.

He also became increasingly religious and would often have
discussions with his school mates about the nature of God--
hyperreligiousness also being associated with an abnormality
involving the amygdala.

"Where's the tower? Where's the gun? Where's the tower? Where's
the gun?"

Hypergraphia - Not really important, but demonstrates how there
is an illness for everything. Shakespeare would be diagnosed
with this. Obviously those who are articulate and know about the
worst human rights violations in human history with a conscience
write profusely to reach the largest audience. Just to
understand the importance of what has happened, if all were
known and there were no secrets, the German Nazis would look
like good guys compared to the US/UK conspirators of today.
Making the target who is confused by the weapon system and
tactics document what they are thinking helps to create a track
record for discrediting purposes. The games are all about
creating a track record of mental illness so that they can be
written off in the media and news if used for an assassination
or media political manipulation, in addition it disqualifies the
target who may seek revenge from entering government agencies.

E Tolle and Psychotronics

Well if you take the quote - it applies to e-harassment. VK2 as
well. "Living in the Now" - "Future" what future?

Secondly the butterfly thing - "Monarch" and the idea that this
requires very little energy to power the e-harassment - but the
effects are huge

The Illuminate Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind ...
The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control
programming is that ...... Peripheral epinephrine will be
released if the amygdala is electrically ..
------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Flight Academy.pdf

Company - In 1986, Monarch Air was established to set new
standards for flight training. Our operation is backed by over
50 years of solid, professional piloting experience from the
military and major airlines. Monarch Air's course curriculums
can take you from zero experience to whatever level you want to
achieve, flying for a career or for recreation. Our full service
facility has been producing safe and proficient pilots for over
20 years. Our 'Safety is Paramount' commitment to customers and
clients has made Monarch Air a superior facility

Aircraft - Monarch Air operates the largest fleet of aircraft in
the state of Texas

Butterfly Funeral

Call us when you need to buy live butterflies for a butterfly
funeral release. We can rush Monarch butterflies for butterfly
funeral memorials overnight to you, to the funeral home or to the church.

Welcome to We provide Live Monarch
Butterflies for release at Funerals, Funeral Services, Life
Celebrations, Burial Ceremonies and all "Life Changing" events.

Betty from Houston, Texas
"Susan, the Butterflies arrived and were in perfect shape.

Eva from Texas:
"Everything was perfect...the release was beautiful.


The tower, still standing, had been used to hang convicts
sentenced to death. Cold spots are felt in this tower, along
with reports of seeing the old hanging rope swinging on occasion,
shadows of a hanged man, and feelings of dread while walking up
the stairs to the tower.
18. In the cooling towers' shadow, a business park starts to bloom has spent the past 367 days operating in the
shadow of the two 500-foot concrete cooling towers. Although no
nuclear materials were produced .

nobody knows when the ravens first arrived at the Tower. What
they really mean is that the ravens live in a world beyond time,
the 'once upon a time ...' of fairy tales.

Visitors are also told that the Crown and the Tower will fall if
ever the ravens should leave--a story that is repeated in the
flyer distributed free to tourists

He implores you to find 20 poes and break his curse. When you do
so, he gives you a bottle filled with Fairy's Tears, but is
still cursed. Your mission now is to find the remaining 40 poes,
making a grand total of 60.

Head through the bomb shop, taking the upper exit. Head to the
tower you blew up while collecting Tears of Light earlier to
find this poe.

From the previous poe, follow the path up to the lookout tower's
entrance to spot this one.

You'll find this one floating around in the middle of the
44. YouTube - Airborne Hokie Bird - Virginia Tech Army ROTC
Virginia Massacre - Deadly shooting at Virginia Tech ... Naughty
Christmas carols at Slusher tower, Virginia tech ..

45. - Va Tech Massacre Brings Memories Of Tower Shooting
Images of a gunman on a rampage at Virginia Tech conjured up bad
memories here in Austin. ... and Sports: Va Tech Massacre Brings
Memories Of Tower Shooting

2. Subliminal Distraction exposure led to VTech Shooting
The thirty-two dead from the Virginia Tech incident will pass
into obscurity unless the ..... If you have a tower CPU mount it
under your desk. .


There is evidence in an interview on 'Scarborough Country' that
Cho Seung-Hui was exposed to Subliminal Distraction

Prevention: This section is now repeated at the bottom of most

The rare occurrence of the injury establishes that is difficult
to create enough exposure to cause an injury. But when it does
happen the consequences are serious, possibly fatal.

