Unpatriotic Hussein Obama Tries to lie his way out of debacle

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By CHRISTOPHER WILLS, Associated Press Writer Mon Apr 7, 4:26 AM ET

BUTTE, Mont. - Barack Obama wants to make something clear: He loves America.

After a series of incidents that prompted questions about his patriotism,
the Democratic presidential candidate is peppering speeches with explicit
statements on his love of country.
"I love this country not because it's perfect but because we've always been
able to move it closer to perfection," he told an audience in North Dakota.

And in Montana: "It's a country where ... I've seen ordinary Americans find
justice, where I've seen progress made for working families who need leaders
who are willing to stand up and fight for them. That is the country I love."

Obama also stirs crowds into a frenzy of cheering and clapping when he talks
about treating military veterans with respect, of giving them the best
possible equipment, of providing top-notch health care for the wounded.

"They have earned our respect," the Illinois senator exclaims.

Such patriotic statements could be an effort to reassure voters wondering
about whether he truly loves the country.

First came questions about why he doesn't wear a flag lapel pin. Obama said
he thinks true patriotism is demonstrated by a person's actions, not his

Then came a wave of e-mails with a picture that supposedly showed him
refusing to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Obama said the picture was actually taken during the national anthem, and he
was singing.

More recently, and more seriously for Obama, his wife was quoted as saying
the country's response to his campaign had made her proud of America for the
first time. And his pastor was seen criticizing the country in endlessly
repeated video excerpts of sermons criticizing government racism.

"Not 'God Bless America' - God damn America!" said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright,
who also called the country the "U.S. of KKK-A."

Polls haven't shown any major political damage to Obama from such comments,
but critics have used them to suggest that Obama isn't patriotic - not an
idea he wants in the minds of Pennsylvania and Indiana voters as critical
primaries approach.

At a recent town hall event in Pennsylvania, one voter said he was concerned
that Republicans would dominate Democrats again on appearing patriotic. He
urged Obama to give a speech on patriotism like the one he delivered on race
after his pastor's comments became a political issue.

His campaign denies Obama has intentionally stepped up the patriotic
language in his recent speeches. Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said he has long
included references to his love of America and additional mentions are
probably a result of adjusting his speeches to different regions of the
country or responding to questions.

Obama's speeches have always emphasized optimism about the country,
particularly the idea that many different groups with separate interests can
be brought together to improve America.

But Obama is smart to go even further now, said Rogers Smith, a political
science professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

He called it crucial for Obama to attract more white, blue-collar voters if
he is to narrow Hillary Rodham Clinton's lead in the state. A candidate with
an unusual name, an exotic family history and a minister criticizing the
country needs to reassure those voters, Smith said.

"Many are deeply patriotic and they are willing to vote Democrat, but they
do want to know it's a Democrat like themselves, somebody with a strong
sense of support for military service, for loyalty to the nation," Smith

Clinton also makes a point of reminding voters of her patriotism. "I'm
offering myself as a fighter for America because I think America is worth
fighting for," the New York senator said Sunday in Montana.

But election observers there and elsewhere aren't sure primary voters are
weighing patriotism.

Nancy Woodruff, a member of the Whitefish, Mont., city council, joined about
4,000 other Montana Democrats at a rally Saturday where both Clinton and
Obama spoke. Afterward, she detected no sign that people were dubious about

"I heard more people who were sort of over the top about Obama than
Hillary," said Woodruff, who favors Clinton.

And in Indianapolis, the county's former Democratic chairman said the vast
majority of primary voters understand Obama loves America.

"There may be some people who question his patriotism," said Ed Treacy, "but
he's never going to get their vote anyway."