Unable to access hard disk



I had a RAID1 mirror system on a Dell XPS 435 that refused to power up - Dell replaced the motherboard but on booting it came up on a black screen with mouse cursor and constant disk activity. Various reboots etc and it showed something like 'replacing incorrect security id with default...for file nnnn' for a few hours, but even when it finished, still went to the black screen. Dell's solution was a clean install - ie delete the partition and start from scratch. Not wanting to lose all the data on the disk I took out one disk and installed on the other. Replaced the disk expecting to be able to access it as a plain data drive but it did not appear in Explorer, though it is shown in Device Manager as working properly.
In Disk Management it appeared as 'Offline' so right-clicked and set to 'Online' but the graphic display of the partition is cross-hatched. The disk now appears in Explorer but any attempt to Open or Explore produces 'Location is not available I:\ is not accessible Access is denied. Used 'Properties' to set permissions for Administrators to Full Control but a couple of files (didn't note their names but they seemed to be system files - including a System Restore log file,) wouldn't reset - Access denied, again.
I really need to access the data on this disk - any ideas?

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