UK five terror suspects have direct links to intelligence agencies

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On May 2, 7:48 pm, Thebzp <> wrote:
> - wrote:
> >

> > Fertilizer Terrorists Fingered Intelligence Agencies
> > ISI implicated, 7/7 links exposed, terror network control by Intel
> > beyond doubt

> > Steve Watson
> >
> > Tuesday, May 1, 2007

> > The media frenzy surrounding the conviction of five terror suspects in
> > the UK this week has failed to underline the fact that once again the
> > so called terrorists have direct links to intelligence agencies.

> > At the end of a year-long terror trial on Monday five men were given
> > life sentences for a foiled plot to build a huge fertilizer bomb for a
> > UK attack.

> > Although there has been a relentless focus on the fact that these men
> > were connected to the 7/7 bombers, the fact that they are directly
> > connected to Pakistani intelligence as well as British intelligence
> > has been skirted over.

> > Omar Khyam, the leader of the so called fertilizer bomb gang, was
> > trailed by MI5 for some time before being arrested in early April
> > 2004. When his trial began in September last year Khyam testified for
> > two days but has refused to testify further, saying his family in
> > Pakistan had been threatened by the Pakistani intelligence service, ISI.
> >

> > It seemed that Khyam was beginning to spill too many beans about who
> > really is behind the global terror network:

> > The Indian newspaper The Hindu reported:
> >

> > Last week, Mr. Khyam told the court that ISI was training
> > militants and during his visit to Pakistan six years ago he
> > trained in an ISI-supervised camp.

> > "The ISI was setting up camps in what we called Free Kashmir,
> > funding it with money and weapons and people that would train
> > people, and logistical supplies, everything," he said.

> > Mr. Khyam said the people who trained him in handling arms were
> > "selected by the ISI". "The ISI works with Islamic groups," he
> > added.

> > Khyam stated in court;

> > "I think they are worried I might reveal more about them, so
> > right now, as much as I want to clarify matters, the priority
> > for me has to be the safety of my family so I am going to
> > stop... I am not going to discuss anything related to the ISI
> > any more or the evidence."

> > A second man convicted in the trial, Anthony Garcia, a Moroccan
> > formerly known as Rahman Benouis, also stated that he had sought
> > training in Pakistan, insinuating that it was commonplace for the
> > Pakistani military to train up Islamic militants to fight in occupied
> > Kashmir.
> >

> > The reality is that Pakistan, a US and British ally, and the ISI, well
> > known to be firmly in bed with the CIA and MI6, is training and
> > funding radicalized Muslims who have later been grabbed and pinned as
> > Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists who want to attack the British and
> > American people.

> > The media has also picked up on the fact that the fertilizer five have
> > direct connections to the 7/7 London bombers and were known to have
> > met with two of them several times.

> > As reported by the London Guardian today, in an intelligence operation
> > known as 'Crevice', officers had been keeping watch on the group of
> > men who had repeatedly been seen in the company of 7/7 bombers
> > Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer.
> >

> > Although it was previously known that MI5 had the two 7/7 bombers
> > under surveillance up to 18 months beforehand, the media has treated
> > this information as new, once again throwing limelight on demands for
> > a public inquiry.
> >

> > "So much was known about Sidique Khan that MI5's repeated claim that
> > it did not know his identity until after the 7/7 bombings is certain
> > to come under scrutiny." The Guardian states.

> > Sidique Khan was even bugged and recorded by MI5 but later determined
> > not to be a threat.

> > According to the Guardian, which is now able to report the information
> > after the lifting of a court order: At one point, Sidique Khan was
> > recorded asking Khyam:

> > "Are you really a terrorist?

> > Khyam: "They are working with us."

> > Sidique Khan: "You are serious, you are basically?"

> > Khyam: "I am not a terrorist, they are working through us."

> > Khan: "Who are? There is no one higher than you."

> > Is Khyam once again referring to a State and an intelligence agency
> > here? Who else can he be talking about when he states "they are
> > working through us"?

> > Of course, Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were also trained
> > in Pakistan where they were filmed supposedly "confessing" to the
> > London Bombings they would commit at a later date.

> > When the fertilizer plot is placed in this context and one then
> > explores wider the connections the London bombers had with known
> > intelligence assets such as Haroon Rashid Aswat, who was intimately
> > involved with figures such as Abu Qatada, Abu Hamza and Ahmed Omar
> > Sheikh Saeed, all documented double agents for MI5, a clearer picture
> > begins to emerge as to just who is the hidden hand at the top behind
> > this tiered network of terror.
> >

> > Then when one begins to explore the inconsistencies in the
> > government's official story of the 7/7 bombings it becomes clear that
> > the British security services are hiding the truth because they are
> > intimately involved as perpetrators in the very acts that the British
> > government wants us to believe it is attempting to protecting us from.
> >

> > For an excellent overview of how deep the rabbit hole goes on
> > intelligence connections to 7/7, "al Qaeda" and global terrorism,
> > I recommend The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry by Nafeez
> > Mosaddeq Ahmed.

