Turkey Feather


Thomas Keske


Your version of events
is contradicted by an Indian Chief
who says that you suffer
an excess of certainty in your beliefs

From a proud people to a clown mascot
as caricatures for overpaid sports teams
victorious in stealing the lands
and poisoning the streams

Oppression has familiar sameness
Outcasts often share a common lot
When the victors are sleeping,
the losers will scheme and plot

A stolen land can flatter itself
because it composes its own headlines
Quickly bored by petty grievance,
bravely defending its right to be a swine

They will laugh when you seek redress
When you warn them of bloody war,
they laugh at the turkey feathers in your headdress
They will hate you for wanting to settle a score

What a delusion, what a loser's game
Waiting for the power-mad to be their brother's keepers
In a world of denial that has no shame
visions of dreamers are won by sleepers

3. Native American Headdress

Native American Indian Regalia. These Native American
headdresses are hand made by ... Wild turkey, white and black
turkey feathers complete this headdress. ...

.. deep cleveland - poem o' the week

chief wahoo must go. here he comes again, it's opening day,
racist red-faced caricature, the ... Rainbows Over Cleveland
And All The Worlds Between ..


First a bit of background for those of you who aren't U.Va
students. Until recently, it has been accepted "tradition" to -
at football games - yell "not gay" at the end of our fight song,
the "Good Old Song":

That good ole' song of Wahoo-wah, We'll sing it o'er and o'er,
it cheers our hearts and warms our blood to hear them shout and
roar. We come from old Virginia, where all is bright and gay.
Let's all join hands and give a yell for dear old UVa. Wahoo-wah,
wahoo-wah, Uni-v Virginia, hoo-rah-ray, hoo-rah-ray, ray! ray! U-
Va! [Emphasis mine]

In the last few years, LGBT students and allies have
successfully brought greater attention to the offensiveness of
the "not gay" chant, and for the most part, the chant is
considered homophobic and unacceptable.

Of course, there are those who feel that publicly stigmatizing
oppressed communities should remain an acceptable part of
college life. Cavalier Daily contributor Alex Cortes writes:

The "not gay" chant has been completely written off on Grounds.
Some call it a drunken joke while others refer to its adherents
as homophobes. Unfortunately, in doing so, this University has
completely disregarded the religiously and politically-minded
like myself who say the chant out of disgust for the gay
lifestyle and support for our natural heterosexuality given to
us by God.

Shorter Cortes, "How dare you call me out for being a bigot?"

Not surprisingly, the chant's opponents found it much easier to
write us off as drunks and homophobes then address our
intellectual concerns.

"Intellectual concerns" is code for "I find gay people icky and
want them to go away."

No, It Wasn't French vs. Indians

elcome to 2005: the Year of the French and Indian War.

Actually? Make that years, plural. The celebration is continuing
through 2010.

The dominoes dislodged by Washington in 1754 just kept falling:
the French and Indian conflict led, ultimately, to disaster for
the French, Dr. Anderson said. They got their revenge for losing
"by helping the Americans to win the war against the English,"
he said. "But that left the French crown so deeply in debt that
the result was the French Revolution

Since 1982, he has been portraying the character of Peskunck, an
Abenaki warrior, paddling a 16-foot birch-bark canoe, carrying
his flintlock musket and wearing a headdress of wild turkey
feathers painted to resemble those of the spotted eagle, a
protected species.

"I don't know that Indians regretted picking the wrong side," Mr.
Larrabee said. "Even if Indians had picked the English side, it
wouldn't have done them any good, because the English thought of
them as dirty savages and treated them terribly."

People always associate Indian headdress with feathers, but do
you know what the feathers represent? Warriors earned a feather
each time he did something the tribe felt was a brave act


We at PSI TECH thought it would make a fun remote viewing target
for our latest 'Target of the Week' assignment, and to find out
how Thanksgiving was really started and the reason behind this
holiday of celebration.

In a Thanksgiving sermon delivered at Plymouth in 1623, Thomas
Mather, an elder, gave special thanks to God for the devastating
plague that wiped out most of the native Wampanoag Indians.
Mather added in his sermon that he praised God for destroying
chiefly the young men and the children, whom he described as the
"very seeds of increase, thus clearing the forests to make way
for a better growth."

To the Pilgrims, the Indians were heathens and instruments of
the devil. The Indians were considered dangerous.

The soldiers conducted a surprise assault and while the village
slept, every man, woman and child were killed. Bradford used
these words to describe his night of fire and death:

"It was a fearful sight to see them frying in the fire and the
streams of blood quenching the same and horrible was the stink
and stench thereof. But the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice and
they [the Massachusetts militiamen] gave praise thereof to God."
Afterward he called on his congregation to give thanks to God
for the attack "that on this day we have sent 600 heathen souls
to hell."

A decade later, most of the New England Indians were either
exterminated or fled to Canada. Others were sold into slavery.
It was the success of selling Indians into slavery that prompted
the Puritan ship-owners to go to Africa for black slaves,
bringing them to America and selling them to colonies of the
South. The first ship deployed for this purpose was the

The True History of Remote Viewing As It's Never Been Told
Before: Not a week goes by that I don't have to correct someone
about PSI TECH's background and the truth about remote viewing
history. Historical facts may seem silly and trite to those of
us who have been TRV practitioners for many years, but as time
goes by, people forget what it took to bring this remarkable
technology out of the confines of the military and into public


French & Indian War Encampment

The French Creek Council of the BSA and the French Creek Living
History Association will host a series of living history events
at Custaloga Town Boy Scout Reservation on Father's Day Weekend,
June 14 and 15, 2008. Reenactors will depict life during the
French & Indian War. At least 300 reenactors and more than 20
sutlers (merchants) will attend. Highlights of this two-day
encampment -- among other things -- will include children's
programs, a blacksmith, 18th-century gunsmiths/gun dealers, an
18th-century doctor, powder horn makers/engravers, a colonial
furniture maker, a colonial sign engraver, a woodland Native
American camp, cannon and musket firing demonstrations, sutler
camp, French Creek canoe landing by French and Natives and then
resultant fur trade scenario takes place, live tactical
engagements, and nationally renowned living historians and
French & Indian War era painters.

Paul Stillman will be conducting workshops on quill pens, powder
horns, and turkey calls.

Power restored after massive blackout darkens much of Florida
Feb 26, 2008

MIAMI, (AFP) - Relieved Floridians late Tuesday relished the
simple pleasure of turning on their televisions and living room
lamps, with power restored hours after a massive blackout had
darkened millions of homes across the state.

The monster power outage had left millions of people in southern
Florida bereft of electricity and forced the shutdown of
reactors at a nuclear power plant, police and officials said.

Electricity was knocked out across an area stretching from Miami
up to Daytona Beach, causing traffic jams as signals
malfunctioned, and forcing some shops to close temporarily.

We are confirming that there is no nexus to terrorism with the
Florida power outages," Homeland Security Department spokeswoman
Amy Kudwa told AFP.

