Uh... Emoticons


New member
This is sort of random but do we have cookie emoticons?

If we don't then we really need one.

Oh and a sad panda emoticon would be nice too.



New member
i is in favor of the ban request(well not really, it sounded funny if he was being sarcastic...but well...knowing sten....)

but a cookie emoticon would be kinda cool at the same time....



New member
This is a pointless thread I am going to admit to this. You guys should be lucky that you have animated emoticons, cos back in the old days of LPF we had crappy emoticons that didn't move and all. Go and make a emoticon with a cookie and a sad panda, then get the rest of LPF to copy and paste it.

This isn't a scare tactic btw. A scare tactic would consist of me jumping out of the dark and scaring the noobs with a nuke.

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