Unscheduled and angry, but glued to my Full Scan



Last night, I started a Full Scan. They have always taken at least 5 to 7 hours. Now, it's 9 am, the full scan is running into 12 hours. I have not been able to get my
Essentials to recognise a schedule for the Quick or Full Scans. So, I have been running them manually.

As you can see, I have two problems. How do I get unglued from my computer, needing the Full Scan to finish. I have seen a few ways to help me, but, a re-start
is needed, if I do that, i will have to restart the full scan. #2how do I successfully schedule dates for Scans. Are the long hours normal for Full Scans?

I will apreciate any advise you can share

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