"We understand the initiating event was a malfunctioning
disconnect switch" at a substation near Miami, the head of the
local utility company Florida Power and Light (FPL), Armando
Olivera, said Tuesday evening.

Both reactors at the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in Florida
were shut down because of the power failure, said Daniel
McIntyre, a spokesman for the federal the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission based near Washington.

"An under-voltage resulting from that caused the shutdown of the
nuclear reactors at Turkey Point" where an automatic shutdown
mechanism kicked in, he told AFP. That plant is operated by FPL.

10. FPL fined over sleeping security guards - 04/10/2008
- MiamiHerald.com

Apr 10, 2008 ... The sleeping guards incident is separate from a
January report involving Wackenhut guards at Turkey Point who
had removed firing pins from

27. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Turkey Causes Sleepiness

Those who still feel wary of turkey's purported sleep-inducing
properties should find solace in the ... At one point the
disease appeared to be spurred only by the L-tryptophan .

Howstuffworks "Is there something in turkey that makes you sleepy?"

Explains how tryptophan, which is found in turkey, can affect
the body but suggests that heavy meals, not tryptophan, make you

7. LesbianFamily.org

.... new listings have been added to the blogs here at Lesbian ...
Nhamo in Paradise has moved from Expecting to Babies! ... alone.
I figured that the magical sleepiness of turkey

lesbianfamily.org/ [Found on Windows Live,
48. Eye On Miami: Book on Fictional Terrorist Attack at Turkey Point.

Turkey Point has a Confederate flag, alcoholic beverages,
motorcycles, and juvenile delinquents. Children here do not have
proper Christian names. Premarital sex and the consequences of
teen pregnancy is often accepted as a fact of life in Turkey

Turkey Point is known as the Redneck Riviera to Mrs. Vernon-
Williams, mocking famous destinations like the French Riviera
18. UK Gay News - Gay Rights Violated by Turkey,
Says Human Rights Watch

NEW YORK, September 28 - The threat by Turkish officials to
close down an organization defending lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people's rights violates .

.. Turkey News Reports

Groups advocating equal rights for gay people in Turkey have
long hoped that their country's bid for membership in the
European Union would bring European-style .


Did Florida Go to the Radioactive Brink?
Incident at Turkey Point

As many as two million Floridians were blacked out yesterday by
a series of grid malfunctions that forced shut two atomic
reactors south of Miami and renewed nightmares of a radioactive
catastrophe. The chain of events should serve as yet another
serious warning to those who would build still more atomic
reactors in Florida and elsewhere.

The wide-ranging blackout apparently started with an accidental
trip at a substation. That sabotage has been ruled out may not
be all that reassuring. Countless homes and businesses were
affected from the Florida Keys to as far away as Tampa,
Gainesville and Daytona Beach. Frightened Floridians were
trapped in elevators or abandoned offices by making their way
down dark, sweltering stairwells. In Miami-Dade alone at least
forty traffic accidents piled up as signals went dark.

This blackout's reach was limited by steps taken since a 2003
reactor-related grid failure in Ohio led to a massive blackout
that left 50 million people without power.

But the two large reactors at Turkey Point did trip from the
loss of off-site power. (For safety reasons, vital cooling
systems and other critical components rely on electricity coming
from sources other than the reactors.)

A far more tense shut-down came when off-site power was lost
during 1992's Hurricane Andrew, whose eye passed directly over
Turkey Point. At the height of the storm, communication from the
control room was also dangerously lost. Tools and equipment
valued at around $100 million were destroyed or simply blown
8. Sorbonne Easter Bonnet - alt.surrealism | Google Groups
.... 40:46 -0500 From: "Thomas Keske" Newsgroups: alt.surrealism ...
accidentally or deliberately, Florida Power & Light officials
said Saturday. .


1. Lightning Rod Conference Bakken 2002
A Conference on the History and Cultural Meaning of the
Lightning Rod ... This complaint covers the period from 1823
onwards when Gay-Lussac published a ...

46. Sorbonne Easter Bonnet - alt.surrealism | Google Groups
They are talking in small clusters with the inhabitants of the.
rue Gay-Lussac. ... nuclear reactor at the Turkey Point power
plant found a small


Operation Redwing was one of the major series of atmospheric
tests of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons conducted by the
United States of America

Some highlights of Operation Redwing

Cherokee: Was the first U.S. air drop of a thermonuclear H-bomb.
Used for politics, to demonstrate U.S. ability to drop high
yield nuclear weapons on the Soviet Union

Dakota: The Dakota test was one of the most spectacular tests
ever recorded The Dakota fireball is famous, for the way it
ominously creeps up out of the clouds

Navajo: The Navajo weapon was very successful. It had a very
high yield, and had an extremely high percentage of fusion
energy release (95%). energy of Navajo was 225 kilotons,
approximately ten Hiroshima weapons

Tewa: The Redwing tests may have had the cleanest thermonuclear
device, but it also had the 'dirtiest'. The Tewa weapon produced
5 megatons of energy, 87% of which was

Tewa Indian Song

May the warp be the white light of morning,
May the weft be the red light of evening,
May the fringes be the falling rain,
May the border be the standing rainbow.
Thus weave for us a garment of brightness.
3. Soft Skull: Oh Pure and Radiant Heart by Lydia Millet

Then there was the flash, as bright as a thousand suns, which
turned night into day. And on the horizon the fireball rose,
spreading silently. ..

5. ...Of a Thousand Suns on purevolume_
Of a Thousand Suns has come to an end. ... We hope you all wear
bright colors to our funeral. We want the world to see you shine. .

the Gators are ready to take on the Florida State Seminoles
8. New details on suspect's death - Most Popular News
- Tampa Bays Local News

Keske was tracked to the intersection of Antilles and Antigua
Drive in Seminole, ... Kansas governor signs new funeral-
picketing bill. Rev. Martin Luther King .

24. FPL: Power outages caused by nuke plant shutdown
-- South Florida Sun ...

.... Miami-Dade County Tuesday afternoon caused a nearby nuclear ...
and Central Broward County, including parts of the Seminole ...
commission at Turkey Point are following up on the incide.

5. Andrew Jackson and his role in the genocide of the Native ...

The second Seminole war broke out in 1835, and cost the Jackson ...
The Encyclopedia of Genocide states that "Genocide is neither
accidental nor an ..

39. "Myths and Dreams: Exploring the Cultural Legacies of
Florida and ...

Although the nuclear family was the primary social unit, the
Seminoles retained the Creek tradition of close ... The second
incident took place almost simultaneously, when .


According to a sheriff's report, the incident began shortly
before 8:30 p.m. when Sheriff's Sgt. Cynthia Gibson was
searching for a handgun possibly used in an unrelated abduction
case under the east side of the Indian Rocks bridge to Indian
Rocks Beach.

