[VB] v0.5 FSWeb Browser - In Deveolopment


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[VB] v1.0.0.6 FSWeb Browser - In Deveolopment


Current Dowload Link: Here

So I got bored and decided to make my own Web Browser. Yeah yeah I know there are thousands of problems with it at the moment, but I'm going to be working on this for a while so you should expect a usable Web Browser.

Also with the interface I'm going to do that last, so don't complain.

Also FSWeb is Fail Scene Web, I couldn't think of another name.

Also don't say this is easy to make or easy to fix, this is some of my first coding in vb and am still learning ;D - A Web Browser is by far probably one of the easiest things to make in vb. Other than a phisher.

Known Bugs/Errors

- When you press Enter after entering an address, nothing happens.

Red = Error that needs fixing

Orange = Currently Working On

Green = Fixed/Done

Older Versions:



Okay so I've done enough so that it can now be used as a proper web browser. If you'd like to download it, please click here. :)

If you can find any bugs or anything in it. Please post in the thread and I'll get it sorted out.

The only issue I'm trying to deal with is hitting enter instead of clicking on GO When you enter a Web Address.

I tried to make the interface as neat and as tidy as I possibly could to make it look more professional.

I have also added tabs and bookmarks and history.

Enjoy! :)

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Active Members
Heheh, Thanks. I'm not brilliant at this, but If I work on it for long enough and read enough Visual Basic tutorials I'll get the hang of it eventually. ;D


Active Members
Heheh, Thanks. I'm not brilliant at this, but If I work on it for long enough and read enough Visual Basic tutorials I'll get the hang of it eventually. ;D
Good luck with it, I've only mapped for basic VB6 games.



Active Members
Sounds awesome mate.

I can help you out with some of the issues you're having, if need be. Although, probably not at the moment as I'm busy as ****.

Sounds overall good though. I look forward to seeing further progress with it.



Active Members
Re: [VB] v1.0.0.6 FSWeb Browser - In Deveolopment


Okay so I've done enough so that it can now be used as a proper web browser. If you'd like to download it, please click here. :)

If you can find any bugs or anything in it. Please post in the thread and I'll get it sorted out.

The only issue I'm trying to deal with is hitting enter instead of clicking on GO When you enter a Web Address.

I tried to make the interface as neat and as tidy as I possibly could to make it look more professional.

I have also added tabs and bookmarks and history.

Enjoy! :)
Updated, feel free to download it and test it out ;)

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