U.S. signals it may downgrade protections for vanishing bat


World News

The Obama administration signaled on Thursday it may classify a bat decimated by a fungal disease as threatened, rather than endangered, which would allow activities such as logging of trees the bats use for forage and roosting. In 2013 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommended classifying the northern long-eared bat as endangered under the federal law after some populations in the northeastern United States declined by 99 percent due to a disease known as white-nose syndrome. The special rule proposed on Thursday by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would allow tree-cutting under certain conditions in areas used by northern long-eared bats, according to a proposal to be published in the Federal Register on Friday. It needs all the help it can get and that would be an endangered listing," said Mollie Matteson, scientist with the Center for Biological Diversity.

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