U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made


Captain Compassion

U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
Agence France Presse.

WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.

These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.

These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
reached its conclusions using largely similar data.

The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
consequences of global warming.

In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now

Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
is already on the march, the report said.

Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
inflicting changes to weather systems.

A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
on their views that is published in The International Journal of
Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.

"The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.

"The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
warming," Douglas wrote.

According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
three times greater."

Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.

The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse

For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."

How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
earth's surface and thus the climate."

Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate

The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
he said.

Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
greenhouse gas emissions.

the energy companies and other assorted wealthy polluters don't want to
pay to clean up their disaster, even if it means killing their
great-great-great grandchildren

typical conservatives, would sell their own mothers

"Captain Compassion" <daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net> wrote in message
> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> Agence France Presse.
> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
> consequences of global warming.
> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
> "unequivocal."
> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
> is already on the march, the report said.
> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
> inflicting changes to weather systems.
> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
> warming," Douglas wrote.
> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
> three times greater."
> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
> gases."
> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
> earth's surface and thus the climate."
> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
> change.
> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
> he said.
> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
> greenhouse gas emissions.
> Copyright
Lt Gen Al E. Gator wrote:
> the energy companies and other assorted wealthy polluters don't want to
> pay to clean up their disaster, even if it means killing their
> great-great-great grandchildren

May I assume that you blame the energy companies for this supposed "global warming"?

May I assume that you deny all responsibility?

Has it occurred to you that if the warming trend of the lat 20th century is
indeed man made, that you share the responsibility?
and you would sell your own kids. I talked to your wife 2 dollar millie the
one with the mattress on her back and aq sign that says 2 dollars.
On Dec 16, 11:54 pm, Captain Compassion <dar...@NOSPAMcharter.net>
> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> Agence France Presse.
> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.

Well, since that's GE, GM. AT&T, and Exxon, we knew what their
answer was going to be 100 years ago . So it not only doesn't
matter to science, it doesn't even matter to enginering, medicine,
music, art, or journalism either. It only matters to Bank-Of-
America morons
and reruns of "Jackie Gleason Does The Road".

> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
> consequences of global warming.
> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
> "unequivocal."
> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
> is already on the march, the report said.
> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
> inflicting changes to weather systems.
> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
> warming," Douglas wrote.
> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
> three times greater."
> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
> gases."
> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
> earth's surface and thus the climate."
> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
> change.
> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
> he said.
> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
> greenhouse gas emissions.
> Copyright (c) 2007 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved.
> --
> If you disagree with the theories and dogmas of Marxism or Scientific Socialism
> then you are a tool of Capitalist interests. If you disagree with the theories
> or dogmas of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming then you are a tool of
> Capitalistic interests. Notice a pattern here? -- Captain Compassion
> The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to
> escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius
> "...the whole world, including the United States, including all that
> we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark
> Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights
> of perverted science." -- Sir Winston Churchill
> Joseph R. Darancette
> dar...@NOSPAMcharter.net
In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50lih@4ax.com>, daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net says...
> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> Agence France Presse.
> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
> consequences of global warming.
> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
> "unequivocal."
> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
> is already on the march, the report said.
> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
> inflicting changes to weather systems.
> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
> warming," Douglas wrote.
> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
> three times greater."
> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
> gases."
> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
> earth's surface and thus the climate."
> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
> change.
> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
> he said.
> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
> greenhouse gas emissions.
> Copyright
Neocon Oil Cheerleaders wrote:
> In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50lih@4ax.com>, daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net says...
>> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
>> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
>> Agence France Presse.
>> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
>> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
>> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
>> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
>> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
>> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
>> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
>> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
>> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
>> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
>> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
>> consequences of global warming.
>> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
>> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
>> "unequivocal."
>> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
>> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
>> is already on the march, the report said.
>> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
>> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
>> inflicting changes to weather systems.
>> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
>> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
>> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
>> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
>> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
>> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
>> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
>> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
>> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
>> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
>> warming," Douglas wrote.
>> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
>> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
>> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
>> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
>> three times greater."
>> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
>> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
>> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
>> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
>> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
>> gases."
>> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
>> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
>> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
>> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
>> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
>> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
>> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
>> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
>> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
>> earth's surface and thus the climate."
>> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
>> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
>> change.
>> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
>> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
>> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
>> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
>> he said.
>> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
>> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
>> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
>> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
>> greenhouse gas emissions.
>> Copyright
Neocon Oil Cheerleaders wrote:
> In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50lih@4ax.com>, daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net says...
>> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
>> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
>> Agence France Presse.
>> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
>> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
>> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
>> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
>> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
>> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
>> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
>> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
>> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
>> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
>> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
>> consequences of global warming.
>> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
>> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
>> "unequivocal."
>> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
>> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
>> is already on the march, the report said.
>> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
>> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
>> inflicting changes to weather systems.
>> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
>> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
>> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
>> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
>> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
>> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
>> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
>> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
>> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
>> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
>> warming," Douglas wrote.
>> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
>> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
>> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
>> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
>> three times greater."
>> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
>> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
>> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
>> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
>> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
>> gases."
>> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
>> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
>> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
>> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
>> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
>> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
>> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
>> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
>> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
>> earth's surface and thus the climate."
>> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
>> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
>> change.
>> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
>> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
>> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
>> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
>> he said.
>> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
>> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
>> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
>> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
>> greenhouse gas emissions.
>> Copyright
On Dec 17, 1:09 pm, David Hartung <dhart...@quixnetnone.net> wrote:
> Neocon Oil Cheerleaders wrote:
> > In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50...@4ax.com>, dar...@NOSPAMcharter.net says...
> >> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
> >> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> >> Agence France Presse.

