Unable to find the SMs task sequence. The deployment will not proceed.



Hi, hope someone can help.
Just started getting a problem when migrating XP user’s to Win7. Up until now the <acronym title="User State Migration Tool">USMT</acronym> task sequence has worked fine and I’ve used it to migrate several users. However, I’ve just started getting the error “Unable to find the SMS task sequence. The deployment will not proceed.” At the point where the TS should be restoring the userstate.
The user’s data is captured and the OS is applied. The TS then logs into the Administrator profile ok but then gives me that error. BDD log has an entry saying:

“<![LOG[FindFile: The file TsmBootstrap.exe could not be found in any standard locations.]LOG]!><time="17:18:46.000+000" date="02-13-2012" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
<![LOG[FAILURE ( 5208 ): Unable to find the SMS Task Sequencer. The deployment will not proceed.]LOG]!><time="09:08:32.000+000" date="02-14-2012" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="3" thread="" file="LiteTouch">”

The LiteTouch.wsf is in the programs\start folder but even manually running it gives the same results. The <acronym title="Microsoft Deployment Toolkit">MDT</acronym> is online on and will work for deploying an image, and I can map to it with the failed client.
As far as I’m aware nothing has changed in the <acronym title="Microsoft Deployment Toolkit">MDT</acronym> server so I’m baffled as to why it’s started doing this now. Google search has had a few people with the same error rebuild their deployment but I don’t want to go down that road unless necessary.

Thanks for reading,

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