From that point, Keske led deputies on a slow-speed pursuit
south on Oakhurst Road to a residential neighborhood south of
102nd Avenue in Seminole.
Continued Growth, Continued Success

or reportable incidents since it was put into commercial ...
Seminole currently owns a 14 megawatt share of Progress energy's
crystal river 3 nuclear unit. .


Our Vision
To be a leading competitor in the Florida energy
market, trusted and respected by our Members,
employees, business partners, and community.

Finally, we're proud of our leadership development program,
which has taken a group of motivated employees and is helping
of them develop the skills and competencies needed to take on
leadership roles in the future. This is but one part of our
overall succession planning initiative, to ensure the continued
success of our operations.

We're looking forward to the anticipated approval of our Unit 3
project, and a potential further increase in our renewable
1. Florida Indian Events Seminole Turkey Dance @ Florida Folk ...

`Bobby Henry of the Seminole Tribe of Florida demonstrates the
Turkey Dance at the 2007 Florida Folk Festival.

.. Second Seminole War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Second Seminole War, also known as the Florida War, was a
conflict from 1835 to 1842 in Florida between various groups of
Native Americans collectively .



By: John David Powell

Boy, howdy! The big chiefs of some of the nation's colleges and
universities who sit on the Executive Committee of the National
Collegiate Athletic Association forced some of their colleagues
across the nation to circle the wagons and return fire

Charles E. Kupchella, president of the UND Fighting Sioux, sent
his own scathing letter to Brand. In one of the less sarcastic
passages, Kupchella noted that the last time the issue came up
on his campus, the Office for Civil Rights spent a week without
finding any violations.

John David Powell is an award-winning writer and Internet
columnist, professional speechwriter, and contributor to the
Christian Millennium History Project

Despite the Seminoles' suffering and sacrifice, the magical and
nuclear standoff between between NAN and the U.S. forced the
Sovereign Tribal Council to accept some political realities.
Because of their small numbers, the Seminoles were offered only
total control of the Everglades instead of their own nation.
Furious, the Seminoles refused to yield to intense pressure from
the STC and withdrew from all negotiations. Disavowed by NAN,
the Seminoles retreated into the Everglades and disappeared
without a trace.

When Daniel Coleman broke out of the Abilene Re-Education Center
in Texas in late 2011, word reached the Krome Indians. Inspired,
increasing numbers of Seminoles successfully escaped the camp
and hid themselves within the Everglades like their ancestors in
the 19th Century. Biding their time, they established hidden
settlements for guerilla training.

When the Florida Power and Light nuclear facility at Turkey
Point neared its service expiration date of mid-2012, the
corporation moved to a less expensive power supply--burning
orimulsion (oil product suspended in mud and water). Although
rabidly opposed by ecological groups, FPL went ahead with
building the replacement power plant just south of the Turkey
Point site. TerraFirst! sabotage of the orimulsion facility
delayed construction. Just after the power plant's completion in
spring 2013, TerraFirst! attackers severely damaged both the
orimulsion and the nuclear reactor facilities. Although no
radiation was leaked, the damage to the overextended nuclear
reactors forced a permanent shutdown. Furthermore, the damage to
the orimulsion plant cut power generation by 70% for the next
six months.

While most of the U.S. armed forces were preparing for the total
annihilation of the Indians, the Seminoles' attacked U.S. forces
and staging bases in Homestead, Miami, and even Tampa. However,
the most ambitious move was the brief occupation of downtown
Miami in mid-August 2017. For days, the U.S. Army tried to break
through conventional and magical Seminole defenses as tribal
shamans cast ritual spells at the Miami Circle site. Although
all occupying forces were killed or captured by August 20th, the
Seminoles had successfully made their contribution to the Great
Ghost Dance. The magical power of NAN forced the U.S. to

2021: Goblinization

According to authorities, a deputy doing an investigation on an
unrelated case at about 8:30 p.m. Monday near an Indian Rocks
bridge noticed a man in a Dodge truck parked underneath the
bridge acting suspiciously. The deputy then called for
additional units.

The deputies followed the truck until it pulled into a
neighborhood and off the road on 137th Street in Seminole.

The man, which officials later identified as Keske, continued to
resist the deputies before he was hancuffed, they said.

Keske died at a St. Petersburg hospital.

Susan Ivanova, the second child and only daughter of Sophie and
Andrei Ivanov, was born in St. Petersburg on August 30th, 2230.
Both women of the family were latent telepaths and thus
constantly on the run from the Psi Corps. Ivanova, though hardly
even a P1, spent her entire childhood moving from one school to
another, trying to stay one step ahead of the Corps. She managed
to avoid being detected, but her mother was eventually caught.
Sophie chose to take sleepers rather than join the Corps, but
unfortunately these drugs soon began altering her personality
and in the end she killed herself. At this time the Minbari War
had already began and a only year after Sophie's suicide Ivanova'
s older brother Ganya was killed in battle. Against her father's
wishes Ivanova too joined EarthForce, but by the time she
graduated from the academy in 2249, the war had already ended.
The death of Sophie and Ganya, and Ivanova's choice of career
estranged her from her father and the two didn't speak until
2258 when Andrei was in his death bed.

Their relationship slowly progressed from friendship to love,
but just as Ivanova began to understand her feelings towards
Talia, Lyta Alexander revealed that the telepath was a
brainwashed spy for the Psi Corps. The telepathic password Lyta
used to prove this destroyed Talia's personality, replacing it
with anotherone, known only as 'Control'.

During her service on B5 Ivanova and Sheridan, who had known
each other for ten years, formed a close friendship and she
supported his decision to declare the station independent. When
both Michael Garibaldi and the Captain disappeared in late 2260,
Ivanova took over the command of the station
25. The Garibaldi Letters - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

The Garibaldi Letters were, in fact, a series of communications
using exotic methods of ... which CIA analysts transcribed
tentatively as: tin pots desire shrub aid

Garibaldi Stonewall Brigade
1 Tom Keske Mar 2 2001

More options Mar 2 2001, 10:06 pm

Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Melody - George L. Root, 1864;


In the prison cell I sit, Thinking Mother, dear, of you, And my
happy Southern home so far away, And my eyes, they fill with
tears 'Spite of all that I can do, Though I try to cheer my
comrades and be gay. Chorus: Tramp, tramp, tramp, The boys are
marching, Cheer up comrades, they will come, And beneath the
stars and bars We shall breathe the air again Of freemen in our
own beloved home.


The Garibaldi War Song

By Frank H. Norton Forward, men, and meet the foe --
You strike for your chosen land; Let the tramp, tramp of your
marching feet Be the guide to your steady hand.

Remember how your sires have fought --
Remember your wrongs of old --
And fight for right and justice

John Garibaldi Letters Manuscript# 284 1863 November 21,

Camp Stonewall Brigade

.. GARIBALDI GOES TO GREECE.; Son of Italian Hero Arrives There to ...

GARIBALDI GOES TO GREECE. Son of Italian Hero Arrives There to
Fight Against Turkey. Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES. ROME,
Nov. 1. .

3. williebaronet: Chicken!