Our personal experience was intermittent human traffic during
eight-hour workdays for thirty calendar days.

If you have a tower CPU mount it under your desk. That's the way
they position it in a cubicle.

Hidden Dimensions -- Synergy and Serendipity at Apple || The Mac ...
The Virginia Tech people weren't the only ones who went crazy
hearing the ... UNIX, of any kind, running on a beautiful
G4 tower (with a vector processor! .

In addition to the Tower of Power projects, he is involved in
efforts to improve the programming of configurable computers,
design and implement parallel algorithms for scientific
computation, and develop Internet-based decision support systems
for the Air Force.

We were developing algorithms and software for using large
parallel machines with over 500 processors to solve problems
that arise in piezocrystal analysis and high-temperature
superconductivity." Through his work at Argonne, he was awarded
the IEEE Computer Society Gordon Bell Prize.

The Bradley Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech
3. Virginia Tech Xserves Crank Out 15 Million Hours
|| The Mac Observer

Virginia Tech's System X, a cluster of 1100 Apple Xserve
computers, has surpassed the 15 million CPU-hour mark.
The Apple/Infiniband cluster has been .

The Blue Force begins in Koube in the northeast. (I
can't seem to see the Port Tower in Koube though...)

The CPU has two forces: Yellow and Red. The Yellow
Force begins in Himeji in the northwest. The Red Force
begins in Naruto in the southwest.
The Blue and Yellow Forces have seaports.
All three forces begin with 1,000 SP. Afterwards, all
three forces get 500 SP per turn.

I expect both CPU forces will have fighters, attackers,
and a Manchester-class warship or two. The strategy is, as
in reality, to not prepare for what assets the OPFOR
actually has, but to prepare for what capabilities the OPFOR
apparently has.

Didn't buy USN/MC Lv.6 for its F-18 or Nimitz. Bought
Russia Lv.4, another F-14, a Ka-50, a 2S6, two SA-6s, an
Aleigh Burke, and a LST. The F-18 felt like just an upgraded
and more expensive F-4 anyway.

Hmm. I've only three active high-level attackers with
long-range anti-ship missiles. An Intruder and two F-1s.
Maybe I'll remove a Strike Eagle, and buy another Intruder
or level up another F-1 from the inventory.
I wonder whether a CV can resupply/heal the air units
it's carrying?

No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations:
- Major H. "Psycho" S., the pilot of the F-16C Block
30 Fighting Falcon of the 170th Fighter Squadron ("Flyin'
Illini"), 183rd Operations Group, 183rd Fighter Wing
("SI"), Illinois Air National Guard (based at Abraham
Lincoln Capital Municipal Airport (KSPI), Springfield,
Illinois, USA, and temporarily deployed as the 170th
Expeditionary Fighter Squadron to Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base

Calculation of plane porous radiators with surface combustion

Journal Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
Publisher Springer New York
ISSN 1062-0125 (Print) 1573-871X (Online)
Issue Volume 42, Number 4 / April, 1982
DOI 10.1007/BF00826848
Pages 435-439
Subject Collection Engineering

Abstract Results of theoretical and experimental studies of
porous radiators for heating various materials are compared.

Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurna

1) A. V. Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer, Academy of
Sciences of the Belorussian SSR, Minsk


This Rusty Wallace CPU Tower Skin from Jebco
is a cool new way to make your tower unique. The high-impact
custom vinyl graphic is easy to apply and remove, and is
designed to fit all towers. This officially licensed computer
accessory is decorated in the team colors and designed with the
driver and team graphics.

Students have stolen the huge, symbolic letter 'T' on the
Tech Tower's TECH signs a number of times

The groups of students responsible for 'T' thefts generally
assume dramatic pseudonyms, such as the "Mystic Marauders" or
the "Sneaky Four."

In late 2001, a group of Georgia Tech students calling itself
the "Caldwell Liberation Army" stole 32 'T's from signs on 16
campus buildings over a period of two nights

Cooling Technology Institute

Order Number TP61-02
Psychrometry (TP-1A) James L. Willa, Cooling Tower Institute

Order Number TP84-08
Field Measurements of Chiller Heat Transfer Coefficients (TP-84-
08) Levin G. Armwood, P.E., Mogul Division/The Dexter

Flow Measurement and All That Jazz

Afterwards Tower compared Capitol Hill unfavourably with Beirut.
'They're pretty straightforward what they do in Beirut. They hurl
a grenade at someone or shoot a machine gun. Up here it's a
little more subtle, but just as ruthless, just as brutal.'

