"Ugly Betty" America Ferrera Has Joined Hillary's Campaign


Hillary '08

'Ugly Betty' star backs Clinton in bid to attract key Hispanic vote
By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Published: 16 January 2008

America Ferrera, the star of the show Ugly Betty, has signed up with
the Hillary Clinton campaign, generating instant appeal among Hispanic
voters - a key swing vote in the 2008 US presidential race.

Leading Democratic candidates are chasing Spanish-speaking voters as
never before, following a decision to bring forward the primaries and
caucuses in states with large Hispanic constituencies. This week, the
candidates are putting themselves before Hispanic audiences in Nevada,
New York and California at every opportunity.

In Ugly Betty Ms Ferrera, plays Betty Suarez, the supposedly hideous
daughter of Mexican immigrants who gets a job on a fashion magazine.
The show's clever take on how a working-class girl from the Bronx
brings dignity to the hard-knocks world of fashion has been a huge
success attracting 16 million viewers a night. "This election is too
important to stand on the sidelines, especially for my generation,"
said Ms Ferrera, announcing her role. "I believe that Hillary Clinton
can turn this country around."

Not to be outdone, Barack Obama has been promoting his multicultural
background before Nevada's voters, chanting "S
Hillary '08 wrote:
> 'Ugly Betty' star backs Clinton in bid to attract key Hispanic vote
> By Leonard Doyle in Washington
> Published: 16 January 2008

Ugly Betty teams up with Ugly Hillary.
Now that's what I call identity politics.

Steven L.
Email: sdlitvin@earthlinkNOSPAM.net
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
On Jan 16, 11:23 am, "Steven L." <sdlit...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hillary '08 wrote:
> > 'Ugly Betty' star backs Clinton in bid to attract key Hispanic vote
> > By Leonard Doyle in Washington
> > Published: 16 January 2008

> Ugly Betty teams up with Ugly Hillary.
> Now that's what I call identity politics.
> --
> Steven L.
> Email: sdlit...@earthlinkNOSPAM.net
> Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.

You are a foul person with foul thoughts..
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 07:55:45 -0800 (PST), "Hillary '08" <icadserve@yahoo.com> wrote:

>'Ugly Betty' star backs Clinton in bid to attract key Hispanic vote
>By Leonard Doyle in Washington
>Published: 16 January 2008
>America Ferrera, the star of the show Ugly Betty, has signed up with
>the Hillary Clinton campaign, generating instant appeal among Hispanic
>voters - a key swing vote in the 2008 US presidential race.

Note to self: Remove Ugly Betty from TIVO line-up....AAC

I don't think it's ethical to go out on someone else's nickel and
use the opportunity to air my political views....Tom Selleck