i did a lot of travelling when i was younger bc of my parents work (mum used to be an international trade agreement person and my dad works for the UN and EC).So i lived in different countries for about a few months then move on.
i was born in america then moved to france. then england. then Kenya for a while, then gambia then South Africa to Zimbabewe to Zambiato Uganda to Senegal and Nigeria. back to england. then to Kygristan and China. Then back to england so that my parents could go to North Korea. i was in england for a while for studying. then we went and lived in Belgrade for 3 month after the war bc dad had a job there,then Montenergo. back to england. then went back to america bc my grandma was sick when she died we came back to england. then mum got a difffernt job mangaging stuff in museums so she went to Belgium so i visted her for 2 months during the summer. then dad went to work in Romania, met his gf there, so i went there for a month.back to england. then last summer dad and mum got job in the same country so i went to Papua New Guinea and visted Singapore and Hong Kong along the way.
lol, fot normal holidays ive been to Iceland quite a few times, germany (which is ****). i was in also in Ulan Bator for like a day, and aparntly ive been to Finland and Sweden however i dont remember so i must have been a babuska.and sri lanka.
the sad thing is that no-one ever believes me untill i show them all the stamps in my passports. LOL
but before i die i want to go to Jamaica to visit family and stuff and Cape Horn.