Underworld 3: Rise of the Lycans


New member
I can't wait to see this movie either! I loved this series (number 2 wasn't as good as the first, but it was still enjoyable) and when I saw the shorts for this a few weeks ago just before Xmas I rang up Lisa and told her it was on our to-do list for the new year. Yup, love my vampire flicks.




New member
isnt rise of the Lycans about the wolves?

this looks like gladiator meets the first underworld movie, it looks like underworld but the script reminds me of "slave turned champion of his people/dogs"



New member
I wanna see it but I don't think it will be as good as the other two.. well annoyed that Kate Beckinsale isn't in it she was sooo cool in the others! :(


New member
im with AT on this, kate beckinsale is the ***

though the action does look good enough to go watch it...



New member
Actually, I've just found out that is meant to be a prequel (source: http://lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?p=861433#post861433) which would explain why there's no Kate Beckinsale in this one.
You didn't pay much attention in the others did you? Wasn't it the first that gave us 'flashbacks' of this very scenario which they're exploring in further detail here in 3? (When I first saw the preview of this one I didn't even have sound, but I immediately recognised where it fit into the sceme with the other two - maybe I've watched them both a few times too often, 'eh?)

Of course there's no Kate / Selene, she hasn't been introduced to the story yet let alone turned in this timeline. Personally, while I love her character, I found myself increasingly sympathetic to Lucius' plight in these movies. While it's in my inherant nature to sypmathise generally speaking with the bad guys (so long as they're flawed enough to seem 'realistic' and not typecast as ignorant ******* that can't shoot for **** and have no sense of humour) in this series, especially the first, at the end, when Lucius was urging Selene to bite Michael, all you saw behind his actions was love - a love he suffered for all his life, as opposed to the stringent laws and restrictions of the Vampires' way of life.

It's dark, it's visual, it's emotionally grounded with action and supernatural themes and usually has a complimentary kickass soundtrack; What's not to love about that?

I can't wait to see it.



New member
the first one was cool but its been downhill ever since

sequels will always be milked until its not profitable anymore, the next one will be Underworld 4: Fall of the Lycans (plus kate is back so come see her)



New member
prequel gradon, hollywood loves the prequel lol

haha fall of the lycans

i swear they should make a PURELY kate movie...Underworld 5: Rise of the ***!



New member
Saw it today. 6/10.

Is it just me or is there something in this movie that doesn't make sense? Because in the first Underworld, the lovers were meant to be tortured in a room with golden lighting and a golden floor before Sonya dies...and I swear there were more people to watch them being tortured then what was shown in this prequel? It wasn't great to me, but it was somewhat good. I ADORED the ending of it. The very end were Selene is crouching on the railings of the varandah and being told how much she reminded the guy (forgot his name lol) of his daughter Sonya. Very nice tie-in with Selene's role in the previous Underworld movies. I loved it so much I went and got both Underworlds on DVD but sadly, couldn't find the first one so I managed to get Evolution :D

I'm more of a Selene supporter than a Sonya supporter. My Dad hates my tastes in movies so he complained the whole time. He's more into historical movies (as I am as well that's the part he doesn't complain about) vampires, romance (only applies to Cold Mountain and Moulin Rouge) etc etc.

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