Are there gay turkeys? 12:12 PM ? rzdesign said... Of course
there are. How else could you explain why they are called Tom
and they run around saing Gobble! .

.. Gay Turkey, Turkey Gay

Gay Turkey, Turkey Gay: guide, travel, hotel, gay tours, bars,
clubs, cruising ... USEFUL LINKS ABOUT GAY TURKEY. Turkish Gay.
D ating. Turkish Lesbian. Dating .

10. The Rainbow Babies :: At-Home Insemination for a Lesbian Couple

The Rainbow Babies provides a central area for general
information on the many aspects ... The so-called Turkey Baster
Method, though it is smarter to use a .

18. Baby feeding food solid

.... carthaginian labyrinth in sicily during its turkeys against
greece and rome. ... interpersonal national rage garibaldi's one
thousand ..


The biology similarities that makes the indefinite enforcement
jewelry, which are someplace embodied into telltale separate
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Abstract of EP0511942

The invention relates to a feed trough (4) for young farm birds,
in particular turkeys. It comprises a suspended container plate
(2) supported by a series of support struts (3), radially
arranged, superiorly to which plate (2) is positioned a feed-
dispensing cylindrical organ (4) connected to and in
communication with a horizontal feed-transporting tubular
conduit (6). The feed trough (1) is structured so that the
distance (L) between the base (5) of the feed-dispenser organ (4)
and the peripheral edge (8) of the said plate (2) is such that
the small bird is able to reach the area close to the said base
(5) with its beak while keeping its claws outside the plate (2).
The plate (2) is further equipped with a series of spokes (9)
which spokes (9) extend radially and exhibit ends (10) to which
the support struts (3) of the plate (2) are movably fixed.

Domestic Patent References:EP0327302A Poultry feeder assembly.
Foreign References:FR2509961A

Attorney, Agent or Firm:Lanzoni, Luciano (c/o BUGNION S.p.A. Via
G. Garibaldi n. 19, Verona, I-37121, IT)

Figure 1 shows the feed trough in side view;
Figure 2 shows the container plate from below;
Figure 3 shows the container plate in section along line III-III of figure 4.

With reference to the drawings, 1 denotes the feed trough object
of the present invention.

It comprises essentially a circular container plate 2, supported
by a series of support struts 3 arranged radially, superiorly to
which is positioned a cylindrical organ 4 which organ 4 is the
feed dispenser, internally hollow and flared in the direction of
its inferior base 5, which cylindrical organ is connected to and
in communication with a horizontal tubular conduit 6 for the
transport of the feed.

The plate 2 exhibits a peripheral edge 7 of height H low enough
to permit the animal to reach the internal part of the plate 2
with its beak.

Also, the distance L between the inferior base 5 of the
cylindrical organ 4 and the peripheral edge 8 of the plate 2 is
such that the young and therefore still small bird call reach
with its beak the area close to the said base 5 while keeping
its claws outside of the plate 2.


The concrete shell of a nuclear reactor, through which conduits
extend, is formed with a feed-through connector anchored in the
wall of the structure and .

Improvements in the processing of irradiated nuclear reactor fuel ...

This invention relates to the processing of irradiated nuclear
reactor fuel. ... 100% was being obtained in the first cycle (6%
TBP/OK) feed plate region. .

10. Mechanical fragmentation of nuclear reactor fuel assemblies by the ...

duraluminum plate with a 30 mm feed step on the ARP apparatus
(Fig. 4). .... and I. S. Golovnin, Fuel Elements of Nuclear
Reactors [in Russian], Atomizdat, .

.. Deer Feeders - Fish Feeders - On Time Feeders

Feed simply flows through the legs eliminating the need for
taller legs and long down tube, and the 24 inch feed plate
height makes this a perfect deer feeder and turkey feeder


Nuclear transport troubles park officials

BISCAYNE NATIONAL PARK ? A proposal to transfer nuclear waste to
Yucca Mountain, Nev., has raised concerns at Biscayne National
Park, which sits along one of the possible transport routes.
More than 100 barges would cross the park to haul their
radioactive cargo from the Turkey Point nuclear power plant to
the Port of Miami, under a scenario prepared by the U.S.
Department of Energy

State lawyers appeal in favor of ban on gay adoptions

ATLANTA ? The Florida Legislature has the authority to forbid
homosexuals from adopting children, lawyers for the state wrote
in a brief filed in a federal appeals court. The attorneys
argued that as Florida limits the legal number of spouses and
recognizes only heterosexual marriages, it is well within the
Legislature's purview to allow only heterosexuals to adopt, to
"further the public moral sense."
.. The Spy Wise Blog

Sleepers, Moles, and The Piglet Files: British Spy... 2007 (36)
10/14 - 10/21 (2) ... agent smuggled messages to St. Petersburg
in candlesticks while Russian secret .

16. Eckerd College - St. Petersburg on the student zone - News

Latest news from Eckerd College - St. Petersburg ...
Internet criminals signing up students as 'sleepers' ...

2. Seminole Heights:
The Peach-Bottom Nuclear Reactor Full Of Sleepers

inspired by an actual incident in which safety inspectors found
the entire night crew of a nuclear reactor asleep. The Alley
Cats return to the courtyard .



Indian Rocks Beach, Florida - Detectives are continuing to
investigate the death of a man who got into a confrontation with
Pinellas County Sheriff's deputies.

The incident began shortly before 8:30 p.m. on Monday when
Sergeant Cynthia Gibson was searching for a handgun that had
possibly been thrown from a moving vehicle that was involved in
an earlier and unrelated armed abduction case.

Sergeant Gibson found Keske in a pickup truck underneath a
bridge, speaking incoherently and flailing his arms.

Pinellas County Sheriff's Public Information Officer Jim Borner
says the 45-year old Lutz man refused to get out of his pickup
truck. Sergeant Gibson called for backup, and after Deputy Garry
Edwards arrived, they again ordered Keske out of his vehicle.

Keske then allegedly rammed two cruisers, nearly missing one of
the officers. They fired at him and he fled the scene in his

Keske was tracked to the intersection of Antilles and Antigua
Drive in Seminole, where he crashed his truck. Keske,
authorities say, still wouldn't get out of truck. When they
attempted to physically remove him, he continued to be combative

When the struggle finally ended, officials noticed Keske was
unresponsive. He was rushed to the hospital but later died.

Sergeant Cynthia Gibson and Deputy Garry Edwards have been
placed on paid administrative leave, pending the outcome of the
18. Dirty Politics
outside a hotel in Florida, asking me to help carry some stuff
into ... lines, that they should then be driven from power by
any means possible and necessary. Tom Keske


So what's this got to do with "mind control"?

ALMOST ordered from the regular menu, but I got their Turkey Day
Special instead...

I felt over-stuffed, and also felt like I ate way too much
starch. Perhaps I "should" have divided it up into a few meals
and have just a little bit of each with the turkey for each meal.
But I ate the whole friggin' thing?

