Unanswered Questions Re Raving Jew Hater Ross John Lambourn



Clay Northwood <Northwood@Northwood.com> wrote:
> Come on, fess up. You were in a rehab institution recovering from drug
> abuse.

More mentally ill babble from the raving anti-semite, racist and hypocritical
sociopathic alcoholic. You may has well just admit to everyone in every post
that you're a jobless socialist attention whore. Nothing but a mental case.

Ross John "Clay Northwood" / "Clint Hunter" / "anonymous@dizum" (and now
cyberpunk@dizum.com, Arizona@sagebrush.com) Lambourn is a right wing freedom
hating hypocrite, asshole, attention starved loon and liar. He is a retired
career civil servant who resides in Canada sucking from the social safety net
and living off a tax payer funded pension. It's no end of irony that he sees
himself as a capitalist. He frequently uses the above pseudonyms to fake
support for the gibberish he posts on Usenet.

He is also a noted seditious America hating traitor who has continually called
for the suspension of the US Constitution and the cancellation of American
civil liberties. Lambourn is consumed with hate and bitterness and expresses
it by posting incoherent screeds based on his distorted and delusional view of
the world.

Most know him for his early morning, booze fuelled rants which rarely make
sense and serve no other purpose than to feed his perverse cravings for public

He can be found under dozens of sockpuppets,
including:"Cerberus", "Supply Sider", "Prescience", "Counterspin" "Bruce
Roberts" "Classical Liberal" "FA Hayek Jr" "Deflector", "Chameleon" "Nemesis"
"Hedonist" "Ludwig Von Mises Redux" "Cognizance" "Libertarian" "Erik Trammel"
"Nemo" "Proteus""ciceroii" "Supply Sider" "Libertarian" "Prescience"
"scotus" 19th- century liberal ect.

I guess that it's true when they say that being Conservative is a sign of
mental illness.

Julian Borger in Washington
Wednesday August 13, 2003
The Guardian

A study funded by the US government has concluded that conservatism can
be explained psychologically as a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and
aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity".

As if that was not enough to get Republican blood boiling, the report's
four authors linked Hitler, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan and the rightwing
talkshow host, Rush Limbaugh, arguing they all suffered from the same

All of them "preached a return to an idealized past and condoned
"Arthur" <arthur2929@shaw.com> wrote in message
> Clay Northwood <Northwood@Northwood.com> wrote:
>> Come on, fess up. You were in a rehab institution recovering from drug
>> abuse.

> More mentally ill babble from the raving anti-semite, racist and
> hypocritical
> sociopathic alcoholic. You may has well just admit to everyone in every
> post
> that you're a jobless socialist attention whore. Nothing but a mental
> case.

Originally, in the context of
the United States, it referred to a
right-wing movement of former political leftists. As Michael Lind has
observed, "Most neoconservative defense intellectuals have their roots on"
.... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing
the country to greater danger." - Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

The Zionist Organization of America is a tax-exempt organization under
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC") and all contributions
to it are deductible as charitable contributions as provided in IRC section
170. from zoa.org.
Look up "mordechai levy" and his "jdo" to learn more about what some Jews
are doing in this country. See ihr.org/levy.shtml
See ziopedia.org for more facts and logic about zionism.

" ... True, Judaism does not assign the same status to the unborn child as
to life after birth. Thus abortion is always permissible, indeed mandatory,
when the mother's life is threatened. ..." National Review, 7/8/1991. Don
Feder. Also see J J Goldberg's "Jewish Power", pp. 41-42.

" ... 10. The United States was anxious to have other countries supply
assistance to Iraq. For example, in 1984, the Israelis concluded that
Iran was more dangerous than Iraq to Israel's existence due to the growing
Iranian influence and presence in Lebanon. The Israelis approached the
United States in a meeting in Jerusalem that I attended with Donald
Rumsfeld. Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir asked Rumsfeld if the
United States would deliver a secret offer of Israeli assistance to Iraq.
The United States agreed. I travelled wtih Rumsfeld to Baghdad and was
present at the meeting in which Rumsfeld told Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq
Aziz about Israel's offer of assistance. Aziz refused even to accept the
Israelis' letter to Hussein offering assistance, because Aziz told us that
he would be executed on the spot by Hussein if he did so. ..." from "teicher

the left, not the right. They are products of the influential
Jewish-American sector of the Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s,
which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and
finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in
American culture or political history." from
Then search "global stragety councils". Follow that with "irving kristol
Look up informationclearinghouse.info - article5010.htm.
On Oct 11, 7:25 am, Arthur <arthur2...@shaw.com> wrote:
> Clay Northwood <Northw...@Northwood.com> wrote:
> > Come on, fess up. You were in a rehab institution recovering from drug
> > abuse.

> More mentally ill babble from the raving anti-semite, racist and hypocritical
> sociopathic alcoholic.

You are describing yourself, Remailer. You are a little leftist/
fascist scumbag liar and
forger. No one takes anything you say seriously.

Actually you never say anything different, but keep repeating the same
old, banal rhetoric.

You are pathetic.