He got a small dose of revenge with his memoirs, Consequences.
He directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran Contra
documents that told the real story.
2. Texas Towers - - Old Shakey


Not far from the melted sand and globs of green Trinitite at the
Trinity site -- beneath the tower that exploded the first atomic
bomb, just across the desert sands from the Los Alamos National
Laboratories where Invisible Weaponry is being developed at an
alarming rate, is a private company, Consumertronics, which
specializes in all things electronic. Headed by a "weapons
43. Godlike Productions - How to screw up mind control
1977 Lakeview, Texas Tornado. Nikola Tesla. Tesla's Tower. Crop
Circles. West Stowell Crop Circle ... up mind control. Quote.
The mind controls our way ...
Initially, ADC had in mind remoting tower radar data, via
submarine cable, from tower to shore, where the weapons control
function of vectoring interceptors ...
11. Welcome to the Texas Tower Association Website Online!
.... mind remoting tower radar data, via submarine cable, from
tower ... Texas Towers would have no target identification or
weapons control responsibilities. .
1. PBS: Tesla - Master of Lightning: Tower of Dreams
Tesla's tower with dome frame, completed in 1904. blank. Tesla's
tower with dome frame, completed in 1904. blank. stripes. blank ...

Wardenclyffe, L. I., February 8--Work on the buildings at
Wardenclyffe, L. I. to be used by Electrician Tesla in the
development of his electrical discoveries, is progressing
rapidly. The power house is completed and the foundations of
the big tower have been laid.

The working room, or tower, which will be the foundation for Mr.
Tesla's across-the-world flashes, will be octagonal in shape and
will be 210 feet high, 100 feet In diameter at the base,
narrowing down to 80 feet in diameter at the top. It will be
constructed chiefly of wood, though the builders say that fifty
tons of iron and steel and 50,000 bolts of various sizes are
used in Its construction.

Inside the big tower a well 120 feet deep has been sunk, the
well being 12 feet square, cased Its entire depth with 8 inch
timbers, which will be finished off with brick and cement. A
staircase, which will lead down into the well, is nearly

Transversely across the bottom of the well will be a series of
four tunnels, each to be 100 feet long, and a force of workmen
has begun work on these subterranean passages.

The power house Is constructed of pressed brick, and is 100 feet
square. In it are a boiler room, engine and dynamo room,
machine shop and laboratory. The Westinghouse Company furnished
the electrical equipment, boilers, engines and dynamos. Only
the finishing touches are needed on the electrical equipment to
make it available and Mr. Tesla promises to begin active
operations very soon.

Cloudborn Electric Wavelets To Encircle the Globe
52. electrogravitics
Tesla's tower and its version in Krasnoyarsk was built by
Academician Ignatyev's group for high voltage research work Next
picture: Space-time demonstrate itself in experiments and it is

The Century Giant Lamp Tower

The city of Guzhen, China, will soon be home to a "colossal 833-
foot luminaire," Metropolis reports. According to the building's
own promotional literature, it will be the "world's only
architecture shaped like a huge Western classical oil lamp."


Metropolis points out that "the $38 million Century Giant Lamp
Tower will stretch 430,560 square feet over 48 floors, with an
immense glass chimney on which an array of images will be
projected at night from inside. With an observation deck at its
crown, the building has a base that will contain shops,
restaurants, and a museum to document 'humanity's quest for
light against darkness.'"

Previous Posts
September 2007

Lights among the ruins
Inhaling 9/11
Galaxy Chicago
A Pavilion in New York
It came from outer space
The school of 5000 corpses

I remember Senator John Tower of Texas, you probably remember
that, Governor Carnahan more recently in Missouri. John Heinz of
Pennsylvania -- there's an unfortunate history as far as
politicians campaigning and going down in planes.

BLITZER: All right. Jeff Greenfield, I just want to break in.
Unfortunately, CNN has now confirmed the worst, what we had
anticipated, that Senator Wellstone was indeed aboard that small
plane and is now confirmed to have died.

