Untitled is now bandwith proof


New member
BUT I still have to wait for the site to come back online from the Chula Vista incident. Once it comes back online it should STAY online.


New member
LOL, my comp crashed a week after I downloaded Chula anyway, so I don't got it after wasteing a little over a gig of your bandwidth :p


New member
LOL, well everybody was hounding me for the Chula Vista video show, so as part of the Untitleds homecoming back onto the internet I put it up and within like an hour my website exceeded bandwith, AND to this day it is still down. I thought I was gonna get my site back October 1st starting the new month, but I guess its a month from when it actually went down :S. So basically when my siggie re-appears you'll know the sites back up since my siggie is linked to the site.


New member
Idk whats going on, I had a bandwith proof server to run the site on once it came back up, but it never came back up, ErasethePain was running the site while I helped with certain things cause of lack of time but he doesn't know what happened either. He just had to F disk his hard drive too so if the site is gone our blueprint maybe gone with it, as soon as I have answers I'll let you guys know.
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