

amiin alhubaishy


ED wrote:

Check for updates returns error code: C004F076


This concerns Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Attempt to check for updates produces the following response:


Windows could not search for new updates

An error occurred while checking (...etc)

Error found:

Code C004F076 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.


Internet access is up and running, windows firewall configuration does not

affect this issue as it has been tested with firewall on and off.

Windows BITS and WU services are running, re-started them and re-ran the

"update check" and nothing gives.

Any ideas?

PS. Why is it so damn hard to find out what the error code means, could not

find a single thing anywhere to tell me what the code refers to, not at all

helpful nor friendly.

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:09 PM

ED wrote:

Check for updates returns error code: C004F076

This concerns Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

Attempt to check for updates produces the following response:


Windows could not search for new updates

An error occurred while checking (...etc)

Error found:

Code C004F076 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.


Internet access is up and running, windows firewall configuration does not

affect this issue as it has been tested with firewall on and off.

Windows BITS and WU services are running, re-started them and re-ran the

"update check" and nothing gives.

Any ideas?

PS. Why is it so damn hard to find out what the error code means, could not

find a single thing anywhere to tell me what the code refers to, not at all

helpful nor friendly.

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:51 PM

MowGreen wrote:

ED wrote:ED,What gave you the impression that Microsoft cares if the typical

ED wrote:


What gave you the impression that Microsoft cares if the typical Home

User can find information about esoteric error codes ?

The C004F076 yields no hits on Google's web nor group search other then

your post, so consider yourself the first to encounter it.

Congratulations. <w>

The closest error codes can be viewed here but the specific one your

system threw is not on the list:


The error appears to be related to the Software Licensing Service,

which, naturally, is not a Service in Win7.

Check to see if either the Software Protection or SPP Notification

services have been Disabled in the Services console

Start orb > type in services.msc

The Default settings for them are

Software Protection - Automatic (delayed start)

SPP Notification - Manual

If they are already set to their Default values, please try another

attempt at updating. When it fails, close the Windows Update window.

Click the Start orb and type in windowsupdate.log

in the search field.

Under Programs, click on the windowsupdate.log

Copy & paste at least the last 50 or lines into your reply.

Please include the entry that shows the Version of the Windows Update

Client that is installed.


2010-01-24 10:29:22:739 940 b7c Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate

2010-01-24 10:29:22:739 940 b7c Setup Client version: Core:

7.4.7600.226 Aux: 7.4.7600.226



-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten



"Security updates should never have non-security content prechecked

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:12 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

Is this a sudden, new problem?

Is this a sudden, new problem?

Did you upgrade to Win7 or is it a brand-new computer?

What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your

subscription current? What anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)?

What third-party firewall (if any)?

Has a(another) Norton or McAfee application ever been installed on the

computer (e.g., a free-trial version that came preinstalled when you bought



~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002


ED wrote:

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:19 PM

ED wrote:

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent START Agent: Finding updates

[CallerId = Microsoft Security Essentials]

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent Online = Yes; Ignore download

priority = No

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent Criteria = "(IsInstalled = 0 and

IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66'

and CategoryIDs contains '0FA1201D-4330-4FA8-8AE9-B877473B6441') OR

(IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs

contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and CategoryIDs contains

'E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4') OR (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0

and CategoryIDs contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and

CategoryIDs contains '28BC880E-0592-4CBF-8F95-C79B17911D5F') OR (IsInstalled

= 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs

contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and CategoryIDs contains

'B54E7D24-7ADD-428F-8B75-90A396FA584F') OR (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0

and CategoryIDs contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and

CategoryIDs contains 'CD5FFD1E-E932-4E3A-BF74-18BF0B1BBD83') OR (IsInstalled

= 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs

contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and CategoryIDs contains


2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent ServiceID =

{7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} Third party service

2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}

2010-01-24 22:06:58:584 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for


2010-01-24 22:06:58:586 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-01-24 22:06:58:743 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for