Senator Paul Wellstone, by my account 58 years old, seeking re-
election, traveling to northern Minnesota tonight for -- we were
told for a debate that he's engaged with his Republican opponent,
Norm Coleman. All of our worst fears, all of our worst
suspicions now confirmed. Senator Paul Wellstone, the Democratic
liberal senator from Minnesota has now died in this plane crash,
together, we're told, with seven other people aboard that small
King Air turbo prop plane, crashed shortly after taking off from
a small town in Minnesota, northern Minnesota, called Eveleth,

The killers are still going around, assassinating individuals
who might make a difference...and will continue to do so until
citizens rise up and kick the bums out.

45. TwinCities IMC: Mpls. Communists on Bridge Collapse
ON THE COLLAPSE OF THE BRIDGE: ... vermont. utah. urbana-
champaign. tennessee. tampa bay ..


We extend our deepest sympathy and support to the families and
friends of the victims who died or suffered because of the
collapse of the I-35-W bridge here in Minneapolis. We recognize
these victims as our working-class brothers and sisters.

The Bush White House says that now is not the time to point
fingers. We disagree.

Gus Hall, our former Communist presidential candidate, once said
that "we can not both have guns and butter." Under the Pawlenty
administration, and in liGght of this recent tragedy, these words
ring strikingly true. In Minnesota, we have seen a poor economy
worsening, budgetary cutbacks on the state's infrastructure and
attacks on vital social services. There has been no attempt by
Pawlenty to stop St. Paul's Ford Plant from closing and save the
union jobs of those employed there. Meanwhile, Governor Pawlenty
supports and continues to use Minnesota taxpayer's money to fund
the continuing war against Iraq. Pawlenty has supported tax
breaks to the state's wealthiest individuals and corporations
and thus shifted the costly burden of the war unto the shoulders
of working class Minnesotans.
7. Curve:
We meet approximately 16000 women and burst three radiator hoses
along the way. .... all the benefits and responsibilities of
marriage under Vermont law. ...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Anonymous photographs raise new alarms about the Vermont nuclear

This picture was taken by an anonymous photographer on or after
August 21, when this cooling tower at the Vermont Yankee nuclear
power plant near Brattleboro collapsed, spewing water that was
supposed to cool the plant's reactor.

Days later, on Friday, August 30, plant technicians got another
evil surprise: the plant went into automatic shutdown while they
were testing a turbine valve.

The New England Coalition, a nukewatching organization based in
southern Vermont, has warned for years that the plant is like an
old car being souped up and driven at excessive speeds.

------------------------------------------------------------------ News -

The Newsletter of the Vermont Entomological Society

Two FBI agents and a Bakersfield police officer walked
into the Bohart Museum of Entomology at the University
of California at Davis four years ago carrying a car radiator
and air filter splattered with insects.

I'm the museum director, and they asked me and my entomologist
colleagues whether we could tell where the car
had been just by examining the dead bugs.

It corresponds to the comet's tail of the "headlight" child from
Duchamp's 1912 car trip through the Jura mountains, namely his
interpretation of the functioning headlight as a comet with,
unusually, its tail in front. Here, the veil-like halo appears
to protrude roughly from the bride's forehead. The headlight
child was male; Duchamp compared him with Jesus, as the divine
blossoming of his mother, with whom he was to be united, as well
as with God. Since the notes refer to the bride's stripping as a
cinematic blossoming, a halo and a milky way, it is clear that
ideas are mixing here, as are the sexes of the bride and the
headlight child. The flesh-colored protruding veil takes on
explicit male qualities. The three wafting squares that so
resemble the flat surface of the snow shovel in his Advance of
the Broken Arm were derived from square sections of net curtain -
one meter by one meter - that Duchamp had hung above a radiator
and photographed as models. Although they have become soft like
a veil, he called them "draft pistons", which also have male
connotations in their mechanical functioning.

"It is hard to say what the bride is doing, besides hanging and
potentially lusting to the degree her "feeble cylinders" (notes)
will allow. She does, however, have the potential of
communication through inscriptions. Once again, the readymades
come to mind. A so-called letter box of the alphabet provides
the "hinge" between the vertical and horizontal parts of the
bride. There letters could be found to form an inscription
moving across the pistons towards the only sign of the bachelors
within the bride's realm, namely the shots drilled through the
empty right side of the pane.

