I have many male friends and always have. I think I like that with men, you can just hang out and crack jokes while female friendships typically require more emotional involvement. Don't get me wrong....I like my female friends and enjoy spending time with them, but I find that I do prefer to do things with my buddies as it feels more relaxing to me.
It seems to me that males and females attract initially as a result of some sort of sexual chemistry between them. If that chemistry isn't right or appropriate considering the people's individual circumstances, I see no reason why an "only friends" situation can't develop. Three of the male friends I have now, I have never dated or had any kind of intimate contact with. It simply never worked out that way and now I value our friendships too much to ruin it by throwing *** in the mix. I think we're all pretty comfortable with what we have going now, except for one who wants to date me but I just can't bring myself to "go there".
My best friend is a different story. We have had ***, but neither of us felt that crazy spark that prompted us to want to further our relationship. The cool thing about us is we truly do want one another to be happy, even if it isn't with each other. We're so much alike and have such a similar way of thinking that I can't imagine not having him in my life in some capacity. He's pretty **** cool. (Though we are having an issue lately: He knows I've been talking to someone quite frequently and I feel it's been bothering him by some of the things he's said. It's almost like he's...jealous, which I find really odd. Ehhhh, who knows.)
I'll never give up my friends. We're a package deal. If I were to be involved with someone, he would just have to accept that I have male friends who I will still hang out with. If he's not secure enough in himself, or in us, to handle that then he isn't the kind of guy for me.
I wouldn't have a problem if my significant other had female friends. So long as he lets me (and them) know I'm his number one girl and he doesn't betray my trust, all is good.
So yes, I do believe men and women can easily enjoy friendships with one another.