2010-01-24 22:06:58:744 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-01-24 22:06:58:747 744 fb8 Agent Checking for updated auth cab for

service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d at


2010-01-24 22:06:58:747 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for


2010-01-24 22:06:58:749 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-01-24 22:06:58:782 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for


2010-01-24 22:06:58:784 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-01-24 22:06:58:854 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for


2010-01-24 22:06:58:856 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-01-24 22:06:58:894 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for


2010-01-24 22:06:58:895 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-01-24 22:06:58:897 744 fb8 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or

new PID is available

2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: PTError: 0xc004f076

2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: Failed to get PId: 0xc004f076

2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:


2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0xc004f076

2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0xc004f076

2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: StartCategoryScan failed :


2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent WARNING: Exit code = 0xC004F076

2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent

2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent END Agent: Finding updates

[CallerId = Microsoft Security Essentials]

2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent

2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching

for update with error 0xc004f076

2010-01-24 22:07:03:904 744 fb8 Report REPORT EVENT:

{8B449671-331E-4CE8-870D-392E232C5663} 2010-01-24

22:06:58:904+0100 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 c004f076 Microsoft

Security Essentials Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client

failed to detect with error 0xc004f076.

2010-01-24 22:07:03:909 744 fb8 Report CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER

report upload completed with status 0x8

2010-01-24 22:07:03:909 744 fb8 Report WER Report sent: 7.3.7100.0

0xc004f076 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Scan 101 Unmanaged

2010-01-24 22:07:03:909 744 fb8 Report CWERReporter finishing event

handling. (00000000)

2010-01-24 22:09:40:103 744 e48 AU Getting featured update notifications.

fIncludeDismissed = true

2010-01-24 22:09:40:103 744 e48 AU No featured updates available.

2010-01-24 22:09:41:523 744 e48 AU Triggering AU detection through

DetectNow API

2010-01-24 22:09:41:523 744 e48 AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:35 PM

ED wrote:

About a couple of weeks or so ago updates were not being downloaded thoughall

About a couple of weeks or so ago updates were not being downloaded though

all I got as feedback was an issue with connecting to the windows update

service and to try again so... as it was between the monthly cycle of 'patch

tuesday' I chose to forget about it till the next update Tuesday had passed

and/or any out-of-loop security updates were announced and I was logged into

my Win7.

No upgrade, fresh install albeit a while ago and have been able to, since

this install, run, download and install updates., I have been able to download

and install the latest Microsoft security essentials AV defs though.

All Microsoft stuff as per earlier comment and the firewall on the router

has not been re-configured i.e. I was able to run, download and install

updates with same router firewall config.

Absolutely not, if I was going to go 3rd party it would be Kaspersky or

Sophos however I put my bets on Microsoft's own tool being 'better informed'

of the risks and threats to Windows.

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 5:51 PM

ED wrote:


Amen! :)

PS. Been googling like mad around this thing and not had any joy... from

checking about force installing WU agent through to subinacl hacks but

nothing gives so I am hoping you will fare better than I.

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:02 PM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

What anti-virus application was installed before you installed MSE (whichis

What anti-virus application was installed before you installed MSE (which

is not updating either now)?

Open the MSE UI and click on Help | About: What are the first four file

versions displayed here (e.g., Microsoft Security Essentials; Antimalware

Client; Engine; AV defs)?

Have updates KB972207 and/or KB978207 been installed?

ED wrote:

On Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:43 PM

ED wrote:

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:No other AV was installed post Win7 install, ever.

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

No other AV was installed post Win7 install, ever.

Actually, MSE IS updating... even if your interpretation of the log appears

otherwise MSE thinks it downloaded updates and installed them i.e AV defs

(24/1/2010 @ 11:31 -

Microsoft Security Essentials Version: 1.0.1611.0

Antimalware Client Version: 2.0.6212.0

Engine Version: 1.1.5405.0

Antivirus definitions:

Antispyware definitions:

No, those updates have not yet been installed.

