US/Europe Set Up Russian First Strike Justification But Will It Be Nuclear? No. Electromagnetic We

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G7 Play Thermonuclear
Chess With Putin
By F. William Engdahl

The most significant outcome of the recent G8 Summit at Heiligendamm was not
Chancellor Merkel's "victory" on the contentious issue of greenhouse gas
emissions. It was the shrewd chess play by Russia's President Vladimir Putin
on the US Missile Defense strategy for Europe.

Putin outplayed his US counterpart Bush as he laid on the table a new
proposal to deal with Washington's ostensible argument why it must build its
ballistic missile defense system in Poland, the Czech Republic and perhaps
also Ukraine and Bulgaria. The proposal was as simple as it was devastating
for the US argument in favor of Czech and Polish ABM sites.

At a joint press conference following their private talks, Putin declared,
"We have our own ideas. I outlined them in detail. The first proposal
involves the joint use of the Gabala radar station that Russia leases from
Azerbaijan. I spoke with the President of Azerbaijan about this just
yesterday. Our present agreement with Azerbaijan would allow us to do this
and the President of Azerbaijan stressed that he would be happy if his
country could contribute to ensuring global security in this way.

"We can do this automatically," Putin added, "and in this case the system we
established would include all of Europe without exception, rather than
simply one part of the continent. This would completely eliminate the
possibility of missiles falling on European countries because they would
fall either into the sea or into the ocean. It would eliminate the need --
or, more accurately -- allow us to refrain from changing our position and
retargeting our missiles..."

US replies

After this press conference Bush's spokesman announced that he had taken
ill. More likely Mr Bush had to get briefed and fast how to respond to the
unexpected Russian offer. Condi Rice even admitted they were caught off
guard. The Russian President called their bluff before the world press.

The response didn't take long. On June 15 General Henry Obering, head of the
US Missile Defense Agency declared the Russian proposal wouldn't help
against the "Iran threat" and installing a US radar system in the Czech
Republic and a missile base (sic) in Poland was the "best possible decision
given studies of possible flight trajectories of long-range ballistic
missiles the Islamic Republic was working on"

A day earlier at a NATO defense ministers' meet, US Defense Secretary Gates
stated the US would go ahead with its plans for a missile defense system in
Eastern Europe whether or not any agreement is reached on an alternative
Russian proposal.

In brief, Washington's response has been a parody of Admiral Farragut's
famous cry: "Damn the missiles; full speed ahead!"

The US made a formal request in January to place a radar base in a military
area near Prague, and interceptor missiles in neighbouring Poland as part of
a US-controlled missile defense shield. In doing so, Washington, we should
recall, claimed rogue missile attacks from Iran or North Korea as

The world could well look back to Heiligendamm as the last chance the major
powers had to avoid thermonuclear destruction. Sound overly dramatic? The
day after he made his proposal to Mr Bush, Putin called an open press
conference with all invited G8 media.

Why Putin is right

A western reader of mainline press would conclude that Russia has
unilaterally reverted to its Cold War stance and threatens world peace. The
reality is a little different. As Putin told the G8 press in comments almost
completely blocked out in western media, "if this missile system is put in
place, it will work automatically with the entire nuclear capability of the
United States. It will be an integral part of the US nuclear capability."

In other words, missile "defense" is not defensive at all. It is offensive.
If one of two nuclear opponents has nuclear strike ability and even a modest
shield against retaliation from the other, he has what NATO strategists have
dreamed of since the mid-1950's: Nuclear Primacy. You can simply dictate
terms of surrender to the other. The first nation with a nuclear missile
shield would de facto have 'first strike ability.' Quite correctly, Lt.
Colonel Robert Bowman, Director of the US Air Force missile defense program,
recently called missile defense, "the missing link to a First Strike."

We can dismiss the argument about Iran missiles. The Azeri offer of Putin
for US missile shield would stand on the Iran border. The current US plans
for Europe call to mind the September 2000 report which in addition to
calling for regime change in Iraq also demanded upgraded priority to missile
defense as a tool to "project US power." That report, 'Rebuilding America's
Defenses,' by the hawkish Project for the New American Century, where Dick
Cheney and Don Rumsfeld were members, declared, 'The United States must
develop and deploy global missile defenses to defend the American homeland
and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for US power projection
around the world.'

