Utter Bullshit...

You're right about what would have happened if it was a male teacher and female student. They would crucify a man for that.

But you must have considered that there is a significant difference here(which, by they way, leads to a whole other deal as well). 14-year-old boys, especially these days it seems, are looking to stick it anywhere an attractive older woman would offer should they consider themselves to be so lucky as to ever find themselves in such a way. The "whole other deal" is whether or not girls of the same age are open to an equivalent experience. I don't have an answer for that.

Is the kid more damaged by the actual relationship(pre-busted), the **** that surrounded the week or two post-busted, or the trial? I actually have an experience or two here I can recall so if you answer then state what you really feel and not what you think everyone on this board wants to hear.

She crossed the line, though. Teacher/student is best left to fantasy. Unless you're no longer an active student. And if you're of age. And...**** it, you get the point.
Actually, female teachers are getting canned for this all over the shop.

Mary Kay Letourneu was one that springs to mind.
builder said:
Actually, female teachers are getting canned for this all over the shop.

Mary Kay Letourneu was one that springs to mind.

She went to jail for it, but then they got married soon after she got out of jail. So she didn't learn anything. And it didn't set the example that people were hoping for.
manicmonday said:
She went to jail for it, but then they got married soon after she got out of jail. So she didn't learn anything. And it didn't set the example that people were hoping for.

That's true, but it takes two to tango. Her young lover, with the support of his mother, raised their love child, and waited patiently for her release. Mary Kay's husband got rid of her at the earliest opportunity, and took part in the prosecution case to see her jailed in the first place.

If you read up on this case, you will see that she was the neglected wife of a philandering businessman, who thought more of his money, and his mistresses, than his wife and young family.
builder said:
That's true, but it takes two to tango. Her young lover, with the support of his mother, raised their love child, and waited patiently for her release. Mary Kay's husband got rid of her at the earliest opportunity, and took part in the prosecution case to see her jailed in the first place.

If you read up on this case, you will see that she was the neglected wife of a philandering businessman, who thought more of his money, and his mistresses, than his wife and young family.

I totally agree with you that he is an asshole. But I can't see turning to a 12 year old at the time for comfort. You have a son who's 16 and pretty cute, but I see him as a boy, not a play thing.

2 wrongs don't make a right. She was ignored and he cheated. Get divorced and find someone your own age. Very simple. Don't look to your students to get you thru.
manicmonday said:
I totally agree with you that he is an asshole. But I can't see turning to a 12 year old at the time for comfort. You have a son who's 16 and pretty cute, but I see him as a boy, not a play thing.

2 wrongs don't make a right. She was ignored and he cheated. Get divorced and find someone your own age. Very simple. Don't look to your students to get you thru.

Agreed. But she was distraught and physically unable to socialise, other than with her students, so it's catch 22.

It's hard to say what was going through her head when she considered the outcome of flirting with her student.

She'd discovered her hubby's infidelity, and her friendship with Fili, her well-developed student, was probably all she had to fall back on.

Tough one to call.
builder said:
Agreed. But she was distraught and physically unable to socialise, other than with her students, so it's catch 22.

It's hard to say what was going through her head when she considered the outcome of flirting with her student.

She'd discovered her hubby's infidelity, and her friendship with Fili, her well-developed student, was probably all she had to fall back on.

Tough one to call.

I don't consider it tought at all, it's child molestation.
manicmonday said:
I don't consider it tought at all, it's child molestation.

Ordinarily, I would agree MM. I've seen two documentaries on this case now.

Fili fell in love with his teacher. She may, or may not have seduced him, but he wilfully waited for her to get out of prison, and she risked going back to prison to resume the relationship.

From memory, she did go back to prison for breaching bail. He waited again.
builder said:
Ordinarily, I would agree MM. I've seen two documentaries on this case now.

Fili fell in love with his teacher. She may, or may not have seduced him, but he wilfully waited for her to get out of prison, and she risked going back to prison to resume the relationship.

From memory, she did go back to prison for breaching bail. He waited again.

I watched a couple programs about this case as well. I think she was unstable and she lead this boy down the garden path to do things that were wrong, she didn't allow him to grow up normally, she took over his life. She was out at one point and court ordered to stay away from him, she met up with him and got pregnant...
The whole thing makes me sick. The real victims here are the children these two people have brought into this world, not too mention the man she was married to when this all started and the children she had with him that have had to endure the publicity and no doubt shame at their crazy Mothers actions. I have also seen the Mother of the boy Fili and I feel for her as well...
I was gonna bring up this topic but someone beat me to it. I saw it on the news and they interviewed the husband. Seemed like a pretty nice and normal guy. She knew he was a busy man and obviously cared about his money, cuz she probably married him for it in the first place. I was gonna state as well if it were a guy molesting a 14 year old girl he'd probably get 20 years for it. They showed her statement and she acted like it was ****ing walk in the park and was just another bump in the road of her crooked life. I however, didn't know they were having a kid. Did she get knocked up?
There is a strange dichotomy here.

Everyone will agree that a man seducing a female minor is in the wrong. But somehow, a woman seducing a boy is not quite so wrong.

I can't help feeling a little envious of the kid.

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