Uh Oh: "April 15, 2008 - Clinton Stalls Obama, Holds 6-PointPennsylvania Lead, Quinnipiac University

  • Thread starter PissingOffTheLeft@excite.com
  • Start date


"April 15, 2008 - Clinton Stalls Obama, Holds 6-Point Pennsylvania
Lead, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Many Clinton Dems Would Back
Mccain Over Obama"


"Nw York Sen. Hillary Clinton has stalled Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's
drive in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary and holds a 50 - 44
percent lead among likely primary voters, according to a Quinnipiac
University poll released today, unchanged from April 8 results."

"A bigger problem for Democrats looms in Pennsylvania. One out of four
Clinton voters, including a third of men, say they will vote for
Republican Sen. John McCain in November if Obama is the Democratic
In article
PissingOffTheLeft@excite.com says...
>"April 15, 2008 - Clinton Stalls Obama, Holds 6-Point Pennsylvania
>Lead, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Many Clinton Dems Would Back
>Mccain Over Obama"
>"Nw York Sen. Hillary Clinton has stalled Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's
>drive in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary and holds a 50 - 44
>percent lead among likely primary voters, according to a Quinnipiac
>University poll released today, unchanged from April 8 results."
>"A bigger problem for Democrats looms in Pennsylvania. One out of four
>Clinton voters, including a third of men, say they will vote for
>Republican Sen. John McCain in November if Obama is the Democratic

Six points? That's all? That won't get her the nomination. Meanwhile, Intrade
has hardly burped over this latest flap. Yoiu see, despite the "elitist"
tone, Obama is correct and an awful lot of "bitter" people know it.
Against their own interests they followed Karl Rove and look where it got
them. And they know it.

As for what people say today about what they will do in November...
On Apr 15, 1:24 pm, PissingOffTheL...@excite.com wrote:
> "April 15, 2008 - Clinton Stalls Obama, Holds 6-Point Pennsylvania
> Lead, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Many Clinton Dems Would Back
> Mccain Over Obama"
> http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x1284.xml?ReleaseID=1168&What=&strArea=;&st...
> "Nw York Sen. Hillary Clinton has stalled Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's
> drive in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary and holds a 50 - 44
> percent lead among likely primary voters, according to a Quinnipiac
> University poll released today, unchanged from April 8 results."
> "A bigger problem for Democrats looms in Pennsylvania. One out of four
> Clinton voters, including a third of men, say they will vote for
> Republican Sen. John McCain in November if Obama is the Democratic
> candidate."

Hillaries biggest benefactor is a crook, a felon and that is a fact
nobody denies. So if she is getting paid off by crooks, just who do
you thing she is beholding too? Hillary, with no commodity experience,
parlayed a few thousand dollars into several hundred thousand dollars
in just a few months time. Do you really believe that? Integrity? Like
I said, she is a lawyer, twisting the law is what she does. Now, how
does "Hillaries biggest benefactor is a crook, a felon and that is a
fact nobody denies. So if she is getting paid off by crooks, just who
do you thing she is beholding too? Hillary, with no commodity
experience, parlayed a few thousand dollars into several hundred
thousand dollars in just a few months time. that is one way to get
'around' election laws. Like I said, she is a lawyer, twisting the law
is what she does. Now, how does "INTEGRITY" fit in there? A lawyers
job is collecting every bit of evidence that may help their case yet
when it came to an investigation of Hillaries doings, she could not
"recall" (which later turned out to be a blatant lie) meetings she had
with business man Seth Ward (she had 15 meetings and claimed not to
recall one) and when her records were subpoenaed she couldn't find
them for months."

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