In his remarks at Heiligendamm, Putin reminded the press it was not Russia
but the USA which started the new confrontation, when it unilaterally
abrogated the US-Russian Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty in December 2001.
Then Washington has supported color revolutions and pro-NATO regime changes
on Russia's borders. It has brought into NATO Poland, Latvia, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and
Slovenia, formerly of Yugoslavia. NATO candidates include the Georgia,
Croatia, Albania and Macedonia. Ukraine's President, Victor Yushchenko, has
tried to bring Ukraine into NATO. This is a clear message to Moscow, not
surprisingly, one they don't seem to welcome with open arms.

Putin noted with more than a little irony, "we have removed all of our heavy
weapons from the European part of Russia and put them behind the Urals. We
have reduced our Armed Forces by 300,000. We have taken several other steps
required by the ACAF. But what have we seen in response? Eastern Europe is
receiving new weapons, two new military bases are being set up in Romania
and in Bulgaria, and there are two new missile launch areas -- a radar in
Czech republic and missile systems in Poland. And we are asking ourselves
the question: what is going on? Russia is disarming unilaterally. But if we
disarm unilaterally then we would like to see our partners be willing to do
the same thing in Europe. On the contrary, Europe is being pumped full of
new weapons systems."

Russia will now likely leave the 1990 treaty on conventional forces in
Europe to reorganize its military posture. It will retarget its missiles at
EU and US targets. On June 14 Moscow announced successful tests of a new
type of ballistic missile that will reportedly penetrate any US missile
defense. The new Cold War is underway. How that affects EU-Russian
relations, including in oil and gas, will be the political theme of the rest
of this decade.
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 20:17:24 -0400,
<> wrote:

>G7 Play Thermonuclear
>Chess With Putin
>By F. William Engdahl
>The most significant outcome of the recent G8 Summit at Heiligendamm was not
>Chancellor Merkel's "victory" on the contentious issue of greenhouse gas
>emissions. It was the shrewd chess play by Russia's President Vladimir Putin
>on the US Missile Defense strategy for Europe.

Probably the powers in Russia and the USA just do not like
John Kuhles, Dr Steven Greer, Steven Bassett, Alfred L. Webre, and
many other good folks.

The reason I make the above statement is because Russia could easily
put a variety of new and different information on their TV news. But
instead they just play along like every other country.

And big deal !!

I don't know everything.

I often try to see the other side of the story.

For example this quote ......

Quote :
"Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests which
turn you into slaves".

..... If I study that message carefully, I can see some other sides of
the story ............

We have to work hard for what we earn.

So called Heaven, is created by the things we have around us.
If I look around right now I can see canvases, paints, brushes, a
wooden bowl, a $2 lotto ticket, a computer monitor, and an old carpet
that needs to be taken to the rubbish dump when I have the ability or
the friends or helpers to help take it to the rubbish dump and then
provide a new carpet.

There !!

Those aliens just complain instead of giving some nice information.

They won't give the blue prints to make a robot machine that can make
new clean carpets from thrown away rubbish dump matter.

They just come out with limited crap.
i.e. ...

We aliens all show up !!

Or you all get mind fluffed !!

LOL :)

I love this UFO ET information.
I love newsgroups.

Thank you England and America !

Have a great day !!





Sir Gilligan Horry (ret) (active) (ret) (active) (ret) (active)
_ _ _ _ _ _
Universe Big Bang Fragment Speck Remnant.
"Earth Care Day" (Yahoo!) Champion Proponent.
Latest Photo Evidence and Proof Investigator...
Love and Dark and Light and other Pretty Colors.
Unauthorized 57 Different Species Investigating Space Jester.
Chief Executive CEO Intelligence Data Engineer of
"100 reasons why some folks hang out in AAR and AAV"
( alt.alien.research, alt.alien.visitors )
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:33:47 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

Smile pretty....'re on candid camera.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:47:10 -0400,
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:33:47 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>Smile pretty....
>'re on candid camera.

I saw two other documentaries on TV the other day.

Penn and Teller's Bullsh t.
"Big Brother".
(about surveillance and The Patriot Act)

Camera Surveillance Research.
3D face scanning, eye scanning, and the surveillance technologies in
production for the future.





Sir Gilligan Horry (ret) (active) (ret) (active) (ret) (active)
_ _ _ _ _ _
Universe Big Bang Fragment Speck Remnant.
"Earth Care Day" (Yahoo!) Champion Proponent.
Latest Photo Evidence and Proof Investigator...
Love and Dark and Light and other Pretty Colors.
Unauthorized 57 Different Species Investigating Space Jester.
Chief Executive CEO Intelligence Data Engineer of
"100 reasons why some folks hang out in AAR and AAV"
( alt.alien.research, alt.alien.visitors )
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 15:11:45 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>

>On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:47:10 -0400,
><> wrote:
>>On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:33:47 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>Smile pretty....
>>'re on candid camera.

>I saw two other documentaries on TV the other day.
>Penn and Teller's Bullsh t.
>"Big Brother".
>(about surveillance and The Patriot Act)
>Camera Surveillance Research.
>3D face scanning, eye scanning, and the surveillance technologies in
>production for the future.

That's the past. You had your 15 minutes of fascism....

....just like you had your new world order.

You have less than 50 years before the last human lives on Earth.

It's a Brave New Whirled.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:49:59 -0400,
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 15:11:45 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:47:10 -0400,
>><> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:33:47 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>>Smile pretty....
>>>'re on candid camera.

>>I saw two other documentaries on TV the other day.
>>Penn and Teller's Bullsh t.
>>"Big Brother".
>>(about surveillance and The Patriot Act)
>>Camera Surveillance Research.
>>3D face scanning, eye scanning, and the surveillance technologies in
>>production for the future.

>That's the past. You had your 15 minutes of fascism....
>...just like you had your new world order.
>You have less than 50 years before the last human lives on Earth.

That is very generous of you.

>It's a Brave New Whirled.

Yeah, I think they are close to making something
better than 'Silent Running'.

Freeman Lowell :
"It calls back a time when there were flowers all over the Earth...
and there were valleys. And there were plains of tall green grass that
you could lie down in - you could go to sleep in. And there were blue
skies, and there was fresh air... and there were things growing all
over the place, not just in some domed enclosures blasted some
millions of miles out in to space."





Sir Gilligan Horry (ret) (active) (ret) (active) (ret) (active)
_ _ _ _ _ _
Universe Big Bang Fragment Speck Remnant.
"Earth Care Day" (Yahoo!) Champion Proponent.
Latest Photo Evidence and Proof Investigator...
Love and Dark and Light and other Pretty Colors.
Unauthorized 57 Different Species Investigating Space Jester.
Chief Executive CEO Intelligence Data Engineer of
"100 reasons why some folks hang out in AAR and AAV"
( alt.alien.research, alt.alien.visitors )
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:49:59 -0400,
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 15:11:45 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 21:47:10 -0400,
>><> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:33:47 +1200, Sir Gilligan Horry <>
>>>Smile pretty....
>>>'re on candid camera.

>>I saw two other documentaries on TV the other day.
>>Penn and Teller's Bullsh t.
>>"Big Brother".
>>(about surveillance and The Patriot Act)
>>Camera Surveillance Research.
>>3D face scanning, eye scanning, and the surveillance technologies in
>>production for the future.

>That's the past. You had your 15 minutes of fascism....

Almost as good as our two hours on the beach.

>...just like you had your new world order.

And the new order for more tequila from the liquor store.

>You have less than 50 years before the last human lives on Earth.

Jesus, 'Lexa, you've been posting the same thing for 10 years.

>It's a Brave New Whirled.

How's Jon?


Lits Slut#10
Usenet Ruiner #3
Top Asshole On The Net #2
Most Hated Usenetizen of all time #2
Hammer of Thor - August 2005
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, Trainer of Steve 'BowTurd' Young
Brainwashed Follower of Art Deco #1
Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship
From the desk of Paul Belien on Mon, 2006-02-27 22:13

Bukovsky and BelienVladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet
dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another
Soviet Union. In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky
called the EU a
On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 23:24:50 -0500, Fred Hall <> wrote:


Jesus never existed. Christiantiy is a farce.

The Queen of England, Tony Blair, Conduhliesa Rice and the PNAC believe in

Lessons Learned From A Totalitarian State.

Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship
From the desk of Paul Belien on Mon, 2006-02-27 22:13

Bukovsky and BelienVladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet
dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another
Soviet Union. In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky
called the EU a