what is all this Ugg boot stuff being posted? Adim
hoser New member Dec 9, 2012 #3 It is from a spammer. That is why there is a little button under the users name and information that allows you to report the spammer and they will be deleted.
It is from a spammer. That is why there is a little button under the users name and information that allows you to report the spammer and they will be deleted.
Burke Active Members Dec 10, 2012 #5 Sorry guys... banning them as fast as I see them... gotta sleep sometime though
chronicsmoke Active Members Dec 10, 2012 #6 Surely there's better sites to sell ugg boots than a 450r site. Ugg boots are ******* GAYYYY
Immortal ATV Active Members Dec 10, 2012 #7 I like Ugg boots, I don't like spam in a can and I hate online spam!!!