Tutorial: Making Full Video Sigs


New member

something i whipped up right after i read the tut....is it any good??

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Dark Collision

New member
Oh, maybe because your video was bigger than your text sig. You have to resize the video first, then you Blend Animation with.


New member
heyz dark collision....umm...thankx 4 the tipz...but how do i add a small clip in the gif..instead of takin up the entire sig...in other words...like ur sig or like Sexen'z sig?

Dark Collision

New member
Oh that's in my other tutorial. But if you want a small clip, just go to Animation>Resize... in GIF Movie Gear and resize it so that the clip is smaller. Use a size like 90 width x 60 height.

Dark Collision

New member
hows this
Hey, that's awesome. There's only one problem. I think you optimized it first, then thinned it. Don't optimize before you thin it, because then it will look kinda choppy like that. I always optimize last. You should always optimize last. If you don't, then you'll get like cut-out stuff inside your videos. But besides that, it's cool.

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