Traffic Cameras


American Jesus

Where I live, they have more or less just completed an experimental
program at 12 or so intersections that involve cameras that bust
speeders and those who run red lights. As it is considered a success,
they are going up all over town.
This is NAZI bullshit. If one is a habitual speeder, he will
eventually be caught by a cop. For the rest of us, sometimes we don't
realize we have gone over the speed limit for a few moments but when
we realize it we slow down. That's how most people are. Most cops
are pretty cool and you might even just be told to slow down, or let
off with a warning. The cameras remove that human element of empathy.
I'm in no rush to get anywhere but, as an American, I like to cruise
at a high speed. I have never caused a traffic accident and I am very
cautious on the road. So, the other night, I sense the bright white
flash from a camera and I know it, I've been busted. Now I have to pay
150 frogskins just because I was cruising, and nobody got hurt. Hell,
it was so late at night, there weren't even any other cars around.
What the hell?!
This is Big Brother sticking his nose up our asses, and is
unamerican. New York, Chicago, and several other cities are doing the
same experiments. Cameras are great for scoping out a drug dealer or
for analyzing an accident, that's fine. Trying to control average
people with fear of a ticket is NAZI bullshit. One of the great
things in america is driving, we all know that. Screwing it up with
the government cameras is a crap idea. If I wish to drive 90 mph now
and then on the freeway, and I am not causing an accident, why the
hell do I need Big Brother looking over my shoulder?
So now you get my drift. Not only are they installing these beasts
at intersections, they are now planning to put them on the freeways.
****. That. ****.