So today I'm back to something more balanced.

Mind Control resources for hypnosis, seduction, remote influence,
remote viewing, psychic influence, energy medicine, energy
healing, covert hypnosis, hypnotic conditioning, psychic
phenomena, ESP, rapport, NLP, anchoring

Turkey Mind Control Value T-shirt

Turkey Mind Control Magnet

Turkey Mind Control Ornament (Round)

Turkey Mind Control Journal

Turkey Mind Control Cap

This turkey wants brain wash you to make you eat something other
than turkey on Thanksgiving. He suggests tofu and lutefisk as
alternatives. He thinks he's a Jedi warrior that can control
your mind.

Oh That Raven" is a clear parody of "I Love Lucy", with Raven's
"Oh, snap!" replacing Lucy's "Eeeeewwwww". (edit) On "oh that
raven" Raven puts a turkey on her head... this is an allusion to
the Thanksgiving episode of "Friends." (edit) Dr. Stuckerman :
I'll get you and your little homies too!

Referring to the famous line in the Wzard of Oz "I'll get you,
and your little dog too!" (edit)




pg. 62 Book 3 Ozma of Oz, "From this time forth I am your o-be-
di-ent servant. What-ev-er you com-mand, that I will do will-ing-
ly--if you keep me wound up." This is used to teach the internal
robots obedience to their programming.

pg. 67 Book 3 Ozma of Oz, "Within the pail were three slice of
turkey, two slices of cold tongue, some lobster salad, four
slices of bread and butter, a small custard pie, an orange and
nine large strawberries and some nuts and raisins. Singularly
enough, the nuts in this

dinner-pail grew already cracked, so that Dorothy had no trouble
in picking out their meats to eat." This is given to front
alters as the front programming so that they see the programs as
only "fruit

Mind Control

He was mind-controlled for over 20 years without his knowledge.

Analysis of films of turning flocks of birds and experimental
studies of startle reaction times in birds in our laboratories
have suggested that the electromagnetic radiation model could
provide a parsimonious explanation for the observed behavior of
the birds.

I have noted an interesting phenomenon about 8 miles south-
southeast of here (Wimberley, Texas). This tower, each morning
and afternoon all summer, has been a prime roosting spot on
every cross-member for dozens of vultures (turkey buzzards)!!
They may be getting an EMF radiation buzz and/or may be waiting
for something to die! Seems quite symbolic, in several ways, of
this whole microwave communication and cellphone long-term
bioeffects situation.
28. HOW the NeoCons Stole Freedom:
How The Rockefeller Republicans Raped America: Part...

There is a case to believe that William Buckley remained in that
service. ... Buckley was a turkey trying to quack convincingly.

44. All the knowledge you need

Steam turkey railroad keske automotive valve covers. Mark stein
investigadores de homeostasis y ... unity church and east west books
in sacramento ca 2005 dunhill straight sex talk .

55. Features, columns, style and food coverage.

Poems love boyfriend girlfriend email world poetry hurt ...
Massachusetts fall turkey hunting season kansas city adult ...
Coventry franklin german nuclear reactor keske what color .

38. Stream
.... by high-pressure, 320-degree steam at the Salem power ...
fazla gosterebildiklerine inanmiyorum keske placebo tek ...
documentary archive rottweiler rescue pinoles florida .


John F. Kennedy casually spared a turkey on Nov. 19, 1963, just
days before his assassination. When given a bird wearing a sign
reading, "Good Eatin' Mr. President," Kennedy said, "Let's just
keep him." It wasn't an official pardon, says Kennedy archivist
Steve Plotkin: "It was probably offhand, purely spontaneous"

3. When Turkeys Attack: Bostonians Battle Wild Birds : NPR
Nov 19, 2006 ... Wild turkeys have been reintroduced with great
success over the years. In 1950, there were about 350000 wild
turkeys nationwide

4. Turkey Contemplates Iraq Attack - News - OmniNerd

.... Iraq that Turkey claims is responsible for a considerable
string of attacks. ... to keep Turkey out of Iraq (I mean Turkey
does have a valid point about wanting .

11. When turkeys attack II:
Postal workers pestered in Madison, Wisc ...

Apr 7, 2008 ... When turkeys attack II: Postal workers pestered
in Madison, Wisc. ... Owen Conservation Park are being pestered
by wild turkeys this spring.

Eye On Miami: Book on Fictional Terrorist Attack at Turkey Point ...

An innocent young Arab boy is used by suicide bombers to attack
the electrical generating plant at Turkey Point. Problems of
placing an atomic bomb in a .

.. Postal Workers Attacked by Wild Turkeys

Postal Workers Attacked by Wild Turkeys ... Postal workers were
armed with water pistols. But Lober said that, while the squirts
of water ...

Wired 12.09: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom

.... to established nuke plant ... If you're going to have 300
gigawatts of nuclear power in China ... vessel, an operator goes
postal and yanks the control rods that regulate the nuclear .

13. Bird Flu Kills 1,000 British Turkeys

.... Rural Affairs (Defra) confirmed that about 1000 turkeys died
of bird flu in a ... Woman Jailed After Keeping Normal Child in
Wheelchair for Five Years .

18. Wild Turkeys Attack Persons at Davis Cemetery
Anoying and vert aggressive wild turkeys have taken it upon
themselves to guard the grounds of the ... Blog article: Wild
Turkeys Attack Persons at Davis .


Inspectors find hole drilled in pipe at nuclear power plant
By Associated Press
Published April 2, 2006

FLORIDA CITY - Officials conducting a routine inspection of a
nuclear reactor at the Turkey Point power plant found a small
holed drilled into a pipe that helps maintain pressure, and
investigators were trying to determine if the hole was drilled
accidentally or deliberately, Florida Power & Light officials
said Saturday.
6. EyeOnWackenhut -- Security Problems at Turkey Point Nuclear Power ...
Know the Facts About Wackenhut. ... Security has never been more
important, so you need to know the facts about your security
company. ...

[Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]

Wackenhut has provided security at Turkey Point, and at FP&L's
St. Lucie nuclear power plant since 1998. EyeOnWackenhut has
previously reported on Wackenhut's security lapses

Hershel rolls his hog into the Midway Turkey Farm and Hatchery.
He heads toward the holding pens and the turkey's gobble
ominously. (And if you listen close you can hear someone cawing
and cooing, trying to get the turkey's to make some noise.) Now
everyone knows that every Turkey Farm has its own super-secret
lab where dubious experiments with chemical additives is going
on -- and Midway is no different. Tom introduces Hershel to his
head researchers, Lenny and Gene, and tells them to put Hershel
to work.

