Updating Custom Templates for Office 2010


Jan-Eric Olsson

Hi all,
This question is a bit of a follow up to the topic http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/da-da/officesetupdeploy/thread/fbc4bf23-c9fb-4a6c-a981-49f68127bf77
Since Office 2010 caches the xml data (in the registry at [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Spotlight\Content]) and image files (on the clients' filesystem) for the deployed custom templates, I wonder what the best way to update the centrally placed templates would be.
I guess the point of having all templates on a network drive would be that it would be easy to make updates to just that one location, and then all users would use the same, and latest, version. So why does Office cache this XML data and image files? That way the clients won't notice if the templates are updated.
Do you need to remove the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Spotlight\Content] for all users each time the templates are updated for them to receive the new templates? Which would be the best way to perform such a task?
How is eveyone else doing this?

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