Turd World Update: Indian Official Dies in Wild Monkey Attack


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Indian Official Dies in Wild Monkey Attack
Sunday, October 21, 2007

NEW DELHI - Wild monkeys attacked a senior government official who then
fell from a balcony at his home and died Sunday, media reported.

New Delhi Deputy Mayor S.S. Bajwa was rushed to a hospital after the attack
by a gang of Rhesus macaques, but succumbed to head injuries sustained in
his fall, the Press Trust of India news agency and The Times of India

Many government buildings, temples and residential neighborhoods in New
Delhi are overrun by Rhesus macaques, which scare passers-by and
occasionally bite or snatch food from unsuspecting visitors.

Last year, the Delhi High Court reprimanded city authorities for failing to
stop the animals from terrifying residents and asked them to find a
permanent solution to the monkey menace.

Part of the problem is that devout Hindus believe monkeys are manifestations
of the monkey god Hanuman and feed them bananas and peanuts - encouraging
them to frequent public places.

Over the years, city authorities have employed monkey catchers who use
langurs - a larger and fiercer kind of monkey - to scare or catch the
macaques, but the problem persists.