The next day at work, Lenny presents Hershel with his first
batch of chemically altered turkey. It's been basted in heroin,
and stuffed with the finest hallucinogenic mushrooms and peyote,
served with a delicious poppy seed gravy. Hershel gives it a
quick sniff for safety, shrugs, then digs in. The other turkeys
watch in horror as Hershel gorges himself on their former
comrade. When he finishes up (I can't believe I ate the whole
thing), the meat doesn't sit well in his stomach. In fact, it's
starting to revolt. He moves away from the table and wanders off
into the bushes. Roaming around in a drug induced delirium, he
stumbles, falls down, and then his body starts twitching that
degenerates into full blown convulsions. Lenny finds Hershel in
this agitated state, panics and runs to call for help. But he
stops, gathers Hershel up, and drags him away. Later, Lenny and
Gene explain to Tom why they didn't call an ambulance and dumped
Hershel's body down the road: They feared an investigation into
their experiments and somehow they'd take the blame and get into
trouble. (Gene! Stop looking at the camera!) Tom reads them the
riot act because all they did was feed him some turkey and dubs
them a couple of "dumb bastards" (the movie's favorite catch
phrase. I don't think Tom was aware of those two's dubious
experiments.) Tom leaves. Gene and Lenny realize if they stick
around, there's going to be a lot of questions from the police.
They agree to skip town.

While Ann worries because Hershel hasn't come home yet, he's
still lying in a ditch, convulsing away. Suddenly, the twitching
stops. And a new monster stalks the earth. A creature so
wretched, so horrible, that it defies all laws of nature. A
creature that is half-man and half-poultry. A Were-Turkey --
with the body of a man and the paper-mache
head of giant turkey. Yes. Hershel isn't Hershel anymore. He's
become the dreaded Blood Freak!

So how did this movie came about?

Well it all started on two different movie sets in the great
state of Florida.


My Unpublished Letter to the Editor (Boston Globe)

Jeff Jacoby's Thanksgiving day paean to capitalism and the free
market it espouses ("Giving thanks for capitalism," Nov. 27) no
doubt was intended to be a necessary reminder--by means of this
utterly textbook explanation--of the impressive and ever
benevolent power of Adam Smith's "invisible hand."

Or perhaps one word (surprisingly) does: "inspected."
"The [turkey] had to be slaughtered and defeathered and
inspected and transported and unloaded and wrapped and priced
and displayed." My interpretation reads "inspected" as in
government inspections. I can't be sure, but perhaps Jacoby's
including the verb had in mind only the private employee tasked
with inspecting each carcass for cleanliness and salability.
After all, the "free" marketplace would punish the vendor of
unclean turkeys and fowl, hence the motivation for private
inspection (would claim our friends of Adam Smith).

But there are some things that consumers deserve protection from,
without having to first suffer the ill consequences of an
unlucky purchase from a less than scrupulous merchant, only
subsequently becoming empowered (from their sickbed) to teach
that merchant a lesson by voting with her or his pocketbook
(never buy turkey there again).

Spokane police tip line gets odd questions: How to thaw a turkey

SPOKANE, Wash. -- The Spokane police and sheriff's departments
operate a tip line to record information from callers about

It gets about a dozen calls a day, but not all are tips.

The sheriff's department says people call with questions about
boating regulations and what businesses are open on holidays.

Other questions on the police tip line asked how to thaw a 12-
pound turkey, how long to wait after a death to read a will, and,
"Who can I get to come over and pick up my claw-foot bathtub?"

by Geinusofdespa...

Here is the CSI TV Show clip of terrorists attacking Turkey
Point. ... the real-life guards caught sleeping while guarding
the Turkey Point Nuke Plant. .


Appreciation for the turkey was also evident in the Mayan
culture where parts of the bird were used in sacred ceremonies.
Its popularity among other tribes grew, and the turkey
population had spread far beyond Mexico by the time the first
European explorers set foot there. In North America, tribes like
the Navajo first encountered wild turkeys after they had trouble
keeping the hungry birds away from the scanty crops they had
scratched out of the desert. Losing the battle to bar them from
the cornfields, they decided instead to feed the turkeys and
fence them in. By barging in and refusing to leave, the invading
turkeys unwittingly provided a controlled source of protein and
ornamental feathers. Instead of pests, they became symbols of
friendship and providence.

The Aztecs were among the earliest turkey fans who considered
them so important, they dedicated two religious festivals a year
to the birds. During the celebration, turkey eggshells which had
been saved for months were strewn upon the streets to honor the
god who favored them with such a plentiful source of food. All
year round, it was not uncommon for over 1000 turkeys a day to
be sold in a busy Aztec market.


Nuclear point turkey

Florida Power & Light, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation were investigating the
discovery of a small hole drilled into a pipe that helps
maintain pressure inside the reactor. This incident took place
during a refueling outage when the reactor was not powered, and
was quickly identified during power-up testing. The 3/16" hole
was drilled into a 3" stainless steel schedule 160 pipe that
would hold 600-degree-Fahrenheit reactor coolant water at 2235
psi under normal operation

Sonya Barak is on trial for the the plot to blow up the nuclear
power plant at Turkey Point. Her lawyer gets her off on bail to
the dismay of the father of the family she had a hand in


Chicken in mouth pox
Chicken poem soup
Wild turkey whiskey

Gobble Gobble Turkey Terror

The new television campaign, scheduled to run through the
holiday season, depicts a terrorist takeover of a supermarket.

The commercial eventually reveals the "terrorist" to be a turkey
puppet with a demand that people stop eating meat.
2. Eye On Miami: Book on Fictional Terrorist Attack at Turkey Point ...

Here is the CSI TV Show clip of terrorists attacking Turkey
Point. It seems like I am not the only one worried about a
terrorist attack at Turkey Point. ..

.. A Turkey's Point of View and an Ant's Point of View
- Associated ...

A Turkey's Point of View I am a turkey... gobble-gobble... I get
eaten... gobble-gobble... for Thanksgiving. I do not deserve...
gobble-gobble... to be .

54. Colorado College professor shares a view from Turkey
on the Sept. 11 terrorist att..

The location of this terrorist attack was very close to our
"home" for the three ... From Turkey's point of view, the PKK
was using terrorism to achieve its aim, and ..

75. The Goblin

The Goblin. by. Michael Whitney. Ysidroa ran up the hill behind
the village wall. ... sort of dragon on the other side of the
mountain just waiting to gobble her up. ..

49. NATO impasse seen slowing a US attack from Turkey

.... which calls for Turkey to be a critical jumping off point
for operations in Iraq. ... after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks to help monitor the skies .

3. The French and Indian Wars of the Miami - alt.religion

Mar 28, 2008 ... 2 reported dead in Florida crane collapse. By
Damien Cave and John Sullivan . ...... autour de lui, c'est
normal (ha ha, keske je suis drole ...


July 23, 2001
Mr. Robert Hovey, Vice President
Turkey Point Nuclear Plant
Florida Power and Light Company

12. Polar Cranes

The reactor polar cranes and associated rails are seismically
qualified Class I structures in the unloaded configuration. The
crane provides a means for lifting and handling heavy loads
inside the containment structures. The primary components of a
polar crane consist of the crane buckets attached to the
containment building, the runway rail supported by the crane
buckets, the end trucks that ride on the runway rail, the bridge
girder that span between the end trucks, the walkway and railing
mounted outside one of the girders, the electrical enclosures
mounted on the walkway, the cab suspended beneath bridge girder,
the trolley rails on top of the bridge girders, and the trolley
that rides on the trolley rails.

