Vampires are coming......



A man whose face was eaten by a naked attacker in Miami is fighting for his life as authorities try to piece together just what sparked the horrific incident.

“When I looked forward, there's a guy on top of another person, eating him up like, just tearing, tearing his face apart,” he told Local 10 News. “It’s going to take some time to forget. I never thought I would see someone else eating someone. It was really, really horrific.”

He alerted a police officer “that a homeless man was killing another person by biting and ripping his face to death.”

Vega said the cop ordered the man to stop, but he did not listen. He then drew his gun, but “the guy just stood... with pieces of flesh in his mouth and he growled,” he told WSVN 13 News.


The victim, who lost about 75% of his face, was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital, according to WSVN 13 News. He remains in crticial condition.

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New member
yea thats some crazy ****. i was thinking more along the lines of zombies tho. it was said they think synthetic bath salt was the cause making him hallucinate but they didnt find any substances in the autopsy. they would have to wait for the labs to come back in a couple weeks to determine if there was anything in his system. check this crazy stuff out too i think people need to stick to alcohol and marijuana if these other drugs are having these effects on people


Active Members
Ok why did they rush the 2nd stories guy into surgery im pretty sure the world would be better off without a psycho like that

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black jack

New member
my little cuz who's a K-9 COP was telling me the bath salt high is BIGGG right now!! its alot like E 85,, it works really great and its cheap!! whats next, smoking ratshit??
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