> >
> > 2001-2007 Alex Jones

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- wrote:
> Fertilizer Terrorists Fingered Intelligence Agencies
> ISI implicated, 7/7 links exposed, terror network control by Intel
> beyond doubt
> Steve Watson
> Tuesday, May 1, 2007
> The media frenzy surrounding the conviction of five terror suspects in
> the UK this week has failed to underline the fact that once again the
> so called terrorists have direct links to intelligence agencies.
> At the end of a year-long terror trial on Monday five men were given
> life sentences for a foiled plot to build a huge fertilizer bomb for a
> UK attack.
> Although there has been a relentless focus on the fact that these men
> were connected to the 7/7 bombers, the fact that they are directly
> connected to Pakistani intelligence as well as British intelligence
> has been skirted over.
> Omar Khyam, the leader of the so called fertilizer bomb gang, was
> trailed by MI5 for some time before being arrested in early April
> 2004. When his trial began in September last year Khyam testified for
> two days but has refused to testify further, saying his family in
> Pakistan had been threatened by the Pakistani intelligence service, ISI.
> It seemed that Khyam was beginning to spill too many beans about who
> really is behind the global terror network:
> The Indian newspaper The Hindu reported:
> Last week, Mr. Khyam told the court that ISI was training
> militants and during his visit to Pakistan six years ago he
> trained in an ISI-supervised camp.
> "The ISI was setting up camps in what we called Free Kashmir,
> funding it with money and weapons and people that would train
> people, and logistical supplies, everything," he said.
> Mr. Khyam said the people who trained him in handling arms were
> "selected by the ISI". "The ISI works with Islamic groups," he
> added.
> Khyam stated in court;
> "I think they are worried I might reveal more about them, so
> right now, as much as I want to clarify matters, the priority
> for me has to be the safety of my family so I am going to
> stop... I am not going to discuss anything related to the ISI
> any more or the evidence."
> A second man convicted in the trial, Anthony Garcia, a Moroccan
> formerly known as Rahman Benouis, also stated that he had sought
> training in Pakistan, insinuating that it was commonplace for the
> Pakistani military to train up Islamic militants to fight in occupied
> Kashmir.
> The reality is that Pakistan, a US and British ally, and the ISI, well
> known to be firmly in bed with the CIA and MI6, is training and
> funding radicalized Muslims who have later been grabbed and pinned as
> Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists who want to attack the British and
> American people.
> The media has also picked up on the fact that the fertilizer five have
> direct connections to the 7/7 London bombers and were known to have
> met with two of them several times.
> As reported by the London Guardian today, in an intelligence operation
> known as 'Crevice', officers had been keeping watch on the group of
> men who had repeatedly been seen in the company of 7/7 bombers
> Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer.
> Although it was previously known that MI5 had the two 7/7 bombers
> under surveillance up to 18 months beforehand, the media has treated
> this information as new, once again throwing limelight on demands for
> a public inquiry.
> "So much was known about Sidique Khan that MI5's repeated claim that
> it did not know his identity until after the 7/7 bombings is certain
> to come under scrutiny." The Guardian states.
> Sidique Khan was even bugged and recorded by MI5 but later determined
> not to be a threat.
> According to the Guardian, which is now able to report the information
> after the lifting of a court order: At one point, Sidique Khan was
> recorded asking Khyam:
> "Are you really a terrorist?
> Khyam: "They are working with us."
> Sidique Khan: "You are serious, you are basically?"
> Khyam: "I am not a terrorist, they are working through us."
> Khan: "Who are? There is no one higher than you."
> Is Khyam once again referring to a State and an intelligence agency
> here? Who else can he be talking about when he states "they are
> working through us"?
> Of course, Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were also trained
> in Pakistan where they were filmed supposedly "confessing" to the
> London Bombings they would commit at a later date.
> When the fertilizer plot is placed in this context and one then
> explores wider the connections the London bombers had with known
> intelligence assets such as Haroon Rashid Aswat, who was intimately
> involved with figures such as Abu Qatada, Abu Hamza and Ahmed Omar
> Sheikh Saeed, all documented double agents for MI5, a clearer picture
> begins to emerge as to just who is the hidden hand at the top behind
> this tiered network of terror.
> Then when one begins to explore the inconsistencies in the
> government's official story of the 7/7 bombings it becomes clear that
> the British security services are hiding the truth because they are
> intimately involved as perpetrators in the very acts that the British
> government wants us to believe it is attempting to protecting us from.
> For an excellent overview of how deep the rabbit hole goes on
> intelligence connections to 7/7, "al Qaeda" and global terrorism,
> I recommend The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry by Nafeez
> Mosaddeq Ahmed.
> 2001-2007 Alex Jones


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