The spent fuel handling at Turkey Point includes all the
equipment and tools necessary to remove spent fuel from the
reactor vessel, transport spent fuel to the spent fuel pit,
place spent fuel in the appropriate storage rack cell, and
remove spent fuel to the spent fuel storage pit for alterative
storage. The major equipment required for spent fuel handling
includes the reactor cavity seal ring, the manipulator crane,
the fuel transfer system, the fuel transfer tube, the spent fuel
bridge, the fuel handling tools, and the spent fuel cask crane.

Polar Cranes Yes 2.4.1
Radwaste Building No
Spent Fuel Storage and Handling Yes 2.4.1&
Turbine Building Yes
Turbine Gantry Cranes Yes

Turkey Point Units 1 and 2 Chimneys Yes


The Turkey
(Parody of The Raven)
by Dave Carr

Late one night in late December, just how late I can't remember
Curled up by the glowing embers, watching Bond with Roger Moore.
Thought I heard a kind of glabbling, then again a blobbling, blabbling,
Glubbling, plobbling, blubbling, globbling just outside my kitchen door.
"Carol singers, hmph!" I muttered, "glabbling at my kitchen door.
Let's get back to Roger Moore."

"'Tis with fear and great alarm, that I have fled the turkey farm
Sensed a great impending harm; couldn't linger any more.
They've bought themselves a ****atoo; We were at risk from Asian 'flu
So my friend I've come to you, glabbling at your kitchen door."
Thus spake Neville at my door. All the while my mind's eye saw
Steaming thick brown gravy pour.

Pondering my good fortune, I told him I would find some room,
"I can put you up at least until December twenty four"
I began to contemplate, the means to help him to his fate
Perhaps the axe or strangulation, but it shook me to the core.
Haunted by the thought of Neville dead upon my kitchen floor
All around me blood and gore.

Bizarrely I grew to love him, couldn't shove him in the oven
I chastise him if he glabbles and he wakes me if I snore.
Now we're like birds of a feather, watching Bond movies together,
And you'll find we hardly ever mention Christmas any more.
Now I crave dead meat no longer, I've become a vegan bore.
Me and Nev for ever more.

French and Indian War Muster
May 17 - 18

French, British and American Indian reenactors assemble for a
weekend of living history and tactical demonstrations
commemorating Fort Frederick's role in the French and Indian War.
Period crafts and vendors will also be available. Hours are 10
am to 4 pm.

Women in the Outdoors
June 6 - 8

The National Wild Turkey Federation and DNR sponsor this annual
event to introduce women to outdoor skills. There is a service
charge and registration is limited for this activity. Event
takes place at the Woodmont Lodge. For information or to
register, call 410-751-1722 or e-mail melodys@verizon.net.
1. The Poor Turkey Girl
The poor Turkey girl threw her hands up and looked down at her
dress. With dust and sweat, behold! it was changed to what it
had been, and she was the same .


Native American Legends
The Poor Turkey Girl

Long, long ago, our ancients had neither sheep nor horses nor
cattle; yet they had domestic animals of various kinds--amongst
them Turkeys.

Now, in Matsaki, at this time there stood, away out near the
border of the town, a little tumbledown, single-room house,
wherein there lived alone a very poor girl,--so poor that her
clothes were patched and tattered and dirty, and her person, on
account of long neglect and ill-fare, shameful to look upon,
though she herself was not ugly, but had a winning face and
bright eyes; that is, if the face had been more oval and the
eyes less oppressed with care. So poor was she that she herded
Turkeys for a living; and little was given to her except the
food she subsisted on from day to day, and perhaps now and then
a piece of old, worn-out clothing.

Like the extremely poor everywhere and at all times, she was
humble, and by her longing for kindness, which she never
received, she was made kind even to the creatures that depended
upon her, and lavished this kindness upon the Turkeys she drove
to and from the plains every day. Thus, the Turkeys,
appreciating this, were very obedient. They loved their mistress
so much that at her call they would unhesitatingly come, or at
her behest go whithersoever and whensoever she wished

One day this poor girl, driving her Turkeys down into the plains,
passed near Old Zuni
-- the Middle Ant Hill of the World, as our ancients have taught
us to call our home,--and as she went along, she heard the
herald-priest proclaiming from the house-top that the Dance of
the Sacred Bird (which is a very blessed and welcome festival to
our people, especially to the youths and maidens who are
permitted to join in the dance) would take place in four days.

Now, this poor girl had never been permitted to join in or even
to watch the great festivities of our people or the people in
the neighboring towns, and naturally she longed very much to see
this dance. But she put aside her longing, because she reflected:
"It is impossible that I should watch, much less join in the
Dance of the Sacred Bird, ugly and ill-clad as I am." And thus
musing to herself, and talking to her Turkeys, as was her custom,
she drove them on, and at night returned them to their cages
round the edges and in the plazas of the town.

Every day after that, until the day named for the dance, this
poor girl, as she drove her Turkeys out in the morning, saw the
people busy in cleaning and preparing their garments, cooking
delicacies, and otherwise making ready for the festival to which
they had been duly invited by the other villagers, and heard
them talking and laughing merrily at the prospect of the coming
holiday. So, as she went about with her Turkeys through the day,
she would talk to them, though she never dreamed that they
understood a word of what she was saying.

It seems that they did understand even more than she
said to them, for on the fourth day, after the people of Matsaki
departed for Zuni and the girl was wandering around the plains
alone with her Turkeys, one of the big Gobblers strutted up to
her, and making a fan of his tail, and skirts, as it were, of
his wings, blushed with pride and puffed with importance,
stretched out his neck and said: "Maiden mother, we know what
your thoughts are, and truly we pity you, and wish that, like
the other people of Matsaki you might enjoy this holiday in the
town below.

If you will drive us in early this afternoon, when the dance is
most gay and the people are most happy, we will help you to make
yourself so handsome and so prettily dressed that never a man,
woman, or child amongst all those who are assembled at the dance
will know you; but rather, especially the young men, will wonder
whence you came, and long to lay hold of your hand in the circle
that forms round the altar to dance. Maiden mother, would you
like to go to see this dance, and even to join in it, and be
merry with the best of your people?"

The poor girl was at first surprised. Then it seemed all so
natural that the Turkeys should talk to her as she did to them,
that she sat down on a little mound, and, leaning over, looked
at them and said: "My beloved Turkeys, how glad I am that we may
speak together! But why should you tell me of things that you
full well know I so long to, but cannot by any possible means,

Trust in us," said the old Gobbler, "for I speak the speech of
my people, and when we begin to call and call and gobble and
gobble, and turn toward our home in
Matsaki, do you follow us, and we will show you what we can do
for you. Only let me tell you one thing: No one knows how much
happiness and good fortune may come to you if you but enjoy
temperately the pleasures we enable you to participate in.