Curious to know why KB972207 is relevant (FIX: The value of the Size

property of the Smo.Server(<serverName>).Databases collection is incorrect

after you install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1). No SQLServer


Also curious re: KB978207 as DEP is on by default with Win7 unless I am

mistaken and... I do not use IE, I use Firefox.

Any idea what the error code 0xc004f076 means?

On Monday, January 25, 2010 1:22 AM

PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

ED wrote:Sorry, that should have been KB972270:http://support.microsoft.

ED wrote:

Sorry, that should have been KB972270:


KB978207 is the latest Cumulative Security Update for IE & was released on

21 Jan-10. IE is part & parcel of your OS and needs to be kept

fully-patched at all times, even if you use an alternate browser.

Neither Mow nor I have been able to find any reference to that error number

anywhere, sorry.

KB972270 & KB978207 should have been installed by now. If that is not the

case, open a free support incident:

For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY

(and/or 1-866-234-6020) in the United States and in Canada or by contacting

your local Microsoft subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls that

are associated with security updates. When you call, clearly state that

your problem is related to a Security Update and cite the update's KB number

(e.g., KB999999).

Or you can...

Start a free Windows Update support incident request:


Consumer Security Support home page also offers support options


For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary

for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

site: http://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx

For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through

your usual support contacts.

On Monday, January 25, 2010 3:52 PM

MowGreen wrote:

64 bit editions of Vista and Windows 7 have some very 'interesting'updating

64 bit editions of Vista and Windows 7 have some very 'interesting'

updating issues that usually can only be resolved by an "in-place

upgrade" (aka Repair Installation) or a format/reinstall.

I will assume that the services I mentioned in the previous post were set

to their Default values, correct ?

The Windows Update Agent (WUA)installed is the one that came with Win7

RTM. For some reason, it is not being updated and thus no updates are

searched for/offered/downloaded/installed/etc.

In most cases this issue is related to the installed security software.

Notice the difference in the below entry from the WU.log on my Win7 box

and the one from your system, Ed

From your system:

See where it states " WuRedir_prerelease " ? Not sure why there is a

'prerelease' entry present in the log from your system, so let us see if

we can resolve that.

Download the latest release of the WUA for Windows x64 and save it to

your User Account's Downloads subfolder:


Open the Services console and stop the following services if they are

showing as Started. Also, ensure that their Startup type is set to their

Default values:

Background Intelligent Transfer Service - Manual

Windows Update - Automatic (Delayed Start)

Ensure that these services have not been Disabled and are set to

Manual for Startup type:

Windows Installer

Windows Modules Installer

WinHTTP Web Proxy-Auto Discovery

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to

C:\Windows\Software Distribution

Delete each subfolder of Software Distribution; do NOT delete the

Software Distribution folder.

Navigate to your User Account's Downloads subfolder and right click


Choose 'Run as administrator' and follow the UAC prompts in order to

allow it to run Elevated.

Reboot afterwards and see if the system can now search for updates.

Microsoft claims that the WUA is successfully updated automatically

98.5% of the time. If you believe that statistic you will also believe

that I am going to quarterback the Colts in the Super Bowl.



-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten



"Security updates should never have non-security content prechecked

ED wrote:

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice

WPF Customized Find Control for FlowDocuments

Hooplehead alert.

<amiin alhubaishy> wrote in message news:201051413512amiin4@gmail.com...

: ubdate




: ED wrote:


: Check for updates returns error code: C004F076

: 24-Jan-10


: This concerns Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.


: Attempt to check for updates produces the following response:

: ------------------------------------------------------------------

: Windows could not search for new updates

: An error occurred while checking (...etc)


: Error found:

: Code C004F076 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

: ------------------------------------------------------------------


: Internet access is up and running, windows firewall configuration does not

: affect this issue as it has been tested with firewall on and off.


: Windows BITS and WU services are running, re-started them and re-ran the

: "update check" and nothing gives.


: Any ideas?


: PS. Why is it so damn hard to find out what the error code means, could


: find a single thing anywhere to tell me what the code refers to, not at


: helpful nor friendly.


