Trump says he, PGA of America agree to move golf event from Trump course


Sports News

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump's organization said on Tuesday that a pro golf event scheduled for October at a Trump course in Los Angeles will be moved, in more fallout from his vitriol against illegal immigrants from Mexico. A statement issued from Hope Hicks, Trump's campaign spokeswoman, said Trump met on Monday with representatives from the PGA of America and they agreed "it is in everyone’s best interest not to conduct the 2015 Grand Slam of Golf at Trump National Golf Club, Los Angeles in October." "Due to the controversy surrounding statements made by Mr. Trump having to do with illegal immigrants pouring into the United States from Mexico and other parts of the world, Mr. Trump does not want his friends at the PGA of America to suffer any consequences or backlash with respect to the Grand Slam of Golf," Hicks said.

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