Suburbia and the slums of the city. both have pros and cons lets weigh them.
Suburbia- Education, well no its not in these communitite there is a standard that had to be up held so the kids are just as retarded as the kids in the city just with better books
City- Growing up an knowing everyone on the block, it gives you great security people know you and your family and probably watched you when you where a baby, well..... nvermind that same babysitter wont tell the police who just drove by and shot up your ******* house killing your mom and sister.
Suburbia- Drug abuse is under control, kids play sports and maintain great grades, well........ I dont think so thoes teachers just pass you along even if you failed your mid-term and your final, and the drugs are just as big as in the city they just cover the **** up to keep a squeeky clean immage to bring more rich bastards to their hevan on earth.
City- Have great programs for the kids that are not a fortunate as the kids in the suburbs, they have computer labs, playgrounds and after school have mentors, buuuuuuuuut naw i dont think so, the city doesnt have enough money ko fund the programs ant the computers are '93 apples without internet and those old *** floppy disks, and the play grounds are where the crack whores give theit ******** for their dub of crack and the mntors are molesters who just got out of prison, and the school thought since this person went to jail he could teach these troubled kids something but no he touches them and gets thrown back in jail causing the cycle of crime to start all over again.
there wernt that many good things on eaither side but who gives a ****, YOU ALL KNOW IM RIGHT