> >> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
> >> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
> >> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.

> >> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
> >> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.

> >> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
> >> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
> >> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.

> >> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
> >> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
> >> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
> >> consequences of global warming.

> >> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
> >> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
> >> "unequivocal."

> >> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
> >> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
> >> is already on the march, the report said.

> >> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
> >> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
> >> inflicting changes to weather systems.

> >> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
> >> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
> >> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.

> >> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
> >> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
> >> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
> >> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.

> >> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
> >> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
> >> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
> >> warming," Douglas wrote.

> >> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
> >> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
> >> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
> >> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
> >> three times greater."

> >> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
> >> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
> >> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.

> >> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
> >> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
> >> gases."

> >> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
> >> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
> >> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
> >> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
> >> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."

> >> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
> >> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
> >> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
> >> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
> >> earth's surface and thus the climate."

> >> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
> >> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
> >> change.

> >> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
> >> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
> >> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
> >> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
> >> he said.

> >> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
> >> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
> >> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
> >> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
> >> greenhouse gas emissions.

> >> Copyright (c) 2007 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved.

> > Fred Singer is a well known oil industry shill:

> >http://www.exxonsecrets.org/html/personfactsheet.php?id=1

> http://tinyurl.com/6snft
> From the article: Unlike the surface-based temperatures, global temperature
> measurements of the Earth's lower atmosphere obtained from satellites reveal no
> definitive warming trend over the past two decades. The slight trend that is in
> the data actually appears to be downward. The largest fluctuations in the
> satellite temperature data are not from any man-made activity, but from natural
> phenomena such as large volcanic eruptions from Mt. Pinatubo, and from El Ni
David Hartung <dhart1ng@quixnetnone.net> wrote in

