US May Nuke Mecca


Charles Farley

Associated Press
July 18, 2005

Congressman suggests way to retaliate for nuclear terror
Spokesman: Tancredo was speaking hypothetically

DENVER, Colorado -- A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that
the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist
terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.

Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando,
Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically.

Talk show host Pat Campbell asked the Littleton Republican how the
country should respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with
nuclear weapons.

"Well, what if you said something like -- if this happens in the United
States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist,
fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites,"
Tancredo answered.

"You're talking about bombing Mecca," Campbell said.

"Yeah," Tancredo responded.

The congressman later said he was "just throwing out some ideas" and
that an "ultimate threat" might have to be met with an "ultimate

Spokesman Will Adams said Sunday the four-term congressman doesn't
support threatening holy Islamic sites but that Tancredo was grappling
with the hypothetical situation of a terrorist strike deadlier than the
September 11, 2001, attacks.

"We have an enemy with no uniform, no state, who looks like you and me
and only emerges right before an attack. How do we go after someone
like that?" Adams said.

"What is near and dear to them? They're willing to sacrifice everything
in this world for the next one. What is the pressure point that would
deter them from their murderous impulses?" he said.

Mohammad Noorzai, coordinator of the Colorado Muslim Council, said
Tancredo's remarks were radical and unrepresentative but that people in
Tancredo's position need to watch their words when it comes to sacred
religious sites and texts.
IF we did indeed get nuked in this country, I thing that would be an appropriate response...
Bin Laden WANTS us to nuke mecca

Than that way every Islamic fundamentalist and Anti-America faction on the face of the earth will have their panties in a knot, and will go completely terror/war wacky. Everyone will boycott or attack the U.S, as they will see them as bloodthirsty murderers. And on top of that, the entire muslim population will see Bin Laden, Hammas, Zaquweri and all those other groups and people as messiahs.
fullauto said:
IF we did indeed get nuked in this country, I thing that would be an appropriate response...

Did someone say ''nuke mecca'',I've put my ninja outfit on, Fullo,don't mess.
I'll go crazy on ya ass. :D
Please mecca can't be attacked,have you seen the amount of security.Not just security by people,but Allah has vowed in the Qu'ran that no harm will ever touch it.So keep dreamin'.
Here's an Idea you might like: I say we strap a nuke to Saddam Huessein, force him to walk into the center of mecca on Rammadhan, then detonate that son of a bitch. How's about it?
Did someone say ''nuke mecca'',I've put my ninja outfit on, Fullo,don't mess.
I'll go crazy on ya ass. :D
Please mecca can't be attacked,have you seen the amount of security.Not just security by people,but Allah has vowed in the Qu'ran that no harm will ever touch it.So keep dreamin'.
Doesn't matter how much security there is, they ain't gonna stop a NUKE. I doubt Allah would be able to protect it.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Here's an Idea you might like: I say we strap a nuke to Saddam Huessein, force him to walk into the center of mecca on Rammadhan, then detonate that son of a bitch. How's about it?

Hmm not bad,cept his head would be flying off before he reached the centre.
You can't just walk into the centre of any country.KVH,smart?I think not.
Did someone say ''nuke mecca'',I've put my ninja outfit on, Fullo,don't mess.
I'll go crazy on ya ass. :D
Please mecca can't be attacked,have you seen the amount of security.Not just security by people,but Allah has vowed in the Qu'ran that no harm will ever touch it.So keep dreamin'.

Allah has promised you people a lot! But, I don't see alot of fruition occuring in that aspect... I don't get it... If Allah is so nice, and caring, why does he continually ignore the fact that you people are dying by the thousands at the hands of infidels, and natural disasters like starvation and such... Can't be all that powerful, or all that nice a god to let such things happen to his people...
fullauto said:
Allah has promised you people a lot! But, I don't see alot of fruition occuring in that aspect... I don't get it... If Allah is so nice, and caring, why does he continually ignore the fact that you people are dying by the thousands at the hands of infidels, and natural disasters like starvation and such... Can't be all that powerful, or all that nice a god to let such things happen to his people...

Everyone will die.This is just a temporary life as we all know.well some?
It doesn't matter which way you die.Death is death it is all the same.
phreakwars said:
Doesn't matter how much security there is, they ain't gonna stop a NUKE. I doubt Allah would be able to protect it.

Well what has stopped the whole world from nukin' it a long time ago?Allah has protected it all along.
Well what has stopped the whole world from nukin' it a long time ago?Allah has protected it all along.
Get out of your dream world, it hasn't been protected, just ignored... for now...
The thing you should really be paying attention to here, is that as of late, Hatred of Islam is growing at an elevated rate... Europeans are starting to realize to some extent what it is that has pissed us American off so much... It seems the more Islam tries to bend our will as Western nations by bombing us and being irrational, the more people start to think like Phreak, MRIH, Hugh, RO, and myself...
Hmm not bad,cept his head would be flying off before he reached the centre.
You can't just walk into the centre of any country.KVH,smart?I think not.

That wasn't supposed to be a serious post you know
Isn't it implied that in a full scale war between Islam and the West, the West would crush them? I don't think anyone has to say we may nuke Mecca if the US mainland gets hit, but it's certainly possible given the power of the post-cold war allies. Even the most religiously blinded assholes can't argue with matter how many times they pray, or how many fatwas are issued, the US still has more nukes. It would take something a nuclear blast in a major city for us to take out Mecca, or Medina, or some other sacred place.

Terrorists think they can scare us...but we can scare them more cuz they have more SACRED places to i evil ??
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
You're right, but Europeans are to trigger shy to deal in absolutes anymore. They still feel guilty about the big one.

I think they are coming around though.....
The U.S. government and its allies have saved more Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovinia that Allah ever has...gee maybe we should have said "You go Uncle Milo and do your thang, we'll be over here chillen"

Yet the Muslims STILL say we're the great Satan...go figure.
Like the liberals in our country, The Muslims like to alter the facts to suit thier beliefs more than the other way around... That's probably why the two sides have practically joined hands... :mad:

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