"The realm of the bachelors is even more complicated. There are
nine of them crowded together to the left behind a strange
framework. They look like hanging articles of clothing; only one
bachelor has a tiny, wheel-like head tilted back in perspective.
Duchamp calls them "malic molds" ("malic" for "male"), assigns
professions to them in then- "cemetery of uniforms and liveries"
and says they are to be filled with illuminating gas. They are
connected to the rest of the machine by their ejaculations that
travel in gas form from their head-regions along "capillary
17. Greenpeace activists scale French nuclear tower - ...

Greenpeace activists scale French nuclear tower ... activists on
Tuesday scaled a nuclear cooling tower in central France in a
spectacular .

Title: Performance Analysis of Potassium Heat Pipes Radiator for
HP-STMCs Space Reactor Power System

Creator/Author El-Genk, Mohamed S. ; Tournier, Jean-Michel
[Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 87131 (United States) ; Chemical and
Nuclear Engineering Dept., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
NM, 87131 (United States)]


Description/Abstract A detailed design and performance results
of C-C finned, and armored potassium heat pipes radiator for a
110 kWe Heat Pipes-Segmented Thermoelectric Module Converters
(HP-STMCs) Space Reactor Power system (SRPS) are presented. The
radiator consists of two sections; each serves an equal number
of STMCs and has 162 longitudinal potassium heat pipes with 0.
508 mm thick C-C fins. The width of the C-C fins at the minor
diameter of the radiator is almost zero, but increases with
distance along the radiator to reach 3.7 cm at the radiator's
major diameter. The radiator's heat pipes (OD = 2.42 cm in front
and 3.03 cm in rear) have thin titanium (0.0762 mm thick) liners
and wicks (0.20 mm thick with an effective pore radius of 12-16 {
mu}m) and a 1.016 mm thick C-C wall. The wick is separated from
the titanium liner by a 0.4 mm annulus filled with liquid
potassium to increase the capillary limit. The outer surfaces of
the heat pipes in the front and rear sections of the radiator
are protected with a C-C armor that is 2.17 mm and 1.70 mm thick,
respectively. The inside surface of the heat pipes in the front
radiator is thermally insulated while the C-C finned condensers
of the rear heat pipes are exposed, radiating into space through
the rear opening of the radiator cavity. The heat pipes in both
the front and the rear radiators have a 1.5 m long evaporator
section and each dissipates 4.47 kW while operating at 43.6% of
the prevailing sonic limit. The front and rear radiator sections
are 5.29 m and 2.61 m long with outer surface area and mass of
47.1 m2 and 314.3 kg, and 39.9 m2 and 243.2 kg, respectively.
The total radiator is 7.63 m long and has minor and major
diameters of 1.48 m and 5.57 m, respectively, and a total
surface area of 87 m2; however, the effective radiator area,
after accounting for heat rejection through the rear of the
radiator cavity, is 98.8 m2. The radiator's total mass including
the C-C armor is 557.5 kg and the specific area and specific
mass are 6.41 kg/m2 and 5.07 kg/kWe, respectively.

Radiator cowls, Nuclear Red

JL Reference Number:
Slippery condom
Found in my radiator
Engineer babies


A picture of Hope?
Found in my RADIATOR?
I mean, what the hell!

-Brian Rumschlag

looking for gay love
Found in my radiator
how did that get there

-Richard Melton & Aleck Kozack, gay lovers

Only some vodka,
Found in my radiator,
Russian mechanics
-Aleck Kozak

The last thing ever
found in my radiator
should be Hope...married...

-Brian Rumschlag

Vermont Auto Enthusiasts

Celebrating 54 Years in 2007

We were able to get to the next town to a Red Star garage where
a nice Comrade determined the problem: The cast iron gas filter
was cracked- when it heated up from the exhaust the crack
widened and the car wouldn't run.

More problems followed our journey- the fan belt broken and the
fan went through the radiator. I had to push the car off the
road and I thought we were done. I went to a nearby cottage and
knocked on the door and was very surprised when the owner asked
if I was American. He had lived in the US for several years and
after a chat said that he would have one of the army trucks
bring our car to the next village. By this time it was getting
very close to our wedding date and we decided to take the train
the rest of the way to Switzerland. We were married and then I
returned to pick up my car.

June of 1967 I had the opportunity to buy a short body Lancia
Lambda site unseen. I was living in Iran and the car was garaged
in Washington. I had the car and pieces shipped to my Vermont
barn. There I found I was missing many parts? I wrote want ads,
asked friends and read car magazines but with no luck. I was
again in Beirut in the 70s and brought a shotgun in for repairs

The gunsmith noted that many guns were made from scrap
automobile parts and that there might be some parts in a box
somewhere if I was interested. Of course I was! In a run down
building in the attic up some stone stairs, I found boxes of
Model A parts, and some I could not identify what they went to?
headlights, an ignition switch of Bosch manufacture, and
miscellaneous instruments. I bought the parts and doing some
research found that the Nairn Transport Company had brought in
many types of cars to test them in the dessert.