: Previous Posts In This Thread:


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:09 PM

: ED wrote:


: Check for updates returns error code: C004F076

: This concerns Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.


: Attempt to check for updates produces the following response:

: ------------------------------------------------------------------

: Windows could not search for new updates

: An error occurred while checking (...etc)


: Error found:

: Code C004F076 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

: ------------------------------------------------------------------


: Internet access is up and running, windows firewall configuration does not

: affect this issue as it has been tested with firewall on and off.


: Windows BITS and WU services are running, re-started them and re-ran the

: "update check" and nothing gives.


: Any ideas?


: PS. Why is it so damn hard to find out what the error code means, could


: find a single thing anywhere to tell me what the code refers to, not at


: helpful nor friendly.


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:51 PM

: MowGreen wrote:


: ED wrote:ED,What gave you the impression that Microsoft cares if the


: ED wrote:



: ED,


: What gave you the impression that Microsoft cares if the typical Home

: User can find information about esoteric error codes ?

: The C004F076 yields no hits on Google's web nor group search other then

: your post, so consider yourself the first to encounter it.

: Congratulations. <w>


: The closest error codes can be viewed here but the specific one your

: system threw is not on the list:

: http://blogs.msdn.com/joshpoley/pages/errors-004-facility-itf.aspx


: The error appears to be related to the Software Licensing Service,

: which, naturally, is not a Service in Win7.

: Check to see if either the Software Protection or SPP Notification

: services have been Disabled in the Services console

: Start orb > type in services.msc


: The Default settings for them are

: Software Protection - Automatic (delayed start)

: SPP Notification - Manual


: If they are already set to their Default values, please try another

: attempt at updating. When it fails, close the Windows Update window.


: Click the Start orb and type in windowsupdate.log

: in the search field.

: Under Programs, click on the windowsupdate.log

: Copy & paste at least the last 50 or lines into your reply.

: Please include the entry that shows the Version of the Windows Update

: Client that is installed.


: EX:

: 2010-01-24 10:29:22:739 940 b7c Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate

: 2010-01-24 10:29:22:739 940 b7c Setup Client version: Core:

: 7.4.7600.226 Aux: 7.4.7600.226



: MowGreen

: ================

: -343- FDNY

: Never Forgotten

: ================


: banthecheck.com

: "Security updates should never have non-security content prechecked


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 3:12 PM

: PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:


: Is this a sudden, new problem?

: Is this a sudden, new problem?


: Did you upgrade to Win7 or is it a brand-new computer?


: What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your

: subscription current? What anti-spyware applications (other than


: What third-party firewall (if any)?


: Has a(another) Norton or McAfee application ever been installed on the

: computer (e.g., a free-trial version that came preinstalled when you


: it)?

: --

: ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

: MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

: www.banthecheck.com



: ED wrote:


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:19 PM

: ED wrote:


: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent START Agent: Finding updates

: [CallerId = Microsoft Security Essentials]

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent Online = Yes; Ignore download

: priority = No

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent Criteria = "(IsInstalled = 0 and

: IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs


: and CategoryIDs contains '0FA1201D-4330-4FA8-8AE9-B877473B6441') OR

: (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs

: contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and CategoryIDs contains

: 'E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4') OR (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden =


: and CategoryIDs contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and

: CategoryIDs contains '28BC880E-0592-4CBF-8F95-C79B17911D5F') OR


: = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs

: contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and CategoryIDs contains

: 'B54E7D24-7ADD-428F-8B75-90A396FA584F') OR (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden =


: and CategoryIDs contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and

: CategoryIDs contains 'CD5FFD1E-E932-4E3A-BF74-18BF0B1BBD83') OR


: = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs

: contains'6cf036b9-b546-4694-885a-938b93216b66' and CategoryIDs contains

: '68C5B0A3-D1A6-4553-AE49-01D3A7827828')"

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent ServiceID =

: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} Third party service

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:548 744 fb8 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:584 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for



: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:586 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:743 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for



: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:744 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:747 744 fb8 Agent Checking for updated auth cab for

