Two arrested as Ferguson protests move to St Louis


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Feb 18, 2015
Police arrested at least two people as nightly protests in the racially troubled US suburb of Ferguson over the police killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown shifted into the heart of St Louis. Up to 50 youthful demonstrators gathered after sunset at the Midwestern city's historic 19th century Old Courthouse to march through streets lined with bars filled with St Patrick's revelers. "Justice is dead! We have to wake it up," one protester, David Ragland, shouted from the steps of the white colonnaded courthouse where in 1846 black slave Dred Scott filed his unsuccessful but historic lawsuit to win his freedom. When some of the protesters briefly held up traffic, police stepped in and took away two men -- a young protester with a kerchief over his face and a freelance photojournalist, Philip Montgomery, on assignment for the Mashable website.

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