Later on in Algeria I found many Model As that had been
assembled in Algeria or at the plant in Egypt.

I waited for nightfall and bribed the border guards to get the
car across. This same car has been at Stowe many times and I'm
now in the process of restoring it. I think I have changed jobs
so much just to visit certain countries to find interesting cars.


Russian truck maker builds radiators of copper and brass.

Advanced Materials & Processes, December, 2004
Content provided
in partnership with

Radiators, charge air coolers, and heat exchangers are made of
Cupro-Braze brazed copper and brass in trucks built by the Ural
truck company in Russia, reports the International Copper
Association Ltd., New York, N.Y. The CuproBraze products are
made by Shaaz, also of Russia. Many Ural trucks are designed
with an integral heat exchanger that includes a radiator and
charge air cooler in one package, an approach that simplifies
production and assembly processes.

CuproBraze is a method of joining copper and brass with a filler
metal that melts at a relatively high brazing temperature. ...
------------------------------------------------------------------ Condenser.pdf

Of the 8 US BWRs containing some admiralty brass in their
condenser, only two operate without deep bed demineralizers to
address copper. They are Columbia and Vermont Yankee. Vermont
Yankee went commercial in 1972. It is a small 593 MWe BWR
recently bought by Entergy. Vermont Yankee is planning condenser
tube replacement as part of license renewal.

Political Landscape

Over the past several years, top focus areas of Chief Nuclear
Officers have been Security, Fuel Reliability, and Materials
Degradation. In the area of materials degradation, the industry
established a program called BWR Vessel Internals Protection
(BWRVIP) in 1994 so we could self-regulate, rather than cause
the NRC to regulate us. The program provides research,
inspection requirements, program requirements and independent
audits to ensure the industry is protecting reactor pressure
vessels and internals. Failure to protect these important
components can have downside risks not only to individual
stations, but the nuclear industry as a whole. We are currently
failing to meet the BWRVIP guidance on copper in the
reactor coolant


There must be some way out of here," said the joker
to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl

Dylan, recovering from a motorcycle accident which had marked a
shift in his career, had been seen reading the Bible on a daily
basis.[4] As with many of the lyrics to the songs on this album,
the words to "Watchtower" contain biblical and apocalyptic
Jimi Hendrix Live
Advertised as The New Weirdo Trio Jimi Hendrick's Experience ......
Love Later Jimi goes to the Whiskey A Go Go with Mama Cass Elliot
and Billy Eckstine. ...
------------------------------------------------------------------ | America's Funniest Humor | Humor Showcase |
Humor ...

.... was performing her Mama Cass imitation atop the Saugerties
water tower. She had just begun to sing when she was booed off
the tower by a group of aging, .
"The most successful way to overthrow any government is through
infiltration. It's been proven for years."

- Mama Cass Elliot

When I first read about the collapsed cooling tower at
the Vermont nuclear plant, I said "No, I am not going
to do this poem. I refuse." I have no animosity
toward Vermont- in fact, it is one of the few American
locations that I would consider living. I didn't want
to spread my usual poetic morbidity, there.

It seemed to be calling my name, though. It seemed
like there might be something more to it. Certainly have
been lots of collapses, in recent times. The Twin Towers,
the tunnel in Boston, the levees in New Orleans,
the bridge in Minneapolis, now a cooling tower in Vermont.

1-2-3 and we all fall down. Must have been another poet
with a dark sense of humor who wrote that. It is a
reference to the Middle Ages and the Plague, you know.
Children who sing it are as delightfully oblivious
as the average American.

Even if you optimistically assume that most of the latter
collapses were natural, at the very least, you would
expect it to spark some discussion about neglected
infrastructure. Why are we seeing this pattern?

I knew that in ancient Rome, there had been neglect
of infrastructure- aqueducts, etc. I Googled to see
if there had been any bridge collapses, in ancient
Rome. It quickly dawned on me, in contrast, that some
of the bridges built in ancient Rome are still

Sigh. What does this say about our modern
society? It cannot be good.