: service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d at

: http://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/redir/muauth.cab

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:747 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for

: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\AuthCabs\authcab.cab:

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:749 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:782 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for

: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\AuthCabs\authcab.cab:

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:784 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:854 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for



: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:856 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:894 744 fb8 Misc Validating signature for



: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:895 744 fb8 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:897 744 fb8 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or

: new PID is available

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: PTError: 0xc004f076

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: Failed to get PId: 0xc004f076

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:

: 0xc004f076

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed:


: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed:


: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:902 744 fb8 PT WARNING: StartCategoryScan failed :

: 0xc004f076

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent WARNING: Exit code = 0xC004F076

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent END Agent: Finding updates

: [CallerId = Microsoft Security Essentials]

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent

: 2010-01-24 22:06:58:904 744 fb8 Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching

: for update with error 0xc004f076

: 2010-01-24 22:07:03:904 744 fb8 Report REPORT EVENT:

: {8B449671-331E-4CE8-870D-392E232C5663} 2010-01-24

: 22:06:58:904+0100 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0

c004f076 Microsoft

: Security Essentials Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client

: failed to detect with error 0xc004f076.

: 2010-01-24 22:07:03:909 744 fb8 Report CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER

: report upload completed with status 0x8

: 2010-01-24 22:07:03:909 744 fb8 Report WER Report sent: 7.3.7100.0

: 0xc004f076 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Scan 101 Unmanaged

: 2010-01-24 22:07:03:909 744 fb8 Report CWERReporter finishing event

: handling. (00000000)

: 2010-01-24 22:09:40:103 744 e48 AU Getting featured update notifications.

: fIncludeDismissed = true

: 2010-01-24 22:09:40:103 744 e48 AU No featured updates available.

: 2010-01-24 22:09:41:523 744 e48 AU Triggering AU detection through

: DetectNow API

: 2010-01-24 22:09:41:523 744 e48 AU Triggering Online detection



: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 4:35 PM

: ED wrote:


: About a couple of weeks or so ago updates were not being downloaded


: About a couple of weeks or so ago updates were not being downloaded though

: all I got as feedback was an issue with connecting to the windows update

: service and to try again so... as it was between the monthly cycle of


: tuesday' I chose to forget about it till the next update Tuesday had


: and/or any out-of-loop security updates were announced and I was logged


: my Win7.



: No upgrade, fresh install albeit a while ago and have been able to, since

: this install, run, download and install updates., I have been able to


: and install the latest Microsoft security essentials AV defs though.



: All Microsoft stuff as per earlier comment and the firewall on the router

: has not been re-configured i.e. I was able to run, download and install

: updates with same router firewall config.



: Absolutely not, if I was going to go 3rd party it would be Kaspersky or

: Sophos however I put my bets on Microsoft's own tool being 'better


: of the risks and threats to Windows.


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 5:51 PM

: ED wrote:


: Amen!

: Amen! :)


: PS. Been googling like mad around this thing and not had any joy... from

: checking about force installing WU agent through to subinacl hacks but

: nothing gives so I am hoping you will fare better than I.


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:02 PM

: PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:


: What anti-virus application was installed before you installed MSE


: What anti-virus application was installed before you installed MSE (which

: is not updating either now)?


: Open the MSE UI and click on Help | About: What are the first four file

: versions displayed here (e.g., Microsoft Security Essentials; Antimalware

: Client; Engine; AV defs)?


: Have updates KB972207 and/or KB978207 been installed?



: ED wrote:


: On Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:43 PM

: ED wrote:


: "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:No other AV was installed post Win7 install,


: "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:



: No other AV was installed post Win7 install, ever.

: Actually, MSE IS updating... even if your interpretation of the log


: otherwise MSE thinks it downloaded updates and installed them i.e AV defs

: (24/1/2010 @ 11:31 -



: Microsoft Security Essentials Version: 1.0.1611.0

: Antimalware Client Version: 2.0.6212.0

: Engine Version: 1.1.5405.0

: Antivirus definitions:

: Antispyware definitions:



: No, those updates have not yet been installed.


