UK whites to become a minority in their own country



UK whites will be minority by 2100 | UK news | The Observer

Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century. Analysis of official figures indicate that, at current fertility rates and levels of immigration, there will be more non-whites than whites by 2100.
It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease. Whites will be a minority in London by 2010.

In the early 1950s there were only a few tens of thousands of non-whites in the UK. By 1991 that had risen to 3 million - 6 per cent of the population. The population of ethnic minorities has been growing at between 2 and 4 per cent a year. Net immigration has been running at record levels, with 185,000 newcomers last year.

Government forecasts suggest that immigration on its own will be responsible for half the growth of the British population over the next couple of decades.

New immigrants, who are on average younger than the population at large, also tend to have higher fertility rates. In contrast, the population of white British citizens is static. Their fertility rate is very low - at under 2 children per woman - and there is overall emigration of British citizens.

The analysis of the figures showed that if the population of ethnic minorities grows at 4 per cent a year, whites will become a minority before 2100. The demographer who made the calculation wished to remain anonymous for fear of accusations of racism.
So is it time to treat each other as equals or is it pay back time? I guess we might conceder a white million man march on London to put the point across.
snafu said:
So is it time to treat each other as equals or is it pay back time? I guess we might conceder a white million man march on London to put the point across.

I dont think its a question of pay back time. I dont want to see anyone hurt.

The thing for me is, I cant see why we were ever steered down this road. We should not be here staring at this.

I blame politicians. They did not, nor ever would have gotten a mandate from the indiginous British public to bring this about. They knew that, thats why there was no referendum.

Similarly, we are to be denied a referendum on whether we wish to be part of the EEU. They know that the British public would vote against that too.

And of course, there will be no referendum on the death penalty either, because they'd loose that too.

And of course, our right to bear arms will never be decided in a referendum
I live in Houston . Texas which is mostly minority and I see no real problems. Of course, there are not that many Muslims. It is not skin color as much as it is importing a culture that rejects the idea of individual liberty that is the problem.

Of course, blacks will continue to commit more than their share of crime for at least a couple more generations. The long-term danger to Europe is Islam.
hugo said:
I live in Houston . Texas which is mostly minority and I see no real problems. Of course, there are not that many Muslims. It is not skin color as much as it is importing a culture that rejects the idea of individual liberty that is the problem..

We have problems here with moslems. periodically the police/M15 unearth yet another terrorist moslem group who are planning a bombing or some other outrage. They have just caught another cell now. Maybe I should keep you all abreast of whats happening here in another thread. You will in time have this problem too.

hugo said:
Of course, blacks will continue to commit more than their share of crime for at least a couple more generations.

I cant really see it ever ending Hugo. Here is a group which scores poorly in IQ tests. They always will. It follows then that most of them, can never have the best jobs.

Instead of trying to understand why this is, they just blame whitey for their lack of ability.