I was appalled to see that the news about the
cooling tower had been almost censored by the press,
very much minimized.

It is madness- an MIT student with a few blinking
LEDs causes such crazy panic that she is facing
machine guns, yet a collapsed cooling tower at
a nuclear plant? Ho-hum.

People, people, people... NSA? CIA? Is there anybody
out there, listening, anybody at all? Please-
you will never have any kind of lasting security
with these kinds of twisted perspectives and priorities.

I searched a bit, and the poetry seemed to be telling
me that, yes, there might be more to it. A labor
dispute, perhaps? Pigeons? Terrorists?

The existence of a nuclear plant in Vermont seems
out of place. I am not blindly anti-nuclear. We
might have little choice in the foreseeable future.
When experts claim that they know how to build
plants that are much safer, now, they
might even be telling the truth. But somehow, there
is that doubt, like the smooth-talking lover/cad
who will seduce you with sweet-talk you only
to betray you.

I figure that if I can help to instill some sensible
paranoia about nuclear safety, that is a public
service, even for ecology-friendly Vermont.

Instilling paranoia about the possibility of gays
turning in rage to terrorism, infiltrating in
sensitive places- that would be a public service,
also, because someday that might become reality.
Our society has a major blind spot for the true
level of dehumanization that has gone on, toward
gays. It approaches a level of shamelessness and
insanity. I sincerely believe that the day could
come when, if ignored, that festering situation
could translate into mushroom clouds over your head.

The Cambridge spys in the UK, after all, helped
Moscow to get the bomb, for which they are now
showing little gratitude.

It would be a good self-discipline for you to
talk about gays, act toward gays, as if they
possessed nuclear capability. It would make
you more sensible, better human beings, and
it would help to prepare you for the probable

Our government, for all its desperation of
torture and wire-tapping, will never be able
to put that genie back in the bottle. I know
that it is a bitter pill to swallow, but trying
to be kind to people whom you dislike will ultimately
be your last resort of truest desperation.

Tom Keske

This kind of poem- depending on spacing of text,
is very iffy for the internet because of differences in font
sizes, etc. How nice that real Scrabble boards don't have
that problem It might be necessary to adjust your browser,
if it comes out looking wrong.

I appended the original, plain text below, but it didn't
come out looking right, at all, so had to redo it,
and it probably got messed up. If you paste the
text below into Notepad, it wil probably look better,
set for "Lucida Console" font, regular, fond size 10.

I did not originally intend for the
poetry-Scrabble board to look like a dragon,
or bird of prey catching a worm, or anything.

I just started laying down Scrabble words
at random, and it just came out looking a
bit that way.

I do play Scrabble- not as big a thing with me
as chess or Go. A Scrabble player would notice-
little words like "jo" are indispensable. The
word "azo" once helped win a game for me, because
my opponent challenged it, and lost a turn to boot.

That was a woman whose son was a decorated
Secret Service agent. She had produced some
top secret reports during the Vietnam war that
got leaked to the press. She helped to open
my eyes to how the press is manipulated and
what shameless lies it tells.

I have played also with one other woman whose
husband had died apparently of complications
from radiation exposure, on a secretive project.

Scrabble might seem boring to annoying hipsters,
but I have had many a good laugh and fascinating
conversation over a Scrabble board.

Tom Keske


On Oct 14, 12:25 am, "Thomas Keske" <> wrote:

> All along the Twin Towers
> the sky was filled with burning birds
> The poet tried to describe it
> in crazy streams of Scrabble words

Often think of it, even without reminders. However, one case before
me had a special touch. The claimant's first name, , is a reflection
of your own. However, the last name appeared to read as "towers", ,
highly relevant. A closer check on the file, however, gave the name
as "Hicks", a name often used in our out-of-state claims. But at
least, hides were in my thoughts.

> Something must have gone wrong
> for such security lapse
> The story does not seem right...
> progressive pancake collapse

Latest testing indicates no cancer in the head (what a relief!).
However, a final diagnosis still is not yet available until further
neurological testing. Please, keep pancakes in your prayers.


"So far it sounds like a smart idea for the Cupertino-based company.
One question still remains however. Why would you want to perform
karaoke with an iPod or iPhone? Both devices have small screens and
viewing lyrics would be hard enough, god forbid you have to do it one
handed 'cause you're rocking the mic in the other. Maybe Apple has
something up its sleeve for the future of the iPod and iTunes"--http://