: Curious to know why KB972207 is relevant (FIX: The value of the Size

: property of the Smo.Server(<serverName>).Databases collection is incorrect

: after you install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1). No SQLServer

: installed.


: Also curious re: KB978207 as DEP is on by default with Win7 unless I am

: mistaken and... I do not use IE, I use Firefox.


: Any idea what the error code 0xc004f076 means?


: On Monday, January 25, 2010 1:22 AM

: PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:


: ED wrote:Sorry, that should have been KB972270:http://support.microsoft.

: ED wrote:


: Sorry, that should have been KB972270:

: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/972270



: KB978207 is the latest Cumulative Security Update for IE & was released on

: 21 Jan-10. IE is part & parcel of your OS and needs to be kept

: fully-patched at all times, even if you use an alternate browser.



: Neither Mow nor I have been able to find any reference to that error


: anywhere, sorry.


: KB972270 & KB978207 should have been installed by now. If that is not the

: case, open a free support incident:


: For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY

: (and/or 1-866-234-6020) in the United States and in Canada or by


: your local Microsoft subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls


: are associated with security updates. When you call, clearly state that

: your problem is related to a Security Update and cite the update's KB


: (e.g., KB999999).


: Or you can...


: Start a free Windows Update support incident request:

: https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527


: Consumer Security Support home page also offers support options

: https://consumersecuritysupport.microsoft.com/


: For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary

: for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

: site: http://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx


: For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available


: your usual support contacts.


: On Monday, January 25, 2010 3:52 PM

: MowGreen wrote:


: 64 bit editions of Vista and Windows 7 have some very


: 64 bit editions of Vista and Windows 7 have some very 'interesting'

: updating issues that usually can only be resolved by an "in-place

: upgrade" (aka Repair Installation) or a format/reinstall.


: I will assume that the services I mentioned in the previous post were set

: to their Default values, correct ?



: The Windows Update Agent (WUA)installed is the one that came with Win7

: RTM. For some reason, it is not being updated and thus no updates are

: searched for/offered/downloaded/installed/etc.

: In most cases this issue is related to the installed security software.


: Notice the difference in the below entry from the WU.log on my Win7 box

: and the one from your system, Ed



: From your system:



: See where it states " WuRedir_prerelease " ? Not sure why there is a

: 'prerelease' entry present in the log from your system, so let us see if

: we can resolve that.


: Download the latest release of the WUA for Windows x64 and save it to

: your User Account's Downloads subfolder:




: Open the Services console and stop the following services if they are

: showing as Started. Also, ensure that their Startup type is set to their

: Default values:


: Background Intelligent Transfer Service - Manual

: Windows Update - Automatic (Delayed Start)


: Ensure that these services have not been Disabled and are set to

: Manual for Startup type:


: Windows Installer

: Windows Modules Installer

: WinHTTP Web Proxy-Auto Discovery


: Using Windows Explorer, navigate to

: C:\Windows\Software Distribution


: Delete each subfolder of Software Distribution; do NOT delete the

: Software Distribution folder.


: Navigate to your User Account's Downloads subfolder and right click

: windowsupdateagent30-x64.exe

: Choose 'Run as administrator' and follow the UAC prompts in order to

: allow it to run Elevated.

: Reboot afterwards and see if the system can now search for updates.



: Microsoft claims that the WUA is successfully updated automatically

: 98.5% of the time. If you believe that statistic you will also believe

: that I am going to quarterback the Colts in the Super Bowl.




: MowGreen

: ================

: -343- FDNY

: Never Forgotten

: ================


: banthecheck.com

: "Security updates should never have non-security content prechecked




: ED wrote:



: Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice

: WPF Customized Find Control for FlowDocuments


....another d!ckhead from egghead.


"Don't pick a fight with an old man.

If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you."

"Tom Willett" <tom@youreadaisyifyoudo.com> wrote in message


> Hooplehead alert.


> <amiin alhubaishy> wrote in message news:201051413512amiin4@gmail.com...

> : ubdate