> Neocon Oil Cheerleaders wrote:
>> In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50lih@4ax.com>,
>> daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net says...
>>> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
>>> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
>>> Agence France Presse.
>>> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
>>> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
>>> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
>>> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
>>> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
>>> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
>>> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
>>> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
>>> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
>>> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
>>> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
>>> consequences of global warming.
>>> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
>>> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
>>> "unequivocal."
>>> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
>>> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
>>> is already on the march, the report said.
>>> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
>>> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
>>> inflicting changes to weather systems.
>>> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
>>> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
>>> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
>>> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
>>> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
>>> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
>>> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
>>> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
>>> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
>>> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
>>> warming," Douglas wrote.
>>> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
>>> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
>>> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
>>> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
>>> three times greater."
>>> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
>>> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
>>> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
>>> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
>>> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
>>> gases."
>>> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
>>> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
>>> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
>>> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
>>> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
>>> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
>>> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
>>> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
>>> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
>>> earth's surface and thus the climate."
>>> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
>>> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
>>> change.
>>> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
>>> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
>>> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
>>> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
>>> he said.
>>> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
>>> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
>>> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
>>> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
>>> greenhouse gas emissions.
>>> Copyright
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:23:10 -0800 (PST), "zzbunker@netscape.net"
<zzbunker@netscape.net> wrote:

>On Dec 16, 11:54 pm, Captain Compassion <dar...@NOSPAMcharter.net>
>> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
>> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
>> Agence France Presse.
>> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
>> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
>> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.

> Well, since that's GE, GM. AT&T, and Exxon, we knew what their
> answer was going to be 100 years ago . So it not only doesn't
> matter to science, it doesn't even matter to enginering, medicine,
> music, art, or journalism either. It only matters to Bank-Of-
>America morons
> and reruns of "Jackie Gleason Does The Road".

So perhaps there are no honest brokers here. Certainly many
governments are fans of GW or at least the hype. It means more taxes
and control over the economic behavior of their subjects. For some
governments it means money from guilty first world economies. The
bottom line here is that a .7 degree rise in global temperature in 100
years is hardly unique or astounding and in no major way can
attributed to human activity. The future? Get out the Oui-Ja board and
the Tarot cards.

>> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
>> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
>> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
>> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
>> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
>> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
>> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
>> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
>> consequences of global warming.
>> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
>> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
>> "unequivocal."
>> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
>> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
>> is already on the march, the report said.
>> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
>> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
>> inflicting changes to weather systems.
>> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
>> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
>> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
>> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
>> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
>> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
>> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
>> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
>> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
>> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
>> warming," Douglas wrote.
>> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
>> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
>> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
>> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
>> three times greater."
>> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
>> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
>> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
>> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
>> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
>> gases."
>> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
>> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
>> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
>> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
>> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
>> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
>> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
>> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
>> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
>> earth's surface and thus the climate."
>> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
>> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
>> change.
>> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
>> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
>> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
>> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
>> he said.
>> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
>> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
>> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
>> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
>> greenhouse gas emissions.
>> Copyright (c) 2007 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved.
>> --
>> If you disagree with the theories and dogmas of Marxism or Scientific Socialism
>> then you are a tool of Capitalist interests. If you disagree with the theories
>> or dogmas of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming then you are a tool of
>> Capitalistic interests. Notice a pattern here? -- Captain Compassion
>> The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to
>> escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius
>> "...the whole world, including the United States, including all that
>> we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark
>> Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights
>> of perverted science." -- Sir Winston Churchill
>> Joseph R. Darancette
>> dar...@NOSPAMcharter.net

If you disagree with the theories and dogmas of Marxism or Scientific Socialism
then you are a tool of Capitalist interests. If you disagree with the theories
or dogmas of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming then you are a tool of
Capitalistic interests. Notice a pattern here? -- Captain Compassion

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to
escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

"...the whole world, including the United States, including all that
we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark
Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights
of perverted science." -- Sir Winston Churchill

Joseph R. Darancette
In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50lih@4ax.com>,
Captain Compassion <daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net> wrote:

> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> Agence France Presse.
> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
> consequences of global warming.
> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
> "unequivocal."
> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
> is already on the march, the report said.
> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
> inflicting changes to weather systems.
> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
> warming," Douglas wrote.
> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
> three times greater."
> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
> gases."
> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
> earth's surface and thus the climate."
> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
> change.
> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
> he said.
> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
> greenhouse gas emissions.
> Copyright
In article <q7qdnZEFef_bJ_vanZ2dnUVZ_ubinZ2d@comcast.com>, dhart1ng@quixnetnone.net says...
> Neocon Oil Cheerleaders wrote:
> > In article <4lvbm3pic6h84oe7uesvu25e2iitm50lih@4ax.com>, daranc@NOSPAMcharter.net says...
> >> U.S. Experts Insist Global Warming Not Man-Made
> >> Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> >> Agence France Presse.
> >>
> >> WASHINGTON -- A small group of US experts stubbornly insist that,
> >> contrary to what the vast majority of their colleagues believe, humans
> >> may not be responsible for the warming of the planet Earth.
> >>
> >> These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and
> >> they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.
> >>
> >> These conclusions are in sharp contradiction to those of the United
> >> Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
> >> reached its conclusions using largely similar data.
> >>
> >> The UN body of about 3,000 experts, including several renown US
> >> scientists, jointly won the award with former US vice president Al
> >> Gore for their work to raise awareness about the disastrous
> >> consequences of global warming.
> >>
> >> In mid-November the IPCC adopted a landmark report stating that the
> >> evidence of a human role in the warming of the planet was now
> >> "unequivocal."
> >>
> >> Retreating glaciers and loss of snow in Alpine regions, thinning
> >> Arctic summer sea ice and thawing permafrost shows that climate change
> >> is already on the march, the report said.
> >>
> >> Carbon pollution, emitted especially by the burning of oil, gas and
> >> coal, traps heat from the Sun, thus warming the Earth's surface and
> >> inflicting changes to weather systems.
> >>
> >> A group of US scientists however disagree, and have written an article
> >> on their views that is published in The International Journal of
> >> Climatology, a publication of Britain's Royal Meteorological Society.
> >>
> >> "The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric
> >> temperature trends, doesn't show the characteristic fingerprint
> >> associated with greenhouse warming," wrote lead author David Douglas,
> >> a climate expert from the University of Rochester, in New York state.
> >>
> >> "The inescapable conclusion is that human contribution is not
> >> significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other
> >> greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate
> >> warming," Douglas wrote.
> >>
> >> According to co-author John Christi from the University of Alabama,
> >> satellite data "and independent balloon data agree that the
> >> atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface," while
> >> greenhouse models "demand that atmospheric trend values be two to
> >> three times greater."
> >>
> >> Data from satellite observations "suggest that greenhouse models
> >> ignore negative feedback produced by clouds and by water vapor, that
> >> diminish the warming effects" of human carbon dioxide emissions.
> >>
> >> The journal authors "have good reason, therefore, to believe that
> >> current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse
> >> gases."
> >>
> >> For Fred Singer, a climatologist at the University of Virginia and
> >> another co-author, the current warming "trend is simply part of a
> >> natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice
> >> cores, deep sea sediments and stalagmites . . . and published in
> >> hundreds of papers in peer reviewed journals."
> >>
> >> How these cyclical climate take place is still unknown, but they "are
> >> most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated
> >> magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on
> >> cloudiness, and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the
> >> earth's surface and thus the climate."
> >>
> >> Singer said at a recent National Press Club meeting in Washington that
> >> there is still no definite proof that humans can produce climate
> >> change.
> >>
> >> The available data is ambiguous, Singer said: global temperatures, for
> >> example, rose between 1900 and 1940, well before humans began to burn
> >> the enormous quantities of hydrocarbons they do today. Then they
> >> dropped between 1940 and 1975, when the use of oil and coal increased,
> >> he said.
> >>
> >> Singer believes that other factors -- like variations of solar winds
> >> and terrestrial magnetic field that impact cloud formations and the
> >> amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, and thus determining
> >> the temperature -- are much more influential than human-generated
> >> greenhouse gas emissions.
> >>
> >> Copyright