urbanisation vs.rural life.


New member
Not a hot topic persay, but it burns me up. I believe that while people are social animals, there is a line that should not be crossed. Stacking people on top of people in urban box's, depending on supply trucks to deliver neccessities ie. food drinking water, etc.Who is getting the raw deal here? Sure you are taught that you have to go where the money is, right? But at what cost? I know that some people love the city life because that is what they are used to. How about the long term effects on the environment? Call me a hick or whatever, but I would rather be broke in the woods(where you don't really need money anyway) than struggling everyday in the city. :cool:


New member
well..you see some people would rather be broke and live in the city and live up life best you can then live next door to a bunch of inbred 1 toothed smelly *** hillbillies with lower iq's then a stoned mental patient....but hey thats just me


New member
Myself, I like the small town life. You can keep your doors unlocked at night, if you hear a BANG its probably a fire cracker, and most importantly...YOU CAN ******* BREATHE FRESH AIR, not TAR and **** like New York and Chicago.

See THIS post for more info --->>> http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=435





New member
well..you see some people would rather be broke and live in the city and live up life best you can then live next door to a bunch of inbred 1 toothed smelly *** hillbillies with lower iq's then a stoned mental patient....but hey thats just me
so I guees you'll be staying in the city.......have fun. :cool:

Suburbia and the slums of the city. both have pros and cons lets weigh them.


Suburbia- Education, well no its not in these communitite there is a standard that had to be up held so the kids are just as retarded as the kids in the city just with better books

City- Growing up an knowing everyone on the block, it gives you great security people know you and your family and probably watched you when you where a baby, well..... nvermind that same babysitter wont tell the police who just drove by and shot up your ******* house killing your mom and sister.

Suburbia- Drug abuse is under control, kids play sports and maintain great grades, well........ I dont think so thoes teachers just pass you along even if you failed your mid-term and your final, and the drugs are just as big as in the city they just cover the **** up to keep a squeeky clean immage to bring more rich bastards to their hevan on earth.

City- Have great programs for the kids that are not a fortunate as the kids in the suburbs, they have computer labs, playgrounds and after school have mentors, buuuuuuuuut naw i dont think so, the city doesnt have enough money ko fund the programs ant the computers are '93 apples without internet and those old *** floppy disks, and the play grounds are where the crack whores give theit ******** for their dub of crack and the mntors are molesters who just got out of prison, and the school thought since this person went to jail he could teach these troubled kids something but no he touches them and gets thrown back in jail causing the cycle of crime to start all over again.

there wernt that many good things on eaither side but who gives a ****, YOU ALL KNOW IM RIGHT :eek:



New member
well..you see some people would rather be broke and live in the city and live up life best you can then live next door to a bunch of inbred 1 toothed smelly *** hillbillies with lower iq's then a stoned mental patient....but hey thats just me
Then keep your roody-poo candy *** in the city, you fucktard. And stay there! Come to the country...

...and you'd better run for your ******* life, you ignorant spook.



New member
well..you see some people would rather be broke and live in the city and live up life best you can then live next door to a bunch of inbred 1 toothed smelly *** hillbillies with lower iq's then a stoned mental patient....but hey thats just me
You know, I get the luxury of traveling all over this fine country of ours and I have found that there is a pretty high rate of single toothed, inbred, smellyassed, glass **** sucking, government cheese eating, front stoop sitting, I.Q. slumping, useless meat bag's just about everywhere you go. So don't get too comfortable up on your high horse, cause that sonofabitch is up on blocks too BEEOTCH!! but hey that's just you. :D



New member
Try living in a suberban shore area. All the places you once roamed as a child, playing in the woods or going fishing or even just riding your bike are now all housing developements you could never hope to afford to live in, parking lots and stores too pricey to shop in. Taxes are higher than mortgages and the schools that are supposed to be so great are ridiculously over crowded yet the home continue to go up!! Tear one down and build four! It sux!!!! I would rather live iin a rural area where neighbors are near enough to walk to, town is a bike ride away and life is more laid back. No competition over who house is bigger, who can get the latest hummer fastest, no 8 year old kids running around with cell phones, and it doesn't take ten minutes to drive two miles because of traffic. OH and then there are the bennies that crowd us in even further for the duration of the summer!!


New member
Well I was raised in a rural setting up until about 18. I bought a place in the "city" about a year and a half ago. This city is by no means large. Calgary is the closest large city. I have to say that I really don't like living in the city.

I find that people are more preoccupied with themselves and are generally ignorant to anything that doesn't directly effect them. People seem to be far less friendly in urban areas. Sure there are some good things about living in the city such as being close to most stores. Also being near many of my friends/family is nice.

I couldn't imagine living somewhere like Toronto, New York, or Los Angeles that would just drive me nuts. But I guess you can get used to pretty much anything.

I apreciate nature and all, but once I spend a few days camping on an island, I start missing the convinience of a big city. The events, the noise, the crowds, excitement...

... the TV, the flushing toilets....you know.

Having lived in Moscow, I can't understand living in a small town.

To each his own.



New member
homer is a nice small town, and i like it, everybody knows everybody, you know who to not do business with, and the air is nice and fresh, did i mention the extensive use of guns, for recreational an subsistence living, thats always fun. so i gotta go small town


New member
I agree with Phreak, I like living in a small town. I am close enough to get to shopping and other services but its not a huge town. I can't stand alot of traffic or having to drive FOREVER to get to work or to whatever service I am looking for but I also like a little peace and quiet when I am at home.


New member
I prefer city life, more exciting, diverse and cultured. Small town life is BORING. People there are usually boring, too and narrow minded- scared of expanding their horizons experiencing new and different things (I'm not saying ALL people, if you take offense maybe it's you then). I mean don't get me wrong they both have their pros and cons, but to live in a small town... not in this point of my life.....


New member
I’m stuck in the middle. I don’t like big cities. The hustle and bustle. You can’t even own a car. On the other hand my wife’s parents live in Davenport WA. Wheat and barley fields as far as the eye can see. **** that too. In Anchorage we have the city life but a vast big back yard. Two roads. One going north and one going south. It’s usually a couple hundred miles to go to some place like Homer or Fairbanks but it’s worth it. Any other place you usally need a float plane.


New member
I prefer small town, parking in big cities is a *****.
I think I could adjust to not having a car in a big city or to dealing with the parking nightmares but I couldn't adjust to the noise. I value peace and quiet SO much.



New member
I think I could adjust to not having a car in a big city or to dealing with the parking nightmares but I couldn't adjust to the noise. I value peace and quiet SO much.
So how come you never Shut the **** Up?



New member
Thought I would bring this thread back up the line. With all the sprawl going on and duplexes and condos and developments going up over the past 2 years the line between city and urban is getting pretty fuzzy.


The Town of 1770 is heritage listed.

I think you need permission to paint your roof there.

No more building allowed. ;)



New member
So how come you never Shut the **** Up?
You really do seem obsessed with me...I thought the point to being a contributing member of a blog sight like this is to start threads and contribute to keeping them going.

This little temper tantrum of yours proves what I have been saying all along about you. Your an internet bully and because I continue in the face of whatever you say to hold up my opinion, you can't take it so you revert to the child you truly are, to the internet equivalent of shouting...Is it posible that it wasn't your CHOICE to leave your teaching profession, you were forced to because they saw through the thin veil to the real Builder and didn't want you around the children anymore?? Or did you leave on your own because you knew that day was coming, better to leave on your own before being forced out...

If anyone deserves to be boxed its you...

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