New member
I decided that I would just go ahead and have everyone that entered (or was going to enter) get something. I just found out I won't have time to keep the contest up each month. I'm going to list everyone that entered and some people that were going to enter, but haven't yet. If your name is posted, PM me and we will discuss what I will send you. I will pick a few items from the retailer I buy the stuff from and you can choose what you want. I will choose like three different items b/c I can't keep up with a bunch of different stuff! FYI---I'm only listing the people that are here and not at the other LP forum. I have about 8-10 there. The following list are the members here. I went ahead and picked a winner for the beanie and it was Jessica M. from Australia. I don't know if she's on here or not, but I'll be emailing her. You all had very awesome responses to the question and I'm adding them to the LP Scrapbook (which I'm still doing in case anyone else wants to email me a letter to add). I'm going to email everyone that entered, so if you get an email from me and you're listed below, just let me know you are the same person. Also, some of the people I listed below are people that wanted the LPU 4.0 cd. I added your name b/c I decided I would send you something if you wanted since you didn't get the cd. I'll be sending stuff out over the next few months b/c there's a lot of names listed!!! So please be patient. I'm going to order a little at a time. If you don't want anything LP merchandise, please PM me anyway and tell me so I won't be waiting for you!
UnhingedMouse0-----I already talked to you.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o----PM me
partOFmeLP77-----PM me
shahfire----PM me
stupidsoul1----PM me
MikeShinodasGurl----PM me
.::[hP]::. -----PM me
pprkuttheory-----PM me
Spike_1412 -----PM me
LPTheory88----PM me
Misery---PM me
Friðbjörn ----PM me
Sum1---PM me
I think that's all! I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can! :thumbsup:
UnhingedMouse0-----I already talked to you.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o----PM me
partOFmeLP77-----PM me
shahfire----PM me
stupidsoul1----PM me
MikeShinodasGurl----PM me
.::[hP]::. -----PM me
pprkuttheory-----PM me
Spike_1412 -----PM me
LPTheory88----PM me
Misery---PM me
Friðbjörn ----PM me
Sum1---PM me
I think that's all! I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can! :thumbsup: