TX - Store clerk shoots at robber


Patriot Games


Store clerk shoots at robber
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A convenience store clerk defended himself against a robber today by pulling
out a gun from under the counter and firing two shots in the aggressor's

The Lake Stop store, near Lake Whitney off State Highway 22, was empty at
10:16 a.m. when a masked man entered and pointed a weapon at the store
clerk, according to a Bosque County Sheriff's Department press release.
Authorities did not reveal what type of weapon was used.

The clerk responded by firing two shots from a gun under the counter,
causing the robber to flee out the door. Authorities did not say if any
money was taken.

Deputies later arrested Stafford L. Jones of Waco and charged him with the
robbery. Stafford was booked into the Bosque County Jail after being treated
and released from an area hospital for minor bullet wounds, according to the
sheriff's department. Jones was apparently grazed by the bullets,
authorities said. No other injuries were reported.