But if, in the excess of your enjoyment, you should forget us,
who are your friends, yet so much depend upon you, then we will
think: 'Behold, this our maiden mother, though so humble and
poor, deserves, forsooth, her hard life, because, were she more
prosperous, she would be unto others as others now are unto her.'"

"Never fear, O my Turkeys," cried the maiden,--only half
trusting that they could do so much for her, yet longing to try,--
"never fear. In everything you direct me to do I will be
obedient as you always have been to me."

With a blush and a smile and a toss of her hair over her eyes,
the maiden stepped into the circle, and the finest youths among
the dancers vied with one another for her hand. Her heart became
light and her feet merry, and the music sped her breath to rapid
coming and going, and the warmth swept over her face, and she
danced and danced until the sun sank low in the west.

But, alas! In the excess of her enjoyment, she thought not of
her Turkeys, or, if she thought of them, she said to herself,
"How is this, that I should go away from the most precious
consideration to my flock of gobbling Turkeys? I will stay a
while longer, and just before the sun sets I will run back to
them, that these people may not see who I am, and that I may
have the joy of hearing them talk day after day and wonder who
the girl was who joined in their dance."

Meantime, as it grew late, the Turkeys began to wonder and
wonder that their maiden mother did not return to them. At last
a gray old Gobbler mournfully exclaimed, "It is as we might have
expected. She has forgotten us; therefore is she not worthy of
better things than those she has been accustomed to. Let us go
forth to the mountains and endure no more of this irksome
captivity, inasmuch as we may no longer think our maiden mother
as good and true as once we thought her."

So, calling and calling to one another in loud voices, they
trooped out of their cage and ran up toward the Caon of the
Cottonwoods, and then round behind Thunder Mountain, through the
Gateway of Zui, and so on up the valley.

All breathless, the maiden arrived at the open wicket and looked
in. Behold, not a Turkey was there! Trailing them, she ran and
she ran up the valley to overtake them; but they were far ahead,
and it was only after a long time that she came within the sound
of their voices, and then, redoubling her speed, well-nigh
overtook them, when she heard them singing this song:

K'yaanaa, to! to!
K'yaanaa, to! to!
Ye ye!
K'yaanaa, to! to!
K'yaanaa, to! to!
Yee huli huli!

Hon awen Tsita
Otakyaan aaa kyaa;
Lesna akyaaa

Hon aawani!

Ye yee huli huli,
Tot-tot, tot-tot, tot-tot,
Huli huli!
Tot-tot, tot-tot, tot-tot,
Huli huli!

Up the river, to! to!
Up the river, to! to!
Sing ye ye!
Up the river, to! to!
Up the river, to! to!
Sing yee huli huli!

Then singing once more their song in full chorus, they spread
wide their wings, and thlakwa-a-a, thlakwa-a- a, they fluttered
away over the plains above.

The poor Turkey girl threw her hands up and looked down at her
dress. With dust and sweat, behold! it was changed to what it
had been, and she was the same poor Turkey girl that she was
before. Weary, grieving, and despairing, she returned to Thus it
was in the days of the ancients.

After all, the gods dispose of men according as men are fitted;
and if the poor be poor in heart and spirit as well as in
appearance, how will they be aught but poor to the end of their
days? Thus shortens my story.
31. YouTube - Exotic Gay Istanbul
Look at the video,? 'exotic gay istanbul'. If you are going to
get rid of all the gays in Turkey you will have to kill 50% of
the population. .


The Indian Wars

Which brings us to the point at which the word problem becomes a
number problem. Say you are a team owner. You kiss Chief Wahoo
goodbye. Stop the chop. Dump the fake Indian garb, the turkey
feathers and the war paint. Get rid of, say, the Redskins name
because it's got a sullied history and just sounds wrong. Rename
the team the Washington Warriors -- without the Indian-head logo --
and watch the new team hats and jackets hit the stores.
64. "Not Gay" Chant Sparks Controversy / Queerty

Queerty. Free of an agenda, except that gay one. The gay blog. ...

Virginia insist on shouting "I'm not gay" during one of the
school's traditional ... No. 15 wahoo .


Wahoo Nation
A military mythic beast swoops down at 21 Grand.
By Rachel Swan

He debuted the exhibit at 21 Grand in 2001, displayed a refined
version the following year at Southern Exposure Gallery in Los
Angeles, and created a second installment for Blankspace Gallery
in July of this year. This month he returns to 21 Grand with a
new troop of invaders, this time taking the form of gigantic
steel pterodactyls designed to look like bombs with nineteen-
foot wings. The birds' heads look like scythes, while their
circular bodies take the form of a banjo. Rogers calls these new
creatures the Wahoos, a name derived from his own
misinterpretation of a lyric from C.W. McCall's song, "There Won'
t Be No Country Music." The song has a lyric that goes, And you
see the wild goose flying through the great polluted sky, which
Rogers always heard as And you see the wahoos flying through the
great polluted sky. For roughly thirty years, he thought a Wahoo
was a strange primitive bird.

The idea that animates Wahoos, Rogers said, is that if the
military-industrial complex could spawn a mythic beast, here is
what it would look like. The birds' joints are hollow steel
balls, while the wings are tubing and solid rod. Rogers formed
the wings by heating sheet metal to make it warp, and
accentuating the curvature with an English wheel - "the same
tool as someone shaping a gas tank would use on one of those
chopper shows." The Wahoos are swooping toward a rebar spiderweb
structure that resembles the MacArthur Maze when photographed
from a birds-eye view. Rogers lined the walls of 21 Grand with
black selenium-dioxide paintings meant to represent the "gray
polluted skies."

Designed with the slickness of aircraft vehicles or gigantic
weapons, the Wahoos have enticing, perfectly sculpted bodies
that belie their predatory nature. "What really attracted me was
just the head - the swoop of the head," Rogers said. "And it was
really hard to let go of that. I didn't want to deny them that
pleasure." Rogers still isn't sure of the birds' intentions. He
said they just flew in his shop one day. "I got in one morning
and I opened up the door. Just as it was opening up, all three
of them just swooped in. They nestled up in the rafters so I
left a big pile of bolts on the table to coax them down." At 21
Grand, he has rigged them to hone straight on the center of the
Maze - if you stand in front of it and look straight ahead, you'
ll meet the knife-like eye of the bird - but he doesn't know if
they're attacking or coming in to roost. The Wahoos' connection
to the Grey Invaders also remains nebulous, though Rogers says
they both represent an "extreme focus of the will."

You never hear the Irish Americans complain ove Notre Dame being
called the Fighting Irish or the Boston Celtics basketball team.
Please stop with the whiney victimization crap from 150 years ago!
Most injuns can now read and write. You are now able to open casinos
and sell tax free butts. You are living better than if your primative
and savage anscestors were allowed to run free naked through the
woods. You should be a little more grateful.