Under New Management

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New member
450rHQ is now under new management.. I dont know what happened to Devon or anyone else who was running the site.. But I am now and the shizit is going to hit the fan :icon_evil: .... Just kidding.. Ill do my best to make this place fun and educational.. Ill be making a few changes, adding stuff to the site etc...

One thing that may be removed is the chat box as its a HUGE bandwidth hog... Ill be adding a off topic forum so we all can bs in there instead of bs'ing all over the site..

I may be adding a forum garage where you al can post your bike specs and what not..

Ill be adding my own code so it will show what bikes you have under your screen names in the forums..

A new skin for the site is needed... Im going to try to make each manufacturer section its own color..

I will add to this post as I get more ideas..

I cant do anything yet because I dont have admin rights and ftp access yet..

As far as you paid members, give me some time on the shirts and stickers.. Ill have to personally come up with the funds to get that stuff made..

All I ask is to bare with me and help make this site one of the best... 450rHQ.com needs all of its members...





New member
Good work Chad.. Tell us a bit about yourself, I recognize your screen name from the Org .

Please keep the chat box if you can....


El Mamito USMC

Active Members
As a paid member, I'm really glad you're saving the site. Thanks!
same here.. thanks for saving it.. and ill bring my bussines here to bring great deals to this great comunnity... stand by for some good deals on LED bars and HID's



New member
As of right now, I am unable to do anything with the site..Nathan was suppose to switch things over to me, But I havent been able to get ahold of him since Wednesday the 17th..I cant even pay for the hosting because I have no information...So until then, lets keep plugging along..

Seems this place died off.. What happened to everyone???


camo fox

New member
I got the email about the bill not being paid and just thought about the convo that deven had with the all mighty Mixxer over on the .ORG . I thought he was a baller after reading up on that arguement ... apparently not.

This place is dead. I haven't even been around a 450 website in a while. Congrats on the purchase of the website, and good luck! I'll try to stop around more often .. till I sell my R.



New member
glad to see somebody else has taken over i wondered if this place had gone down for good. Did the other guys forget to pay the bill and then somebody else just stepped in or what?

El Mamito USMC

Active Members
glad to see somebody else has taken over i wondered if this place had gone down for good. Did the other guys forget to pay the bill and then somebody else just stepped in or what?
they guy who was paying "disapeared" , maybe kinnap by aliens.. who knows..



Active Members
Hey I received a PM from a few people about what happened to Devon and the members money that they sent to him.

I have no clue where he went. It's been over a month since I've had any response from him. He didn't pay the hosting fee or any of the development costs so that's why the site went down. I put it back up and emailed out to all members that if someone would like to keep it running they can, but just have to pay the hosting fees.



New member
Could we please, please, please get the new posts changed so that the threads that you have read don't disappear?
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