Treyvon Martin Vid


Active Member
Apr 8, 2012
Laveen, AZ
Thought this guy had an interesting take on the situation....

Amen!! I could sit and talk to that man for a while, I like his views

Switched it to an embedded vid :thumb:
yeah we were the murder capital of the US but now i think were second..proud to say i live 15 mins outside the city the man stated know one cares about black on black crime like down here in NO but as soon as a white person does something alll hell breaks loose
yeah we were the murder capital of the US but now i think were second..proud to say i live 15 mins outside the city the man stated know one cares about black on black crime like down here in NO but as soon as a white person does something alll hell breaks loose

Only cause Detroit can't afford ammo :gr_jest:
Very cool to see some brothers post up the side of truth. Ive got a few black friends, by the way I just call them friends and never look at color. Color is in my opinion is if you act like it, there are plenty of white trash to make up for the white side of ignorance to race. This is the opinion of my friends side of the coin also.
I have a couple black friends. But color is not just color. Statistics are statistics for a reason. Because its TRUE. Take the worst crime rate area of every city in every state. It is the BLACK area where the ******s live that rule the crime population stricken areas. You cannot argue with that....

Do white people commit crimes? Sure they do. But not at the rate of black people. Do I call white people names too? Sure Crackheads, hillbilly, honky, White people have their share of losers. But none like the rate and numbers of the ****** population of the blacks