User Profile Proliferation


The Cleaner

Often, when performing a wipe-and-reload with a customer's machine, I run into the profile bottleneck; When I get to the point where I've transferred the freshly cleaned data back to the machine and am ready to migrate the data to the appropriate folders, I find that the customer has sometimes in excess of 10 profiles! It is annoying enough to have to go through control panel to create each of those users so I can migrate the data accordingly. It is even more tedious that I have to then log into each of those profiles then log out again just to get those profiles to show up in Documents and Settings or the Users folder!
Now, I know I can use the Net User command to create the users... But is there a way to force Windows to actually create the profiles' folders and all the AppData goodies and such that goes with it? If I could create each profile via command line then run a simple batch file to breath filesystem life into them with one stroke, it would make my life easier (sounds like a minor issue, but I do about 15-30 of these a week and it gets irritating).

I have never yet found a problem that the great folks on this forum couldn't help me solve (excepting WinME, but that problem is - and forever will be - beyond solution). I thank everyone retroactively and in advance for their help!

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